Brendon S. Peck

Brendon S. Peck

  • April 6, 2013

    The U.S. Navy Rides the Rail

    Widely held as the Holy Grail of weapons design, the Electromagnetic Rail Gun has been in development for more than a century. Now, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the U.S. Navy, it will soon be part of our arsenal. Unconventional, Multifunct...

  • January 21, 2012

    The Flowers of War

    Beginning with a breakout role in Stephen Spielberg's Empire of the Sun, Christian Bale has entertained filmgoers for a quarter-century.  At 37, Bale's masterly commitment to each character is total.  Rather like Daniel Day-Lewis, his dexte...

  • December 31, 2011

    A Beatable Bishop

    In 2010, the torrent of anger against statist intrusion swept away scores of Democratic incumbents.  So strong was the enthusiasm of the Tea Party, so energized was the Republican electorate, that even deeply entrenched House Democrats were disl...

  • September 28, 2011

    Hugo's Gold Finger

    Over the past decade, Hugo Chávez has radically altered Venezuela's economic landscape.  Executing a pernicious, politically driven nationalization program, the government has systematically taken over key sectors.  In doing so, Chávez stri...

  • July 16, 2011

    India's Resolve

    The terror strike in the heart of India is yet another grim reminder of Islamofascism's lethality.   The Mumbai terror bombings have once again put a nation -- long under threat from Muslim radicals -- back on edge.  The attacks, which...

  • July 10, 2011

    Keeping Up With Van Jones

    An anti-capitalist, avowed Communist, and former White House Czar continues an old leftist tradition.    Back in 2009, the public knew little about Van Jones.  Perhaps, if anything, only that he was one czar among many in the Obama Adm...

  • July 4, 2011

    On the Left, Founders Ill-Remembered

    Leftists have long labeled our Constitution an impediment to progress.  It is a document, they claim, best-suited for an evolutionary interpretation -- a view held to accommodate their changing, foundationless agenda.   In an effort to unde...

  • June 29, 2011

    A Union 'Off-Target'

    Confronted with an unwelcome intrusion, employees at a Target store in New York rejected unionization and dealt a blow to the grand plans of the UFCW.  That average Americans continue to stand against these job-killing, profit-leaching forces is...

  • June 27, 2011

    Obama's Poll Wasteland

    Bear witness to a listless and ineffective leader who is beatable.  Carter Redux. Americans have grown weary of the flailing Obama economy.  So potent is the public's displeasure, the President's support is fast eroding.  Most notably...