Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

  • Along with Illegal Immigrants, Infectious Diseases are Crossing America’s Border

    February 25, 2025

    Along with Illegal Immigrants, Infectious Diseases are Crossing America’s Border

    For the past four years, our national borders have been as porous as a sieve, allowing thousands of illegal aliens to cross into America every day. Few are screened for criminal backgrounds, useful skills, intentions toward America, or infectious dis...

  • Women Forced to Compete Against Men? Just Say No!

    April 29, 2024

    Women Forced to Compete Against Men? Just Say No!

    During the Reagan presidency years, one of first lady Nancy Reagan’s initiatives was the “Just Say No” approach to drug abuse. Whether illicit drug use declined due to this slogan is controversial, but the premise is simple. When...

  • Why Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System

    March 11, 2024

    Why Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System

    Trust is foundational in relationships, whether between individuals or between individuals and institutions. A Gallup survey from last summer found, “Americans’ faith in major societal institutions hasn’t improved over the past year...

  • January 29, 2024

    Boys Will be Boys, Not Girls, on the Golf Course

    Golf was once a gentlemen’s sport, with golf greats like Bobby Jones playing in a shirt and tie, and often knickers. Other champions, like Arnold Palmer frequently puffed on a cigarette while playing. Some more recent golf greats like John ...

  • January 3, 2024

    Scientists Shocked to Discover That Male and Female Athletes are Different!

    It was once a commonsense belief and universal truth that men and women, boys and girls, are different, especially in the realm of athletics. With rare exceptions, men and women compete in their own categories, from high school level through college ...

  • December 11, 2023

    Climate and COVID – Making It Up As They Go Along

    During COVID, we were all told to “follow the science.” The COVID poster boy, Dr. Anthony Fauci, went so far as to self-proclaim, “I am the science.” What science was the “COVID experts” following? Masks we...

  • November 20, 2023

    Follow the Science -- Except for Sex and Gender

    Throughout the real-life science fiction movie called COVID, we have been told to “follow the science.”  The face of COVID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, condescendingly proclaimed, “I am the science.” It comes to light now ...

  • September 25, 2023

    Why are We Going Back to Masks?

    Masks are making a return, now over 3 years since COVID upended life in most of the world. For those past three years, we were constantly told to “follow the science”. What science were we following, medical science or political scienc...

  • September 5, 2023

    Masks – They’re Back!

    Jack Torrance, the raging alcoholic character in The Shining, screamed famously in the movie, “I’m back!” Another such character in the real-life horror movie called COVID-19, is the face mask. And like Jack Torrance, the mask i...

  • May 1, 2023

    A Woman by Any Other Name is Still a Woman

    A famous line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, meaning that things are what they are, regardless of what you choose to name them. This is why modern man uses language to precis...

  • April 24, 2023

    ESPN and the Democrats Throw Women Athletes Under the Bus

    ESPN launched in 1979 as the Entertainment and Sports Network, broadcasting on cable and satellite television, focusing on sports programming. ESPN in recent years discovered a new sport, wokeness, in keeping with most of corporate America. From t...

  • March 20, 2023

    Psychologists Prescribing Psych Meds in Colorado -- Crazy or Crafty?

    Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed House Bill 1071 a week ago which allows Colorado psychologists to prescribe mental health or psychiatric medications to their patients. This bill passed into law despite objections from psychiatrists, who are medi...

  • March 13, 2023

    Another Conspiracy Theory Comes True – COVID-19 Lab Origin

    Where did COVID-19 originate? Was it a lab leak, or spread from a Chinese wet market? Any scientist or researcher suggesting that COVID-19 originated in or was released from a lab had been ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist.”...

  • February 27, 2023

    And Just Like That, Natural Immunity is No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

    Natural immunity to disease is, or at least was, a well-known concept in medicine. By disease, I mean viral infections. One can’t develop natural immunity to diseases like diabetes or heart failure. Many of us remember “chicken p...

  • February 20, 2023

    When Stuff Happens – Blame it on Climate Change!

