Bob Campbell

Bob Campbell

  • August 14, 2013

    Farrakhan: Disappointed in Obama

    Fox Nation's byline, "Farrakhan rips Obama," was too good to pass up.  Have we just witnessed a chink in the armor of the Black Liberation Movement?  Did Louis Farrakhan, the Lord of the Nation of Islam finally confess a sin?  Let'...

  • August 13, 2013

    Sushi, Lobster and the herd mentality

    The nation's food stamp program is out of control. The public knows about it, Congress heard about it, and the President brags about it.  I'm in China right now for another 3 months.  My access to cable TV is non-exist...

  • July 25, 2013

    Obama's Misery Index Approaches Carter Years

    In the past 30 years if you were in the top 1% economic class your inflation-adjusted incomes grew by 224%.  The top 0.1% grew by 390%.  In contrast, the bottom 90% struggled with only a 5% growth in incomes.[ref]  Whoop-tee-do!  ...

  • July 23, 2013

    Gays in, Bibles out in the new American military

    President Obama's Defense Department is waging a private war.  While our Pentagon is entrusted with the duty to "protect and serve" a secular zone is growing within the ranks of the Military. A little over a year ago then Defense Secretary Leo...

  • July 21, 2013

    Trayvon Martin, where's your daddy?

    Listening to talk radio gives you a different perspective on things.  I particularly enjoy listening to callers air their gripes and approvals.  One of my favorite shows is Chris Krok in Dallas-Ft. Worth.  Chris is soft-spoken, a Chris...