Bill Weckesser

Bill Weckesser

  • September 2, 2022

    Geothermal vs. the greens

    As Kermit once intoned, "it's not easy being green," especially if you're also a woke, fanatical member of the Church of Green Energy.  To much fanfare, Google announced in May 2021 that it would power one of its massive, ...

  • July 10, 2022

    Michigan's hard-left governor puts babies in her crosshairs

    Michigan Democrats are pushing "right to kill" legislation as a way to boost Gretchen Whitmer's re-election chances and forever deregulate abortion in the state.  Innocuously called the "Right to Reproductive Freedom Amen...

  • May 6, 2022

    Bravo, Justice Alito

    Bravo to Justice Samuel Alito for drafting an opinion anyone can understand and that a majority will agree with.  Alito confines himself to short words and simple sentences while conveying profound arguments.  Perhaps the most profound stat...

  • April 23, 2022

    What gives with the McCarthy tape?

    The newly released tape of the House minority leader suggesting the resignation of President Trump may bespeak a swamp that's more contaminated than any of us can imagine.  First, who did the recording?  And sec...

  • March 31, 2022

    Trump was right about energy

    On energy, President Trump again demonstrated his uncanny ability to see around the corner, and what he saw is now being seen by some Wall Street heavyweights.  As a commonsense American, Trump saw the handwriting — now some hand-wrin...

  • March 15, 2022

    Gas prices and racism

    The answer to high gas prices is to fight back — and have some fun doing so.  I suggest a phone call to the local office of your senator and representative to complain about racist energy policies.  Public policies...

  • October 3, 2021

    COVID shot polls reveal surprising good news about young Americans

    Let's not write off the kids so fast — they aren't all leftists.  The good news comes from a Trafalgar Group survey on forcing Americans to vax or be fired. When Trafalgar asked Americans if non-vaxxers should be fired, 65%...

  • September 26, 2021

    What should we make of the 2020 election audit in Arizona?

    Of course, President Trump had to lose.  He was an existential threat to the entire liberal project.  In retrospect, Trump's four years set our betters on their ears. Trump's trade and immigration policies didn't re...

  • September 15, 2021

    In this brave new world of medicine, the doctor-patient relationship is gone

    Maybe this is what Obamacare 2.0 is all about.  It's a brave new world in which the antiquated doctor-patient relationship is sacrificed in favor of diktats from health care bureaucrats.  In this new paradigm, doctors no longe...

  • June 29, 2021

    The Michigan GOP submits

    "Ready.  Aim.  Shoot your big toe off."  That's the Michigan's GOP's new strategy heading into 2022.  In his report on election fraud that was issued last week, Michigan senator Edward McB...

  • June 6, 2021

    Huge rally in Michigan for the most unexpected cause

    What if "the narrative" is completely wrong?  The question hit me in April as I read an AT post by Thomas Lifson that democrat pollsters "admit 'major errors' as they struggle to survive evidence that polls are now wo...

  • March 7, 2021

    Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer sticks a finger in Canada's eye

    As Texans try to sort out who's to blame and what to do following their grid disaster, a man-made one appears to be brewing between the nation of Canada and the state of Michigan.  Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has issued what near...

  • January 24, 2021

    What if Democrats were forced to play by their own rules?

    Credit Scott Adams with the best conservative strategy since Reagan's "We win. They lose" plan against the USSR. A couple of weeks ago on a Periscope broadcast, he introduced his "Aggressive Compliance with the Rules" plan. Un...

  • January 9, 2021

    DC Capitol storming: When the refs won't make a call, the gloves come off

    My "hockey mom" wife had the best analysis of the Trump-supporters march on the Capitol.  She observed that this is what happens when there are too many "no-calls" in a hockey game.  Players can skate through t...

  • January 2, 2021

    Defying Whitmer

    There is a point at which typically reasonable, law-abiding people come to realize that an unjust law is no law at all and decide to no longer comply. For Amy Heikkinen and her brother Jake, restaurateurs in tiny Calumet, Michigan, that time has c...

  • August 21, 2020

    Will Gretchen Whitmer's lockdown hand Michigan to the GOP?

    Is swing state Michigan a lock for the Democrats?  While professional polls may lean that way, a citizen's initiative indicates otherwise.  Governor Gretchen Whitmer's severe lockdown measures are considered logical and po...