      Omnipotent is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “having total power, able to do anything.” This word is typically used to describe God, but in the new world religion of environmentalism, climate change has replaced God. Climat...

  • February 13, 2023

    So many people recently ‘died suddenly’ – What’s going on?

    A new and increasingly popular Twitter hashtag is “#diedsuddenly” in response to a surge of sudden unexplained deaths among mostly young and healthy individuals, including athletes, occurring over the past 2 years. Here are but a few rece...

  • January 30, 2023

    Are the COVID Yarns Slowly Beginning to Unravel?

    It has been three years since COVID-19 entered the scene. It probably emerged in the previous year based on COVID antibodies found in banked blood from the fall of 2019 and a severe non-influenza respiratory illness sweeping through ICUs in the early...

  • January 24, 2023

    COVID Vaxes – It’s Not ‘The More the Merrier’

    The expression, “If some is good, more must be better” might apply to chocolate, vacations, and American Thinker articles, but not to everything in life. I speak of COVID vaccines, a hot topic in personal discussions and on social media. ...

  • January 9, 2023

    Where are the Intellectually Curious Doctors?

    Medicine, like most sciences, entails thinking and hypothesis creation to explain the myriad complexities of the healthy and diseased human body. Hypotheses are tested and refined, with new information or insights nudging or abruptly shifting cur...

  • September 13, 2022

    When you are sick, do you want Dr Woke or Dr Smart?

    Medical school and postgraduate training is a long and arduous journey, often taking 8-10 years beyond college. There is much to learn, process and assimilate. Clinical judgement stems not only from experience but also from intelligence. Medicine ...

  • August 15, 2022

    Monkeypoxing Around with 'Don’t Say Gay'

    Florida recently passed the “Parental Rights in Education” law which was rather straightforward and common sensical. Specifically, as NBC News reported at the time, "HB 1557 prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and g...

  • July 4, 2022

    Will Transgendered Athletes Now Give Back Their Medals and Titles?

    A decade or two ago, who would have thought a topic such as this would be newsworthy or relevant? Athletic competitions and sports leagues were always separated by age, gender, weight class, or other physical attributes which could convey an unfair a...

  • June 13, 2022

    It’s the Mental Health System, Stupid

    In the 1992 presidential election of George H.W. Bush versus Bill Clinton, Clinton’s campaign strategist James Carville coined the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Bush reneged on his previous campaign promise, “Read ...

  • May 31, 2022

    School Shootings – Beyond the Hype and Spin

    Every school shooting is tragic, including the recent massacre in Uvalde, Texas. Predictably, politicians and pundits are quick to politicize the issue to suit their personal agendas, while not offering any thoughtful analysis or potential solutions....

  • May 3, 2022

    Between Natural and Vaccine Antibodies, When is Enough Enough?

    Does COVID have an end, as in a final chapter or act? Or will it be like a movie theme that keeps spitting out sequels, each one worse than the last one, and none even close to the first movie that started the franchise? Think of Star Wars or Fas...

  • April 22, 2022

    If Masks Work, Wear One -- and If They Don’t, Why Mandate Them?

    This week, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle struck down the Biden administration's mask mandate for airplanes and other public transportation methods. Videos posted on social media showed airplane passengers cheering when...

  • April 11, 2022

    And Just Like That, Doctors Have Their Autonomy Back

    Physicians in America go through many years of training before they are ready to practice independently, often a decade or longer. This includes four years of medical school after four years of college, then a minimum of three years of residency trai...

  • March 28, 2022

    How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough?

    From the beginning of the COVID pandemic starting two years ago, we have heard conflicting and often nonsensical recommendations from those charged with knowing better and leading the country through the biggest public health crisis that most of us h...

  • March 21, 2022

    Man! I Swim as a Woman

    Shania Twain once had a hit song called “Man! I feel like a woman,” recorded in 1997, which was a celebration of womanhood. Twenty-five years later, women athletes are singing a different tune, one of dismay over competing a...

  • March 14, 2022

    The Continued Politicization of COVID

    From the beginning of COVID two years ago, health authorities and the media have been preaching “follow the science,” but what they don’t say is that it’s not medical science that they are following but instead political scien...

