Brandon P. Reines

Brandon P. Reines

  • April 19, 2020

    Fear or freedom? It is time to choose

    Hidden behind the great curtain of COVID 19 media horrors, graphical displays, and death counts, beats the heart of one little man with a stethoscope and the best of intentions: Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Though hidden behind an awesome façade o...

  • April 14, 2020

    Viruses 101: How Overprotecting People from COVID 19 Could Make it More Lethal

    With heroic imagination rivalling Don Quixote’s, our hysterical health technocrats are stuck in a time capsule in the middle of World War 1 from which they battle the most terrible pathogen of all time -- the original H1N1 flu virus.  How ...

  • April 9, 2020

    Pandemic anxiety and our over-empowered health technocrats

    The over-empowered technocrats running public health at the NIH, CDC, and WHO are needlessly panicking the public over COVID-19.  Although coming from different scientific backgrounds, those decision-makers share certain attitudes and abili...

  • April 7, 2020

    Fear, Not Science, Guides Our Current Approach to COVID-19

    Are Anthony Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization our best guides through current events?  Are we so confident in their opinionsmodels of COVID-19 spread that we are willing to risk whole economies? Is it ...