  • August 17, 2020

    USPS trashes vote-by-mail

    Democrats may well be to blame for the cuts at the Postal Service that are threatening their vote-by-mail program. The cuts look like a logical reaction to the lockdown-induced reduction in overall mail volume.  The USPS reported its fis...

  • July 28, 2020

    California pastor challenges governor: 'Christ is Lord over Caesar'

    This will be interesting to watch.  The doors to Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California were open this past weekend, in defiance of Governor Gavin Newsom.  The church is pastored by a giant among evangelical leaders. Joh...

  • July 23, 2020

    Are the cities emptying out?

    Much of what's most important in social trends, the things real people really do, isn't reported, especially if it doesn't fit the narrative.  So while the record-setting 21% jump in existing home sales in June made headlines, a...

  • May 26, 2020

    Michigan's top politicians provoked devastating dam burst to protect mussels

    Hard to say all is going swimmingly for Michigan's three amigas who now reign supreme in the top state government. Governor Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel will have a lot of questions to answer about the horrific dam failure and floo...

  • May 10, 2020

    End of the beginning for China virus?

    While now is not the end for the China virus, it may well be beyond the beginning of the end.  Ironically, of all people, President Trump may have been the most accurate in calling for a peak around Easter or mid-April.  I've ...

  • May 7, 2020

    Dumb and dumber in Michigan education

    On April 1, Gretchen Whitmer wiped out the rest of the K–12 school year.  Teachers remained on the payroll, of course, and each of Michigan's 587 school districts was tasked with implementing an online program. ...

  • April 6, 2020

    The best way Michigan Democrats think you can help COVID-19 victims

    Sometimes it's hard not be cynical about our political leaders.  The 2018 election was a disaster for Michiganders like me.  At the top we have the Three Amigas, hugely woke women: Governor Gretchen "Dim" Whitmer, se...

  • November 18, 2019

    Appreciating Midway

    Do yourself and your kids and grandkids a favor this holiday season: take them to see Midway.  It's an amazing story of valor, self-sacrifice, and bravery.  It's a story of men at their very finest.  Dive-bo...

  • December 1, 2018

    As Trump meets Xi in Buenos Aires...

    In negotiations, it's always good to know some background on who's sitting across from you.  And my hunch is that the information contained in a shocking Reuters story about detention camps in China plays a key role in the...

  • October 25, 2018

    China and the border

    The money trail behind the Honduran caravan may in part lead to China.  Not only has Vice President Mike Pence fingered Venezuela as bankrolling the Honduran migrant caravan, he has also implicated China.  In his speech October 4th ...

  • July 7, 2018

    Memo to China

    It’s probably not smart to go “mano a mano” with Trump over trade.  As is typically the case, he’s looking further down the road than his critics. Trump knows that economic power sustains hegemony and he doesn’t ...

  • May 30, 2018

    The left's newest aggrieved minority in need of emergency liberal help: Millionaires

    CNBC reports that some blue-state governors are now concerned that since their states' high taxes can no longer be fully deducted from federal income taxes, some of their wealthy residents will leave.  Thus, millionaires are the new min...

  • May 10, 2018

    Pulling the curtain on the internet wizards

    Bet you’ve also wondered if there’s real people behind all the internet buzz about “hits” and “going viral.” Our suspicions appear well placed. Variety is reporting that Jay-Z’s streaming app, Tidal...

  • March 22, 2018

    An infowave scam

    Most of us have clicked on some sort of agreement to use sites such as Facebook and Google and Amazon, and in doing so – usually unbeknownst to us – we've "clicked" away untold thousands of dollars.  Who knew that ...

  • February 24, 2018

    Trumponomics and the new American century

    Not all federal deficits are equal.  If money is spent and there's a corresponding asset, the transaction takes on the qualities of an investment.  Much of the Trump deficit – like Reagan's – is for military sp...

  • December 8, 2017

    Identity politics vs. Christianity

    It's always dangerous and depressing to view life from the liberal worldview.  Take, for instance, the cases of Senator Al Franken and Judge Roy Moore.  Viewed through the lens of identity politics, Democrats dumping Franken and John Co...