  • March 7, 2022

    COVID Vaccines - What Happened to 'Safe and Effective'?

    COVID vaccines were developed in record time, one might say at “warp speed,” the name of the operation instituted by President Trump in 2020. We were assured by those in whom we place trust that these vaccines were “safe and ef...

  • February 7, 2022

    Why the Sudden Hostility Toward Off-Label Medicines?

    The US Food and Drug Administration has an exhaustive process, “to evaluate new drugs before they can be sold.” Specifically, this involves the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). The rationale is sound and for the general goo...

  • January 31, 2022

    Feminist Hypocrisy on Display as Feminists Ignore Transgender Athletes

    The National Organization of Women is one of the leading “women’s rights” organizations with a stated goal, “Dedicated to its multi-issue and multi-strategy approach to women’s rights and is the largest organization of f...

  • January 17, 2022

    Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates

    See also: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Makes Startling Admissions About the Vaccines Vaccine mandates are one of many stifling measures brought on by the ongoing COVID pandemic, a consequence of those trying to “follow the science” and doi...

  • January 10, 2022

    Early Outpatient COVID Treatment – Why is There Still no Plan?

    For most infections, early treatment is imperative to prevent late complications. Gangrene infection in the toe must be treated aggressively to prevent losing not only the toe but also a foot or leg if the infection is inadequately treated and spread...

  • December 31, 2021

    Walking in a Fauci Wonderland

    Leading up to the Christmas holidays, we were treated to incessant Christmas songs, one of which is Winter Wonderland. This year, instead of Santa Claus handing out presents in a winter wonderland, we had Dr Anthony Fauci handing out threats of anoth...

  • December 23, 2021

    Is COVID Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

    American corporate media love catchphrases that they all repeat in unison, across network and cable television and through social media. One recent example is “viral blizzard” referring to the omicron variant of COVID. A search of Go...

  • December 13, 2021

    Omicron Variant – Scourge or Savior?

    A few weeks ago, we celebrated Thanksgiving, with gratitude for our many blessings, although these are becoming scarcer over the past two years. At the same time, we received news of a new COVID variant. It seems the world is on some type of Chinese ...

  • December 6, 2021

    Boys Replacing Girls in Sports – Feminists Yawn

    Women's sports are again under attack. Decades ago, it was due to tradition and patriarchy, with funding and attention lavished primarily on men’s sports. Title IX came in 1972, leveling the playing field. At the time, there were just over ...

  • November 29, 2021

    When All Else Fails, Bring Out the Masks

    The world is approaching the two-year anniversary of COVID, a life-changing event for many of us. The virus caused death, disability, and permanent illness for some, closed businesses, interrupted education, and upended lives in myriad ways. Much ...

  • November 22, 2021

    If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren't They Working?

    In the movie Moneyball, Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane queries his team of scouts when discussing a prospective player, “If he's a good hitter, why doesn't he hit good?” The scouts all have solid explanations, at le...

  • November 15, 2021

    Why are COVID Cases Spiking? Again…

    Watching the news, one sees constant stories about COVID numbers rising yet again now, almost two years into this pandemic, with COVID hospitalizations in some states higher than they have ever been except for the spike last December. In my...

  • November 9, 2021

    Vaccine Mandates – What’s the End Game?

    Once upon a time, President Joe Biden was against vaccine mandates. As president-elect in December 2020, he was asked, "Do you want vaccines to be mandatory?" His answer at the time seemed clear, "No I don't think it should be mand...

  • November 2, 2021

    What’s All The Buzz About Quercetin?

    Quercetin has been in the news lately, particularly as one of many potential therapeutics that might have some benefit in the prevention or treatment of COVID infection. Is there anything to this? Big media and the medical establishment are quick ...

  • October 18, 2021

    Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer?

    Aspirin is one of those drugs that has been around forever. It is commonly used as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinner. Surprisingly it may also have benefits in treating COVID. A paper in Anesthesia and Analgesia published last ...

