Bill Zwerger

Bill Zwerger

  • October 22, 2020

    Cuomo: All NY COVID-19 deaths are Trump's fault

    On Tuesday, N.Y. governor Andrew "Il Duce" Cuomo exhibited perhaps his most disturbing detachment from reality to date when he exclaimed, "I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York State from COVID because T...

  • April 18, 2020

    Hey Covidiots, stop littering with your virus-covered gloves!

    Apparently, rubber gloves are the new plastic bags. The irony is almost too rich. In the weeks since usually levelheaded people, scared witless about contracting a bad cold, starting donning disposable rubber gloves to prevent the spread of t...

  • April 17, 2020

    Andrew Cuomo: More Powerful Than God?

    How else would one interpret his presumptuous proclamation at his latest press conference? What in hell (no pun intended) would prompt NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo to exclaim, in a most haughty manner, that in regard to "flattening the curve" (m...

  • April 17, 2020

    Joe Biden welcomes endorsement from terror-linked organization

    As if there weren't already enough reasons to disqualify Joe Biden from ever again stepping foot in the Oval Office, according to a report in the Middle East Forum's latest 'Insider Blog'  Biden has received, and gladly accep...

  • November 1, 2019

    Texas religious billboard censored

    Apparently, Dallas-area residents might be offended by mentioning the Bible and dinosaurs in the same sentence. Who'da thunk it? Down in Dallas, TX, in the heart of the "Bible Belt," is a Christian organization you may or may not hav...

  • October 26, 2019

    Andy Cuomo destroys New York business

    Andy Cuomo's corporate cronyistic schemes continue to sabotage the Empire State's economic standing. A new report released by the Tax Foundation brings to light what struggling businesses in N.Y. have known for quite some ti...

  • October 23, 2019

    Male tops U of Montana's women's cross-country team

    For those who haven't been following, here's an update on the University of Montana women's cross-country team member "June" Eastwood, formerly known as Jonathan.  Not surprisingly, he has fared quite well ag...

  • March 17, 2015

    Chuck Schumer steps in it yet again

    While paying a visit to reassure his HUD funding-deprived constituents up in central NY that he is standing side by side with them in what might be considered a very messy situation, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer took advantage of the opportunity (actual...

  • March 5, 2015

    Bernie Sanders Urges Obama to Raise Taxes Immediately

    In a move no one should find surprising in the least, Vermont’s self-proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has sent a letter to the White House urging the president to once again circumvent Congress and raise taxes via a series of executi...

  • February 26, 2015

    New York State Gives Tipped Workers a 50% Pay Raise

    Despite major concerns from the the New York State Restaurant Association (NYSRA) about the impact an “extreme, unprecedented 50 percent increase” in wages will have on the restaurant business, the state's Acting Labor Commission...

  • February 24, 2015

    New York AG compels 20 School Districts to eliminate Citizenship Requirement

    On February 19, NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced that his office had reached “agreements with twenty school districts to ensure educational access for students regardless of their immigration status or that of their parents or gu...

  • February 19, 2015

    22 Mayors Sign Letter Supporting Obama's Immigration Actions

    On Tuesday, 22 U.S. mayors issued a statement supporting Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration, in response to U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s temporary order blocking the actions: Despite this temporary delay, we are conf...

  • February 25, 2014

    Another big union refuses to accept workers' rejection

    On Friday, after two days of voting, workers at a Novelis Inc. aluminum manufacturing plant in Oswego, NY rejected by fifteen votes the USW's attempt at organizing a union at the company's largest North American facility.  Combined with the rec...

  • January 24, 2014

    Andy goes to Hollywood

    Hot on the heels of his incendiary "extreme conservatives" comment, this Thursday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took flight from the frigid, snow-covered confines of Albany for the warm embrace of sunny Southern California. Was it to take cover fr...

  • August 14, 2013

    Dropping a 'Green' Hammer on the Economy

    Despite reams of scientific studies and data to the contrary, $100′s of millions already wasted on failed "green" energy projects, and a majority of Americans placing "global warming/climate change" near the bottom of the list of national priorities,...

  • November 20, 2011

    President sends letter of condolence to rapper's funeral

    Barack Obama sent a personal letter of condolence to late rapper Heavy D's funeral, which was read at the service by none other than the Rev. Al Sharpton.   "We extend our heartfelt condolences at this difficult time. He will be remember...

  • November 18, 2011

    At OWS, an economic opportunity missed.


  • November 4, 2011

    Occupy Fannie Mae, anyone?

    Graft and incompetence continue unabated at Fannie and Freddie After misusing a $169 billion bailout, then paying out $13 million in bonuses, Freddie and Fannie have the audacity to request another $6 billion from taxpayers. Hot on the he...

  • May 24, 2011

    Fed Chairman's grand scheme, QE2, has failed miserably.

    Facing the grim reality that the original "stimulus" was not bringing the U.S. economy back from the recession as hoped, on November 3, 2010 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke launched a bold (some would say foolhardy) plan to he...

  • November 20, 2010

    Obama's S.510 dilemma

    Could the first couple's marital bliss be the first victim of this latest liberal over-reach? By all accounts Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, is an ideal piece of progressive legislation.  Meaning, of course, that Barack Obam...

  • November 17, 2010

    Charlie's Rose Colored Glasses

    During two recent interviews with Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, veteran PBS interviewer  Charlie Rose revealed just how blinded those at the highest levels of the "media-ocracy" have become to the harsh reality of Barack Obama's political foib...