  • November 21, 2017

    The Trump economy gains steam

    You'd never know about the Trump economy by searching most news sites, including Bloomberg and MarketWatch.  On the other hand, CNBC's Rick Santelli was plenty impressed with the Conference Board's Index of L...

  • May 3, 2017

    Don't worry: Trump's budget touchdown is coming

    Not now, but sometime.  President Trump gets it.  As he tweeted, "[o]ur country needs a good 'shutdown' in September to fix mess!" And he has the budget director to do it.  As a congressman, Mick Mulvaney endorsed ...

  • April 14, 2017

    Lansing toes the Trump line

    Of course, President Trump is off to a terrible start, and his every initiative has been stymied, slandered, and stalled. Well, not all of them.  In deeply blue Lansing, Mich., the city council has just done an about-face on becoming a sanctu...

  • March 28, 2017

    The vote that never was

    The vote that never occurred may very well be long regretted by conservatives. When Trump won, many of us thought there'd be swift, substantial change.  We were pleased with the executive orders.  Then – surprise, surprise ...

  • March 8, 2017

    The GOP health care plan

    Let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good when it comes to health care reform.  That said, the new GOP plan deserves our support.  It's a good move in the right direction.  And as for the conservative purists who feign...

  • March 3, 2017

    Trump: Traitor to his class

    When Trump won, I thought we could rest.  My yard sign came down – though my "Hillary for Prison" sign remains ensconced on the garage wall like a trophy – and I looked forward to a return to normalcy.  So much for ...

  • September 28, 2016

    Who says there’s no detail behind Trumponomics?

    Legendary investor Wilbur Ross and University of California-Irvine professor Peter Navarro have released a must-read scoring and analysis of Trump’s economic plan. One of the most shocking takeaways is the assault on the idea that high union...

  • September 4, 2016

    Trump's finest hour

    It was, perhaps, his finest hour.  In soaring, Churchillian prose, Donald Trump addressed a black church in Detroit on Saturday. For centuries the African American church has been the conscience of our country.  It's from the pews ...

  • August 21, 2016

    Trump's back, baby

    Reports of the death of the Trump campaign look greatly exaggerated.  Check the photos  from his Friday afternoon (who goes to a political rally on a summer Friday afternoon?) rally in solidly Democrat mid-Michigan.  I've atte...

  • July 8, 2016

    Hillary and the supermarket checkout line

    The first thing I thought of, when I saw this National Enquirer at the grocery store the other day, was that Hillary’s been “Swiftboated.”  This had to make Camp Hillary cringe.  Lots of folks buy groceries.  And ther...

  • June 22, 2016

    Is Trump ‘conservative’?

    I’ll certainly admit to being flummoxed by Donald Trump’s brand of conservatism, but in reading one of the heroes of the faith, I find myself re-evaluating The Donald.  Years ago, Russell Kirk humbly laid out “Ten Con...

  • April 27, 2016

    Standing up in Mississippi

    Bravo to lawmakers in Mississippi who’ve, so far, not allowed big business to bully and intimidate them into changing course on their religious liberty law.  As Jennifer Marshall writes at Religion News, the law is crafted carefully and sk...

  • October 29, 2015

    The Tyranny of the Good

    Americans are in a surly mood.  The punditry and establishment are perplexed.  And leave it to C.S. Lewis to explain the problem.  In his disquieting essay, “The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment”  one would think...

  • July 17, 2015

    Satan v. the People

    One of the truest adages in politics is the one about “strange bedfellows.”  So it should come as no surprise that saddling up beside pro-abortion Democrats is a Satanist group.  LifeSiteNews reports that the “Satanic T...

  • July 10, 2015

    More ammo for Donald Trump

    Ever wonder how a President Trump would deal with the Supreme Court?  I don’t get the impression he feels very beholden to…anything.  He also seems to “call ’em as he sees ’em.”  Good versus evil....

  • July 8, 2015

    The Harris Doctrine

    Hat tip to California attorney general Kamala Harris.  Commenting on the San Francisco sanctuary shooting of Kathryn Steinle, Harris is quoted as saying: "Our policy should not be informed by our collective outrage about one man's ...

