Brandon J. Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert

  • December 29, 2018

    The Kurd in the Punch Bowl

    President Donald J. Trump's recent announcement that he is withdrawing the 2,000 American troops stationed in Syria has sent shockwaves throughout the nation's capital.  A bipartisan consensus has formed that Trump not only erred, b...

  • November 22, 2018

    The Multipolar World: Partnering with Russia to Stop Iran

    The "unipolar moment" that the United States enjoyed following the end of the Cold War is, for the most part, over.  We have entered into what international relations scholars refer to as a "multipolar world" – a world ...

  • October 17, 2018

    Turkey Benefits from the Khashoggi Disappearance

    Turkey wants to become the dominant power in the Middle East.  Its current regime, led by President Recep Tayyip ErdoДџan of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), is both an Islamist political movement and a movement that seeks to recons...

  • October 4, 2018

    Losing Latin America

    In 1823, President James Monroe issued his famous doctrine forbidding imperial powers foreign to the Western Hemisphere from acquiring territories in Latin America or seeking undue influence.  This decisive edict became the cornerstone of A...

  • September 20, 2018

    Putin and Xi Are Not Embracing Each Other (Yet)

    The Vostok-2018 war games are underway.  Understandably, the world is watching with grave concern.  After all, it is the largest military exercise between the Russian and Chinese (and Mongolian) militaries since the Cold War....

  • September 9, 2018

    Putin is Here to Stay, and the Russian State Will Die with Him

    Vladimir Putin arose to power in Russia when he was 47 years old.  He is now 66.  Putin's first two terms in office were generally successful: he presided over an expansion of the Russian economy; the military was modernized; ...

  • September 4, 2018

    The Germans Will Never Learn

    German foreign minister Heiko Maas of the German Social Democratic Party believes that Europe must unite to form a "counterweight" to the United States when it "crosses the line" in its dealings with Germany.  Maas belie...

  • August 9, 2018

    China's Marathon to Take Over America

    The Chinese are intent on rehabilitating their old empire.  Once Beijing has achieved this lofty goal (which it is closer to achieving than any care to admit), the Chinese hope to displace the United States as the world's dominant power...

  • July 26, 2018

    Trump's Grand Plan for Russia

    President Donald Trump is right: Russo-American relations are at their lowest point in decades, and this reality is mostly the fault of Trump's post-Cold War presidential predecessors.  Trump has made it his mission to rehabilitate the ...

  • July 6, 2018

    America Needs a New Independence Day

    The Fourth of July weekend is a time when Americans celebrate the anniversary of the United States' independence. But, in the 242 years since achieving our liberty from the British Empire, our government has slowly become what it beheld. ...