  • October 12, 2021

    Why Are So Many People Still Dying from COVID?

    COVID has been with us for more than a year and a half, along with masks and distancing, since last year, and vaccine mandates, passports, and booster shots have been added. How many of us thought life would be back to normal by now? Or if ...

  • October 8, 2021

    Follow the Science – Except When it comes to Natural Immunity

    Viruses and other infectious organisms have been around since long before humans walked the planet. While many microorganisms are helpful and necessary for human survival and function, others bring disease and death. Immunity is what prevents humans ...

  • September 17, 2021

    Why is COVID Natural Immunity Being Ignored?

    Immunity, according to the CDC website, is “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.” They explain that “Immunity to a disease is achieved through t...

  • September 7, 2021

    Is COVID a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Not Quite.

    Physicians spreading medical misinformation, particularly about COVID, “are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards” due to their “high degree of public trust” and their “powerful platform in society.” ...

  • August 30, 2021

    Who’s Skipping the Vaccine? The Answer May Surprise You

    Big media has been in overdrive pushing COVID vaccinations, at least after Joe Biden was ensconced in the White House. Remember that when Donald Trump was still president, the vaccines were suspect, simply because Trump played a major role in their d...

  • August 2, 2021

    Do the COVID Vaccines Work or Not?

    We are a year and a half into the world’s nightmare of COVID-19, also known as the Chinese coronavirus, based on where this demon virus originated and spread from, either intentionally or inadvertently. We have been told to not wear masks, t...

  • July 27, 2021

    Served Its Purpose? CDC and FDA Recall Faulty COVID Test

    Last week, big media was salivating over the COVID Delta variant and recommendations for indoor masking, even for the vaccinated, masking young children, and the possibility of a return to last year, with social distancing, capacity limits, and busin...

  • July 23, 2021

    Monkey Business from China – COVID Part Two?

    Mark Twain is believed to have uttered this profundity about history, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Are we catching a glimpse of COVID history beginning to rhyme with itself? Today’s story is, ...

  • July 20, 2021

    Are Masks About to Become Permanent?

    Much of the world’s media is spewing nothing but gloom and doom over the Chinese coronavirus, that the worst is yet to come. NBC newsreader Lester Holt recently interviewed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. When Holt asked her, “Is this bec...

  • July 15, 2021

    Hey! Fauci! Leave Them Kids Alone!

    English rock band Pink Floyd released an album in 1979 entitled The Wall which explored abandonment and isolation, symbolized by a wall. Forty years later, these themes resonate with many in our post COVID world. The Chinese coronavirus, and more ...

  • July 12, 2021

    COVID Began Far Earlier Than We Were Told

    COVID has been a wrecking ball on the U.S. and world’s economies, devastating businesses, families, and individuals. How much of what we have been told by government “experts,” parroted by the media, has been false, either by d...

  • June 29, 2021

    Delta Variant – The COVID Sequel

    Most successful movies try to cash in on their box office bonanza with a sequel. Some do this well, like The Godfather, with both original and sequel winning best picture. Others simply get old and tiresome, like the Star Wars or Halloween franchises...

  • June 24, 2021

    I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar, Just not at the Olympics

    Helen Reddy sang a Grammy Award-winning hit in 1972 called “I Am Woman,” an ode to the newly blossomed feminist movement. It was a number one song in the US, selling over a million copies. I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too b...

  • June 21, 2021

    Following the Scientists Who Were Destroying America Just to Spite Trump

    For the past year and a half of COVID, we have been told by those supposedly in the know, to “follow the science.”  Those who question the science are at best called names, like “deniers” or “racists”, and at ...

  • June 14, 2021

    Ditch the Donkey – Democrats’ New Mascot is the Face Mask

    The first recorded use of the donkey to represent the Democrat party was in a Harper’s Weekly cartoon entitled, “A live jackass kicking a dead lion.” While the jackass would be a better mascot, modern Democrats would consider the ma...

  • June 9, 2021

    Follow the Science or Follow the Herd (Immunity)

    Throughout the past 16 months of COVID, we have been told to follow the science. How has that worked out? We have heeded each word of the guru of science, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Pied Piper of the Chinese coronavirus, who has graced magazine ...

