Bob Ryan

Bob Ryan

  • July 9, 2023

    Vivek Ramaswamy's Soros connection

    When looking at potential candidates running for office without a voting record to base judgment on, I look for red flags. To me, voting records are the best indicators. I knew exactly who Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz were when they ran for presi...

  • April 27, 2023

    John Adams was a Zionist

    John Adams was not just one of America’s founders (and for me one of the most important), he had one of the most brilliant legal minds of his day; this was the reason he was appointed to handle the negotiations between America and England that ...

  • April 20, 2023

    Leftists lack the courage of their convictions

    Leftists lack the courage of their convictions, almost every time. It is easy for them to claim they hold to some beliefs, but it's something else entirely for them to have the courage to stand by such beliefs. To take but one example, duri...

  • March 30, 2023

    George Washington's path to revolution: The first turning point

    There were a number of events that led the father of America to turn from being in support of England to staunch supporter of American independence. Each turning point was crucial to making him the man he came to be. Remove a single point from his li...

  • March 23, 2023

    Free will is not an illusion

    Atheists, like Richard Dawkins, believe free will is an illusion. Since humans are no different than any other animal, man has no more free will than other animals. The majority of the population disagrees, which is why atheists such as Dawk...

  • March 16, 2023

    America: Land of Mutts

    Recently, Marxist radical Angela Davis learned she was descended from Stephen Darden, who owned slaves after moving to Georgia.  She was surprised to learn she is related to someone she hates. Anyone who...

  • February 16, 2023

    Critical Race Theory is eugenics-based

    To understand the link between eugenics and Critical Race Theory, one must have a basic understanding of eugenics, and how its negative consequences affected more than just America. Eugenics is the Darwinian belief of selective breeding through me...

  • February 10, 2023

    Hitler and Stalin were strategically incompetent

    There are those who wrongly believe that Hitler was some kind of military genius, just as there are those who undeservedly credit Stalin for late victories in World War II that finally broke the Soviets' way. Battles, like Stali...

  • February 2, 2023

    Funny how all it takes is one wokester complaint...

    Whenever I come across information about those who give in to the demands of the woke, it is never from a multitude of complaints.  A small minority, often a single person, amount to the only ones complaining and making demands that sh...

  • January 26, 2023

    Evolution is neither theory nor fact

    Just because some claim evolution is both a theory and fact, no matter how credentialed they are, or firm in their belief, does not make it so. There are significant scientific problems that arise from calling evolution something other than hypoth...

  • January 19, 2023

    I am optimistic about America's future

    When it comes to America, I have a good understanding of this nation's past and what we have overcome, leading me to be optimistic. Recent events not so easily found, give credence to my optimism that will continue for years to come. ...

  • December 31, 2022

    The often-missed meanings of the Three-Fifths Clause

    There are negative assumptions made by people who have not read the Constitution about what the Three-Fifths Clause really means. Those who make such assumptions have no idea how wrong they are. In the third paragraph of Article I, Section II of t...

  • December 25, 2022

    Helen Keller knew God before she knew His name

    Given the season, for me as a Christian, it is important not to focus too closely on all the negatives happening in the country, for which there is much. Instead, the focus should be more on uplifting stories, like how Helen Keller knew God, before s...

  • December 15, 2022

    Greenhouse gasses are good

    Greenhouse gasses are not just good, they are important to making Earth habitable. Without them, most life would not be thriving. It would be too cold. Even the federal government, when reading beyond the false claims against CO2, which is no...

  • December 8, 2022

    What is treason?

    The charge of treason is thrown around by people on both ends of the political aisle who fail to show an understanding of what the word legally means in America. Treason has a very narrow definition that prevents most people accused fro...

  • November 25, 2022

    Why supply-side economics work

    Supply-side economics, described by Investopedia as… “a theory that maintains that increasing the supply of goods and services is the engine for economic growth. It advocates tax cuts as a way to encourage job creation, business exp...

  • November 17, 2022

    Why I was wrong about the red wave

    When I am wrong, I admit the mistake.  When I wrote that nothing could stop the red wave, I believed that it would happen.  It was based on not polling, but history. Never before had such an unpopular president and bad economy ...

  • November 4, 2022

    No one can stop the red wave

    A red wave is coming that cannot be stopped.  There are too many factors working against the Democrats in power for them to have a shot. Under a normal first midterm for any first president, the party in power loses seats in Congress....