  • April 28, 2015

    Quicken Loans takes on Justice

    Seventy-seven years ago, Detroit’s Brown Bomber, Joe Louis, went toe to toe against the Nazis’ Max Schmeling.  Symbolically, it was freedom and liberty against fascism.  Now another Detroiter has strapped on Louis’s old gl...

  • April 3, 2015

    Winning the Real Game

    I’m a Michigan State grad so of course I’ll be cheering for the Spartans. Here in East Lansing no one thought they’d make the Final Four, especially after coach Tom Izzo recruited a couple of “not so well known” freshmen...

  • March 31, 2015

    The Iran nuke deal and the greenies

    Politics isn’t the only thing that stops at the water's edge.  It looks like the administration's climate change agenda and war on oil are for domestic consumption only. Bloomberg reports that as diplomats haggle with Iran over ...

  • March 18, 2015

    Foreign workers and the new Reagan Democrats

    The GOP presidential candidates have a unique opening involving immigration policy to take the lead on the issue of the “wage gap” and at the same time have a message that resonates with millions of middle-class Democrats. At issue is ...

  • February 19, 2015

    Why the push for embryo stem cells?

    It’s hard to admit that I’m this jaded.  But as I read about hockey legend Gordie Howe’s response to adult stem cell therapy following his stroke -- I couldn’t help but question the whole stem cell debate. Last fall...

  • January 28, 2015

    'Grassroots' opposition to fracking apparently not so grassroots

    Ever wonder where liberal protestors get their money? It’s an all too seldom reported story.  Television stories create the illusion that liberal activism is a purely populist, purely egalitarian endeavor – lots of ordinary folks ...

  • December 30, 2014

    Use the Trent Lott Standard on de Blasio?

    How often have we lamented “trial by media,” which, of necessity, leads to the resignation of a Republican?  A textbook example is the media-mandated exile of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott in 2002.  His crime: the twisting o...

  • November 21, 2014

    Death of the 'melting pot'

    Memo to liberals: process matters.  Annett Kirk, widow of  Russell Kirk, notes her husband’s view that  the best reformer is one who “combines an ability to reform with a disposition to preserve; the man who loves change is...

  • June 26, 2014

    A Democratic Break in the IRS Scandal?

    As difficult as it is to admit, it’ll take the help of Democrats if we’re ever to get to the truth of the IRS scandal. And the upcoming election presents a great opportunity to put them on the hot seat. An ever-so-slight opening was ...

  • October 3, 2013

    Obama's phony debt default threat

    To paraphrase a famous Democrat, "It's the Federal Debt Stupid."  On this issue, the Tea Party probably can win.  And, now a knowledgeable Washington insider is on their side. When he took office, President Reagan promoted a young Michig...

  • August 8, 2013

    Leave ObamaCare Alone!

    Imagine running for Congress with the United State mired in a horrible depression... and millions of people snarly and dry due to Prohibition. It's 1932 and your opponent voted for Prohibition. Are you more likely to support repeal or give the other ...

  • May 17, 2013

    'Vast and Ungovernable'

    No -- the government isn't so vast that it's ungovernable. Mr. Axelrod is wrong. In fact, he has things backwards. Leaders inevitably convey messages that set a tone throughout an organization or bureaucracy. Consider Warren Buffett's 1991 congressi...

  • February 21, 2013

    'Obamastration' is premeditated incompetence

    Sequestration.  No.  It is "Obamastration."  And it is premeditated incompetence. Just listen to House Speaker John Boehner writing in the Wall Street Journal: During the summer of 2011, as Washington worked toward a plan to reduce th...

  • December 21, 2012

    How to downsize the federal government

    Maybe Republicans need go back to the Gipper's playbook on the deficit.  Reagan once said, "I'm not worried the deficit.  It's big enough to take care of itself."  He certainly had a point.  Reagan was charged with massively incre...

  • December 13, 2012

    The rest of the story on Lansing union thugs

    You've probably seen the video of the union thugs knocking down the tent in front of Michigan's capital the other day.  You know about the folks trapped inside. Now, to quote Paul Harvey, here's "the rest of the story." Across the street from th...

  • February 14, 2012

    The war on jobs (continued)

    Politically correct East Lansing has run a green business out of town in a victory of the bureaucrat over the entrepreneur.  Last year Dave Thorin launched "Spar-Thai" a bike-taxi service to shuttle folks around Michigan State's campus.  ...