  • June 4, 2021

    Should COVID now be called the ‘Fauci Flu’?

    Contagious disease outbreaks are named after their place of origin. There are myriad examples – Lyme Disease, Ebola, Zika, or Marburg virus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and so on. Tradition changed with “COVID-19”, an acronym i...

  • June 1, 2021

    Stockholm Syndrome over Mask Wearing

    Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where “hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors and abusers.” This bonding can occur over days, weeks, or months of captivity and abuse. Rather than being terrorized by their capto...

  • May 28, 2021

    Flip Flop Fauci

    Dr Anthony Fauci has achieved godlike status within the media and administrative state. His words are treated as gospel, to be accepted without question regarding all things COVID. He is a long-established member of the ruling class, first coming to ...

  • May 18, 2021

    And Just Like That, Masks Are No Longer Necessary

    Forrest Gump, with his simple, commonsensical approach to life, often noted, “just like that” something changed. Whether it was the rain in Vietnam, his running adventure, or his Army service, “just like that” it was over. ...

  • May 6, 2021

    The Incredible Vanishing Flu

    Seasonal influenza, also known as “the flu,” visits America every year, similar to tornados, thunderstorms, heat waves, and snowstorms. As tracked by the CDC, over the past decade symptomatic flu cases ranged from 9 to 45 million cases pe...

  • April 19, 2021

    J&J Vaccine Pause – Caution or Collusion?

    The FDA and CDC last week recommended a pause in COVID vaccinations of the Johnson & Johnson single shot vaccine due to a small number of reports of blood clots in individuals receiving the vaccine. This vaccine is the third FDA “allowed...

  • April 15, 2021

    Rep Dan Crenshaw Had Emergency Surgery on His Only Eye

    Republican Rep Dan Crenshaw (TX) received devastating news: A retinal detachment in his only seeing eye. Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL who lost his right eye due to an IED explosion in Afghanistan, hence his signature black eye patch. According t...

  • March 26, 2021

    Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Shooting Gallery

    Another mass shooting occurred this past week in Colorado, a state that had more than its share of similar shootings over the past few decades. 13 people were shot at Columbine High School in 1999. The Denver Post found that Colorado has had more ...

  • March 20, 2021

    Up the Down Staircase – Biden Style

    “Up the Down Staircase” is a 1960s movie featuring an English teacher in an inner-city New York high school. Like other popular movies from years gone by, many are remade into a more woke or politically correct version. This past Friday, ...

  • March 8, 2021

    Climate Warriors Silent on COVID Mask Pollution

    Masks have been permanent staple of American life for the past year. Recommendations change like spring weather, from none to one to two or more, all based on flimsy evidence from the “follow the science” crowd. Last March, the World H...

  • March 5, 2021

    Why is Cuomo Being Thrown Under the COVID-Con Bus?

    Less than a year ago, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was a darling of the left over his “leadership” in managing the COVID pandemic in his state. Last April, his daily press conferences were covered in full by Fox News and the other more ...

  • February 22, 2021

    Unmasking the Medical Experts

    Masks have become an unwelcome staple of American life with no end in sight. Mask recommendations change faster and more frequently than the weather. How did we get here? In the medical world, particularly in operating rooms, masks protect patient...

  • February 9, 2021

    Biden Sings ‘Lola’ - Girls will be Boys, and Boys will be Girls

    Ray Davies and the Kinks released an iconic song in 1970 about a confused man and his romantic encounter with a transgender female who “walked like a woman but talked like a man, oh my Lola”. A controversial song at the time, it is now th...

  • January 25, 2021

    Right on Schedule, COVID Pivots for Biden

      Imagine changing the rules in the middle of the game, so that hits rather than runs, or first downs rather than touchdowns, determine the game winner. That is exactly what is happening with COVID reporting, just as many of us predicted. Thi...

  • January 13, 2021

    Will COVID Numbers Now Shift for Biden’s Benefit?

