Brenda Zurita

Brenda Zurita

  • July 2, 2016

    The Supreme Court’s Choice: Abortion over Women’s Health

    This week the United States Supreme Court handed another victory to abortion supporters in Whole Woman’s Health Et Al. V. Hellerstedt, Commissioner, Texas Department of State Health Services, Et Al.  Women were celebrating on the steps of ...

  • August 1, 2014

    What's New with ObamaCare? -- Summer 2014 Edition

    It’s been a while since we’ve checked in on one of President Obama’s programs “fundamentally transforming America.” We’ve moved past the “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” nonsense....

  • July 10, 2014

    Human Trafficking Estimates and Statistics

    The U.S. State Department released the 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) in June and included a warning to reporters to be careful when doing stories about human trafficking. One of the subjects the State Department raised a red flag ab...

  • July 3, 2014

    The Immigration Crisis and Human Trafficking

    Who doesn’t believe that some of the unaccompanied alien children flooding across our border are victims of human trafficking?  The current situation provides a great cover for it. On June 20, 2014, the U.S. State Department released th...

  • January 27, 2014

    New Jersey 'Safe Harbor' Law Provides a Lesson in Unintended Consequences

    Imagine a sexual predator arriving for Super Bowl XLVII at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey...and finding out it is now legal for minors to sell sex or to sell someone else for sex to a third party.  This would be a dream come true for pimps, traff...

  • January 12, 2014

    Whose Conscience Should the Government Violate Next?

    Many of you have heard about the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of nuns providing care for the elderly, who  are now taking on the Obama Administration over the Affordable Care Act's (ObamaCare) contraception mandate. Religious exemptions f...

  • December 24, 2013

    'Happy Holidays?' But I Only Celebrate One

    Growing up in New York, I loved the week before Christmas vacation (yes, that is what it was called) in elementary school. We would make Christmas and Hanukkah decorations for our classrooms and then the day before vacation, all the classes would con...

  • November 21, 2013

    ObamaCare by the Numbers

    219 Democrats voted for it in the House of Representatives, and zero Republicans voted for it. 60 Democrats voted for it in the Senate, and zero Republicans voted for it. President Obama and Congressional Democrats own this legislation; keep that ...

  • September 22, 2013

    Patient Privacy Goes Out the Window and Into the ObamaCare Data Hub

    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- "ObamaCare" as it will be forever known in the annals of failed, big-government policies -- wants to know what you've been up to in your sex life. It's ironic that ObamaCare, passed in the dead of nig...

  • July 3, 2013

    State Department's Sex Trafficking Scandals

    Pssst, did you hear? President Obama is replacing Ambassador Howard Gutman in Belgium. You remember Ambassador Gutman, don't you? He's the big Democrat donor President Obama nominated to represent his policies in Belgium and who, it is alleged, troll...