  • October 20, 2022

    Ohio's Gov. Mike DeWine is the only Republican I will not vote for

    As an Ohioan, this November, I will be voting straight Republican, including Senate candidate J.D. Vance, who screams RINO. With one exception: Gov. Mike DeWine will not get my vote. When the pandemic emerged, lockdowns became co...

  • October 13, 2022

    CO2 is not the enemy

    Scientific studies should not be written in such a way that it becomes impossible for those with little interest in science to comprehend. They should be written in a way to make what has been learned about the wonders of the univer...

  • October 6, 2022

    Successful revolutions tend to go poorly

    Successful revolutions, both violent and peaceful, tend to result in tyrannical rule with very few exceptions. The history of revolutionary governments proves that history does repeat itself. From ancient Greece to Venezuela, a bloody path of brut...

  • September 29, 2022

    Musings on progressives and conservatives

    There are those who believe progressives are not really progressive. They refer to them as regressive, without understanding exactly how progressive is defined politically, compared to conservative. From a purely political viewpoint, progressives...

  • September 23, 2022

    Congressmen should be sworn in while in session

    The Constitution guaranteed equality under the law.  There is no distinction between Congress and the people. Currently, it is illegal to lie to members of Congress while giving testimony.  But it is not illegal for them t...

  • September 11, 2022

    Failure of the Balfour Declaration

    For those who do not know, the Balfour Declaration was a note written in 1917 by British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. It was a short letter explaining his governments position on a Jewish homeland in what was called Palestine. The letter w...

  • September 2, 2022

    Leftist gun-grabbers fail to read the Second Amendment

    A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Those are the words of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. They were, alo...

  • August 26, 2022

    I am anti-abortion, not pro-life

    Rather than refer to myself as pro-life, I always considered myself anti-abortion.  I believe that a personal, moral view should be made perfectly clear on any given issue. Abortion is a horrible action that sacrifices children to the fa...

  • August 19, 2022

    Northeast blackout? Why electric cars are a bad idea

    On August 14, 2003, power went out across the northeastern United States and parts of Canada.  Tens of millions were without power.  For some, the blackout went for two days before power was restored. According to...

  • August 13, 2022

    Severing trade with tyrants

    Around the world, there are countless brutal governments who terrorize their own people.  Yet American foreign policy regarding oppressive regimes is paradoxical.  Some we rightly shun, while others get a pass for the purpose of t...

  • August 5, 2022

    Those who hate democracy

    The United States is a federalist republic.  The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Anything not in the Constitution is left to the states and people. States have a largely free hand to govern as they wish, so long a...

  • July 22, 2022

    Enough with the hyphenated Americanism

    Other than those with dual citizenship, hyphenating Americanism serves no purpose other than being divisive.  All that should matter to an American is being an American, not something that predates one's American identity. Most of my...

  • July 14, 2022

    ...when it is convenient

    "When it is convenient" should be added to whatever Democrats say for any given movement.  Everything said and parroted is a matter of convenience.  There is no real belief behind the words. Black lives matter when it...

  • June 26, 2022

    Democracy is not necessarily mob rule

    There are a lot of people who incorrectly assume democracy is only mob rule. Democracy is not that limited a form of government. Like many words, it has more than one definition rather than an either-or meaning. According to Merriam-Webster, democ...

  • June 5, 2022

    Christian requirement to love

    As a Christian, I am called to love everyone. Christians are expected to love both friends and enemies alike without exception. Hatred of anyone for any reason is a violation of what Christians are called to do by God. There are numerous verses th...

  • May 28, 2022

    There were WMDs in Iraq

    Despite evidence to the contrary, there is the continued belief that there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.  Between the Democrats, the media who serve as their propagandist, and those who have an irrational hatred of Geor...

  • May 9, 2022

    Tibor Rubin's extraordinary Medal of Honor

    On May 3, 1945, elements of 11th Armored Division of the famed 3rd Army liberated Mauthausen Concentration Camp, arguably the worst death camp the Nazis had.  Among those starving, crying liberated was a 15-year-old Jewish boy, Tibor Rubin,...

  • April 29, 2022

    'Fossil fuels' do not exist

    Despite the commonality of "fossil" being used in conjunction with "fuel," fossil fuels do not exist.  Fossils have no energy to transfer, which means they cannot be used as a source of fuel. In order to understand wh...

  • April 21, 2022

    There are still Americans in Afghanistan

    There is an important question no one in the media, including Fox or Republicans, is asking about the biggest failure of the Biden administration.  Why has the current administration abandoned Americans still in Afghanistan? The latest I...