    How much of the past year was about the actual coronavirus rather than a political weapon to damage President Trump and remove him from office? The answer is obvious. We have had viral pandemics before, including a seasonal influenza, without mask ma...

  • January 4, 2021

    Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths

    Imagine changing the rules in the middle of a football game. The halftime score is 14-12, the Raiders scoring two touchdowns while the Broncos kicked four field goals. In the second half the rules change with field goals worth seven points and touchd...

  • December 24, 2020

    Vaccines Have Arrived -- Along With More Answers, More Questions

    America’s Christmas present is not one but two vaccines for COVID. Operation Warp Speed lived up to its name despite assurances from the media and political smart set that a vaccine would never be available this year. President Trump promise...

  • December 21, 2020

    COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

    Operation Warp Speed was well named. The typically tortoise-paced government and pharmaceutical bureaucracies moved with hare-like speed bringing several vaccines to market and available to millions. Hopefully this will soon return America to normal,...

  • December 18, 2020

    AMA Lied – How Many Died?

    The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize ...

  • December 4, 2020

    Follow the Science (Except When the Results are Inconvenient)

    During the COVID pandemic, much science is at play, treated either as gospel or hate speech, enough for science professionals to lose their jobs or be suspended from social media platforms if their views are inconvenient to the establishment’s ...

  • November 30, 2020

    The COVID Case Con Continues

    As many Americans recover from their “virtual Thanksgiving,” sharing prayers and turkey across the internet, the media is pushing their November propaganda narrative, that Dementia Joe really won the presidential election and that CO...

  • November 27, 2020

    American Governors – COVID Crisis Actors

    Crisis actors are actors (or role players) portraying a victim during emergency training exercises for first responders. Their purpose is to simulate a real crisis, a dress rehearsal for the real thing where victims will be covered with real blood ra...

  • October 26, 2020

    Are Recent Reports of COVID Surges an Attempt to Suppress In-Person Voting?

    Back in March, the COVID mantra was "15 days to slow the spread," meaning flattening the curve.  The purpose was to avoid overwhelming the medical system, as no one really knew what we were up against with the Wuhan viru...

  • October 12, 2020

    Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News?

    COVID cases are on the rise, or so we are told daily by a hysterical media establishment.  Newspaper headlines scream panic, as this recent USAToday article proclaimed: "COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states — 9 months into the...

  • October 3, 2020

    Why Is President Trump in the Hospital?

    Election season is in full swing, with October surprises popping up like a jack-in-the-box at any moment.  Within just over a week, we had the passing of Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg followed promptly by Judge Amy Coney Barrett...

  • September 28, 2020

    It’s a COVID Casedemic, not a Pandemic

    Fall is in the air, along with a distinct smell of panic among Democrats and the media. Leaves are turning yellow and orange as presidential opinion polls are slowly but inexorably shifting favorably toward President Trump, turning the electoral map ...

  • September 11, 2020

    A Tale of Two COVID Treatments

    COVID-19 is a nasty virus, damaging or killing the unfortunate few who caught it and became extremely ill. Preferring the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions, many died or had their lives and families upended. Far more have been ...

  • September 9, 2020

    Are Democrats Hiding the Truth about COVID?

    COVID is not the first viral flu pandemic America has faced, yet the reaction is unprecedented. The entire economy has been shut down for months, some sectors still closed. Elective yet necessary medical care has been postponed leading to excess sick...

  • September 2, 2020

    The Big COVID Con Exposed

    One of the great grifter movies, aside from the Clinton and Obama presidencies, is The Sting. Henry Gondorff (Paul Newman) and Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford} team up, “to pull off a complicated scheme known simple as the Big Con,” a ...

  • August 25, 2020

    COVID’s Gonna Do What Viruses Do

    COVID is the alien in the movie of the same name, or Michael Meyers of Halloween movie fame. You can try to kill them or run away from them, but they have more lives than the average cat and keep coming after you, relentless and persistent, not going...

