

  • December 20, 2013

    Regarding 'sin' and the 'sinner'

    The histrionics of the gay, the outraged and the media - calling Phil Robertson's definition of sinful behavior hateful, derogatory and disparaging - are missing the point as usual.  Also whiffing on this one are defenders who insist that the is...

  • September 18, 2011

    Obama and the 3 curses

    Recently, I came across something spooky.  Composing a political comment to share with friends, I referenced the putative ancient Chinese curse may you live in interesting times.  It's an old saw of unknown provenance and authenticity, but ...

  • January 31, 2011

    The Greedy Bastards Paradox

    If we accept President Obama's economic arguments, his State of the Union address was most remarkable in the aftermath, when nothing happened.For the sake of argument, let's agree with the President that the winning ticket of the global economic lott...

  • January 17, 2011

    Tucson and Zhivago

    A powerful scene from Dr. Zhivago, the Academy Award-winning movie based on Boris Pasternak's novel of the Russian Revolution, provides insight into the libel of conservatives following the Tucson killings and why the libeling will not stop.  Zh...