  • November 16, 2010

    The mainstream media trickle down effect

    "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, everyone is NOT entitled to their own truth." I realize the following conjecture is neither groundbreaking nor a recent development. For years now, many have warned of, and written extens...

  • November 16, 2010

    Neil Young's green dreams go up in smoke

    Saving the planet can be hazardous to your wealthFrom CBSNews:Fire officials in California say a fire at a warehouse that stored memorabilia belonging to Neil Young started in a vintage car the singer had converted into a hybrid vehicle.Young had con...

  • November 12, 2010

    The Left's Obama G20 dilemma

    Are the world's economic leaders racist, or did they just not understand the message?Following Thomas Lifson's deft appraisal of Barack Obama's utter failure at convincing the G20 leader's of his ability to grasp the very daunting challenges of ...

  • November 9, 2010

    Biden mum on Israel's East Jerusalem development

    An attempt to placate Jewish-American voters, perhaps? After watching a significant percentage of voters who supported his presidential bid shockingly (at least to him) abandon his party in the mid-terms, it appears as if the Obama regime has now tu...

  • March 30, 2010

    Timing questioned in Fed raids on militia group

    Perhaps this was just a case of fortuitous timing.  Or perhaps, more insidiously, it was meant as a blatant attempt to intimidate the very visible opposition.  But whatever the pretext,  do you not find it a little more than curious...

  • March 25, 2010

    Obama prohibits photos of him and Netanyahu together.

    As alluded to in an AT post dated March 10, 2010, and evidenced by his off limits to the press meeting yesterday, Barack Obama will do anything do avoid being photographed with Israeli PM Netanyahu. From a break with custom that...

  • March 19, 2010

    100,00 federal employees are tax scofflaws

    From abcnews:  Working for Uncle Sam comes with some great perks, like job stability, posh benefits packages, and in many cases, average salaries that are higher than what the same job pays in the private sector. That's why Republican Rep. ...

  • March 10, 2010

    With friends like Joe Biden...

    Vice President Joe Biden's recent trip to Israel was touted as an opportunity to exhibit a renewed commitment of friendship and support on behalf of the Obama Administration toward what has been up to this point the United States' closest ally in the...

  • March 5, 2010

    Special Bulletin: Chuck Schumer at a loss for words

    The verbose Senator from New York has no comment.  Now that's a change we can all get behind.Feel free to revel with me in the sweet irony of this. From the Mid-Hudson News Network: "In the meantime, Senator Charles Schumer, who is har...

  • March 3, 2010

    Plug pulled on Pentagon spouse training program

    In a sudden and unexpected decision made last week, the Department of Defense put an immediate end to its' Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program.  The sudden termination caught program participants unaware.   To a...

  • March 2, 2010

    Olbermann mum on his employer's coverage of mostly white olympics

    In a sublime display of irony, hot on the heels of Keith Olbermann's insolent diatribe against the alleged lack of minority representation at Tea Party gatherings came the alabaster-tinged XXI Winter Olympiad, brought to you exclusively by Keith's e...

  • February 25, 2010

    Citigroup's withdrawal warning: S.O.P. or financial harbinger?

    Depending on your perspective, it was either Citigroup executing due diligence, or it was a "financial collapse is imminent" kind of thing.Last week, Citigroup sent out notification that they, "reserve the right to require seven d...

  • February 24, 2010

    Do we need government to tell us to chew our food thoroughly?

    First it was Michelle Obama reprimanding us for turning our kids into obese, health-care-system-saboteurs by feeding them too many PopTarts. Now, the good doctors over at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) want to save us from the dangers of in...

  • February 23, 2010

    Dalai Lama visit to White House angers China

    In an act of shallow defiance to the dictates of America 's stern taskmaster and, lest we forget, majority stockholder, Barack Obama invited the Dalai Lama to the White House for, presumably, a bit of Buddhist enlightenment (and maybe a little karm...

  • February 19, 2010

    Obama creates commission to study his gigantic deficit

    During yet another contrived attempt to convince the country (or perhaps just himself) that he has a firm handle on the dire economic predicament he has fully exacerbated, Barack Obama announced the creation of a commission to study the deficit. Wh...

  • February 18, 2010

    ACORN ally confirmed as head of community servivces agency

    What deals were made behind closed doors to assure the Senate's confirmation of an ACORN ally as the new head of the Corporation for National and Community Service?In the wake of the US Senate's unanimous confirmation of Barack Obama's hand-picked ...

  • February 15, 2010

    Handcuffs and history

    How the wacky professor has denigrated a shrine to African-American achievement: Henry Louis Gates, the Harvard professor who was at the center of Barack Obama's botched attempt at showing the world that he is the first "post-racial" presid...

  • February 14, 2010

    Biden on Obama's 'great achievement' in Iraq

    The "let's take credit for something we had nothing to do with" show rolls along for Team Obama. The latest act was veep Biden stating (with nary a hint of irony) on CNN's Larry King is Alive, "Iraq could be this administration's grea...

  • February 4, 2010

    LaHood's scare tactics on Toyota recall

    What was really behind Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood's initial knee-jerk reaction to Toyota's recall of vehicles with faulty accelerators?  Just another off-the-cuff, irrational blunder from someone in the Obama camp perhaps?From the Wa...