Bobby Hesley

Bobby Hesley

  • April 22, 2019

    Making Sense of the False Outrage Over Notre Dame's $1-Billion Restoration

    Having just finished this Holy Week of 2019, we've been hearing a lot of hypocritical and selective moral outrage from people regarding all the money that is going to be spent to restore Notre Dame Cathedral. While I think it would be tragic t...

  • June 29, 2018

    Illegal Aliens: The New Black Vote for Democrats

    As an African-American, I cannot remember a better time in history to live in the United States; and thanks to the policies of President Trump, many other Blacks are starting to feel the same way.  The 60-year gig is up for the power-hungry Demo...

  • March 6, 2016

    Donald Trump – Master Evader and Terrible Poker Player

    As a life-long Catholic and black conservative who was born and raised in Detroit, and who also lives only 15 minutes away from Fox Theatre, home of the most recent Republican Presidential debate held on 3/3/16, I had a lot of disturbing observations...

  • August 11, 2015

    The 'Daily Show's' New Host: Worse than Jon Stewart?

    I've been warning my friends for years that Jon Stewart is not a journalist, and now that he has left the "Daily Show”, it turns out that he wasn't even a comedian really, but a very influential player for liberalism. It's b...