Brad Lips

Brad Lips

  • March 24, 2014

    A Populist Libertarian Youth Movement?

    Can the liberty movement of the 21st century duplicate the success had by socialists in the 20th?   That’s the topic of discussion as I fidget in an uncomfortable 19th century desk chair at Humboldt University in Berlin.  I am...

  • September 22, 2012

    The Dangers of Spreading the Wealth

    In this week's duel of "gotcha" recordings, Mitt Romney sounds callous toward those who have grown dependent on government programs.  But President Obama may have more to fear from the latest reminder that he "believes in redistribution" of weal...

  • October 21, 2011

    Cheer-up, America! The Case for American Optimism

    Look for moments of maximum pessimism.   To the legendary value investor Sir John Templeton, this was the secret to learning how to buy low and sell high.  In recent months, I've been feeling the pessimism in a big way.  You proba...