  • August 17, 2020

    COVID and Climate Policy Following the Same Playbook

    As we approach six months of lockdowns, mandates, and restrictions previously unfathomable in a free society, it is important to ask if what we are being told to do is either necessary or effective in combating this viral pandemic. Or are these em...

  • August 4, 2020

    The Real Reason Democrats are Pushing for Mail-In Ballots

    Mail-in ballots are the latest talking point for Democrats and their media allies.  They claim this will keep voters safe from the Wuhan virus, even though it is burning itself out quite nicely on its own. The surges in cases we are seei...

  • July 31, 2020

    Hydroxy Hysteria Reaching a Fever Pitch

    COVID-19 can cause a fever, but nothing like the fever of hysteria gripping broadcast and social media over hydroxychloroquine, a potential treatment for the Wuhan flu. Ever since President Trump mentioned hydroxy as a possible therapeutic, the media...

  • July 20, 2020

    Media Malpractice on COVID Numbers

    COVID-19 data are and have been all over the map since this entire mess gained steam earlier this year. It has gotten to the point that any “numbers” presented as news are suspect at best and fraudulent at worst. Is this medi...

  • July 6, 2020

    COVID Cheerleaders Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game

    There is much we don’t understand about the Chinese coronavirus. This includes public health experts, like the basketball player and scarf queen, as well as elected officials and nonelected bureaucrats. One hopes they are recommending and actin...

  • July 2, 2020

    Is the COVID Surge More Fake News?

    “The coronavirus surge is real, and it’s everywhere” says Axios and most of the DNC media. Time to panic. They pile on, “The coronavirus pandemic is getting dramatically worse in almost every corner of the U.S.” W...

  • May 26, 2020

    Cooking the Books on COVID-19 Deaths

      Fox News, and other cable networks, run a COVID death count ticker on the side or bottom of the television screen just as they show the major stock indices during the business day. Why are they so obsessed with deaths from the Chinese virus...

  • May 1, 2020

    No, Trump is Not Crazy for Suggesting UV Light and Disinfectants to Treat Covid

    Journalism is a long-lost art, once used to inform people, reporting news in an unbiased manner, offering reasoned opinion in a balanced way. Now the singular goal of most American journalism is to make President Trump look bad, parsing his words or ...

  • April 28, 2020

    Coronavirus Response - What Happened to ‘First Do No Harm’?

    “First do no harm” is a phrase attributed to the Hippocratic Oath, taken by new physicians upon medical school graduation, but those words do not actually appear in the oath. This is much like “separation of church and state” ...

  • April 24, 2020

    Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome

    Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), according to Urban Dictionary, is a “Contagious, debilitating psychiatric disorder manifesting in a precipitous decline in intellectual and emotional stability and resilience.” The contagious and debilita...

  • April 13, 2020

    How Long has the Chinese Coronavirus Really Been in America?

    Buried behind news headlines screaming about social distancing, ventilators, and death counts is the timeline and origins of the Chinese coronavirus in America. At the daily task force briefings, media dimwits seek only to play “gotcha” w...

  • April 10, 2020

    Medical Advances Minus the Full Research Apparatus

    Anecdotal evidence is based on a real-life event, perhaps just a single occurrence. In medicine and science, much current knowledge began with an anecdote. A famous example occurred in 1928, when Sir Alexander Fleming happened to observe that mold de...

  • March 23, 2020

    Why Is Italy in So Much Trouble? It's More than ICU Beds

    Watching cable news these days, it is difficult to know which is greater: the rise in Chinese Coronavirus cases worldwide or the panic and sense of doom for those unable to work, travel, or freely associate with others. The media are in overdrive,...

  • March 16, 2020

    Remember the H1N1 Pandemic? I Don’t Either

    Although the "racist"-sounding “Wuhan virus” is now labeled as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, in America the real pandemic, more accurately described as pandemonium, is at the local supermarkets where store shelves...

  • March 5, 2020

    Democrat Monday Morning Quarterbacks on Coronavirus

    There are few things more annoying than a Monday morning quarterback, someone who, long after the game is over, knows with certainty what the quarterback should have done on each and every play. If retired hall of fame quarterbacks like John Elwa...