Brae Jager

Brae Jager

  • January 10, 2015

    Intel's Capitulation to Jesse Jackson

    Don’t be mad at Intel. Like all human entities, they must thrive as best they can in their given surroundings. In 2015’s America, that means paying hush money to minority agitators before they use the dreaded race card. Anger at Intel...

  • August 26, 2014

    Where Governmental Incompetence Ends and Malice Begins

    The greatest dilemma of the age of Obama is whether to describe our government as dumb and inefficient or evil. Hanlon’s Razor states: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Indeed, much of our ...

  • May 14, 2014

    John McCain Never Learns

    The Arizona senator has advocated using U.S. troops to rescue the 200 or so girls kidnapped by the Muslim terrorist group Boko Haram, without regard to whether or not Nigeria allows it.  This jingoism is over the top, even for McCain, who relish...

  • October 21, 2013

    The Best and Brightest out to Save Obamacare

    This month's launch of the Obamacare Exchanges has been a complete train wreck, as the bill's coauthor Senator Max Baucus predicted back in April. Although it's difficult not to take some delight in the woes wrought by Democrat hubris, the Ameri...

  • October 20, 2013

    'Come And Take It' Wins in San Antonio

    On Saturday, several hundred pro-gun activists demonstrated with long guns in the plaza of The Alamo, in San Antonio, Texas. The organizers' Facebook page didn't specify why The Alamo was chosen as the site of the demonstration, but its history pro...

  • August 31, 2013

    Bin Laden's Footsoldiers, Obama's Strike Eagles

    The sounds stick with me the most. The throaty, crackling roar of F-15E Strike Eagles speeding off post-delivery. The sound of an A-10's 30mm rounds slapping the earth. The quiet background hum of an AC-130 high over the battlefield, almost forgot...

  • July 23, 2013

    Your Place in the Database

    Regarding the American surveillance state, it seems that the truth comes out a little at a time. We learned about the FBI's Carnivore in the 1990s, which the copied internet data of people whom the agency deemed "reasonably suspicious."  In Sept...

  • June 3, 2013

    Sustained Civilian Demand for War Implements

    Upon the reelection of Our President last year, demand for firearms and ammunition predictably spiked. For those of us in the gun community, it seems as though the last bout of panic buying of 2008-9 had barely subsided. Fears of further attacks o...

  • May 27, 2013

    The West's Timidity in the Face of Terrorism

    There have been two high profile terrorist attacks in Europe in the past week, both against soldiers, and both with edged weapons. So much for gun bans. The first attack, in Woolwich, UK on, was by far the most notorious (and celebrated, in many c...

  • May 26, 2013

    The West's Timidity toward Terrorism

    There have been two high profile terrorist attacks in Europe in the past week, both against soldiers, and both with edged weapons. So much for gun bans. The first attack, in Woolwich, UK on, was by far the most notorious (and celebrated, in many cir...