  • April 15, 2022

    Returning to the Moon

    There were two great betrayals of NASA that resulted in the tragic loss of scientific discovery and exploration. Only one president, Donald Trump, righted the betrayals by getting NASA back on track. Richard Nixon was the first great betrayal w...

  • April 8, 2022

    Convention of States gaining ground

    America's Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention knew that any form of government they created would become corrupt.  They had already seen it happen in numerous states.  That and other failings were what led to the...

  • April 2, 2022

    When did the Parties Switch on Civil Rights?

    The Republican Party was the civil rights party right from its inception. From abolition to fighting for women to have the right to vote, it has always been the Republicans leading the way. But according to Democrats, the parties switched at some poi...

  • March 10, 2022

    Why American support for Ukraine's forces will not trigger WWIII

    The Budapest Memorandum of 1994 was an agreement among America, the U.K., and Ukraine.  Ukraine gave its vast stocks of nuclear weapons to Russia in exchange for military aid from America and the U.K. should Russia attack, which happened in...

  • March 4, 2022

    Russians have been crossing into America from Mexico

    President Biden is more worried about Russians crossing their border with Ukraine than he is about the Russians crossing our border with Mexico. The problem with America's porous southern border and an unfinished wall to serve as a deterrent i...

  • February 25, 2022

    Canadian truckers and Israel

    There are remarkable similarities between the Canadian truckers and Israel. Both have been verbally attacked and ruthlessly criticized for things that have no basis in reality.  Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and others refer to ...

  • February 13, 2022

    Slavery was illegal under English common law

    The left tells us that black slavery is unique to Anglo-Saxon culture. But the reality of the matter is that slavery was always illegal in its motherland, England. How so? Going back to 1215, start with the fact that England became a unique nation...

  • January 28, 2022

    The realities of socialism should be taught in high schools by people who have lived under it and fled here

    Right now, socialists who have never experienced the harsh realities of what socialism brings to humanity every time it is implemented are using American schools, including high schools, to preach socialist propaganda.  The propaganda never...

  • January 21, 2022

    Why reparations are morally reprehensible

    Slavery, which still exists in the United States and every country on Earth, is a vile act of not just owning a human being and murdering the human spirit, but profiting off the labor of those owned without reward for whatever work slaves a...

  • January 9, 2022

    Let there be light

    Genesis 1:3, from the NIV: “God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” When God spoke light into existence, it was not just the creation of light, but energy as well. It is one of the laws of physics that ...

  • December 22, 2021

    The night the red phone rang

    In 1955, NORAD had yet to exist.  It was the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD).  The mission was the same as it is today: to be able to respond to a nuclear strike if needed.  Today, the threat comes from a lot of ...

  • December 18, 2021

    Massachusetts, not Virginia, was the first colony to legalize slavery

    For there to be slavery in any colony, laws had to be written making the practice legal.  Prior to the slave laws, indentured servants were given the same contracts regardless of where they were from.  Once the contracts were fulf...

  • December 10, 2021

    Where to find the American dream

    The American dream can find its origin predating American independence.  The British colonies that ultimately forged the largest republic the world ever knew in their time are the roots of the dream. People from all walks of life and rel...

  • November 17, 2021

    The bastardization of 'social justice'

    Socialists tend to repeat words as if they were stuck in some perpetual spin cycle of the past repeating itself.  They use old words, like "progressive," as if it is the newest fad while ignoring the historical context that goes w...

  • October 10, 2021

    Clearing up mis-perceptions about Christian Zionism

    What is Christian Zionism? Many Christians and others are confused. Some think it's a heresy. Others think it's a bid to eliminate Judaism. Still others think it's apocalyptic. I can tell you because I call myself a Christian...

  • September 6, 2021

    Captain Ben Salomon's delayed Medal of Honor

    In order to defeat Japan, a lot of battles needed to be fought throughout the Pacific Theater.  The Japanese Imperial Army was not filled with average soldiers who fought with the civilized warfare the Geneva Conventions had in mind when th...

  • August 31, 2021

    Impeachment: High Crimes and Misdemeanors in 1787

    When the U.S. Constitutional Convention was held, the language argued and debated over had common wording from their day, including high crimes and misdemeanors. Unlike today, misdemeanors were not considered criminal. There was a distinctio...

  • July 30, 2021

    The First Slave Owner in Virginia was Neither Jewish nor European

    There has been a growing belief in progressive circles of the 1619 Project ilk, that all Jews are of European descent and all Europeans who came to the Americas owned African slaves.  It's not based on history. There is no basis for ...