  • January 10, 2012

    Newt the Plumber

    If my wife asked me to change the downstairs bathroom faucet, I'd feel comfortable working on it with a buddy of mine who's pretty handy.  He's read a lot about plumbing.  He knows his way around Home Depot.  He's familiar with handyma...

  • July 14, 2011

    The Lesson of Reykjavik

    President Reagan's experience at Reykjavik contains a good lesson for today's conservatives -- patience.  Those 1986 talks began with Mikhail Gorbachev offering amazing cuts in nuclear weapons.  Reagan and his team were stunned and excited....

  • July 13, 2011

    When you rely on the government

    Thank goodness for the safety and security of government sponsored defined benefit plans and Social Security.  For the past 60 years Americans have been told by Democrats that only these programs can truly be counted on for genuine retirement se...

  • May 15, 2011

    Druckenmiller on the Debt Ceiling

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • April 11, 2011

    Trump ups the ante

    Like a stubborn bulldog, Donald Trump just won't let go of  the so-called "birther" issue.  Monday on CNBC he continued his fearless crusade.  The segment runs about 17 minutes; The Donald takes on the "certifcators...

  • April 9, 2011

    The Way to Compete With China

    Like two heavyweight boxers ready to do battle, the US economy appears pitted against the Chinese.  And, increasingly America's intellectual elite's have their money on the Chinese.  Americans are bombarded by the "new normal" ort...

  • March 16, 2011

    'Outstate' Wisconsin vs the unions

    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's support has been found, but to do so it looks like a reporter needs to leave Milwaukee and Madison. Bloomberg observes that Katherine Cramer Walsh of the University of Wisconsin-Madison reports that she found "bit...

  • February 4, 2011

    Contempt citation for the administration in deep water drilling ban

    Like the cavalry riding to the rescue, another federal judge has shot point-blank into the heart of the beast that is the Obama administration. U.S. Federal Judge Martin Feldman has ruled the administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwa...

  • January 15, 2011

    There are times when civility is not the answer

    There can certainly be too much civility.  This is especially true where civility morphs into a hyper politeness that politicians can cower behind as political subterfuge.  There's hardly a more graphic example than the black genocide going...

  • December 9, 2010

    How the GOP should handle the tax issue

    Memo To Republican Congressmen:  Handle the tax issue yourselves.  Here are some thoughts.  Let the Bush tax rates expire.  But, start in the House with a new GOP plan.Retroactive to January 1, 2011 the  2010 rates on income ...

  • December 7, 2010

    Another sharp, Republican, conservative female politician

    Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley, move over and make room for another sharp, republican, conservative female politician. She's the wonder waitress of Ken's Country Kitchen in Richmond, Michigan 23 year old freshman representative Andrea LaFontaine. She tol...

  • July 1, 2010

    Gearing up for Obamacare repeal

    Conventional wisdom has it that entitlement programs cannot be repealed. Iowa Republican Steve King didn't get the memo. The Daily Caller reports that his discharge petition is gaining momentum among GOP lawmakers. It would force a floor vote on th...

  • July 1, 2010

    Municipal death spiral

    Eventhough Vallejo, CA is trudging through bankruptcy court its police union continues to demand pay raises.  Give credit to CNBC's Jane Wells for a gutsy update...or, perhaps, a look into the future for other US cities.Two years ago, the Bay Ar...

  • June 23, 2010

    Data turns Keynes upside down!

    Lord Keynes must be rolling in his grave as the U.K. takes a page out of Ronald Reagan's economic recovery book.  An emergency budget has been introduced that leans mostly on spending cuts to reduce the deficit.  Bloomberg reports tha...

  • June 14, 2010

    The President's handling of the Gulf Oil Crisis is 'by the book' liberalism

    It's high time that all the President's friends in liberal places raise a toast to his excellent handling of the Gulf Oil Crisis. With amazing aplomb the President has turned an oil spill into just the type of political problem he relishes. He's us...

  • June 14, 2010

    Obama will use Oval Office speech to politicize the Gulf oil disaster

    Has the Obama administration willfully been scuttling clean up efforts in the Gulf so that the oil could make its way to shore and onto the beaches and birds for maximum political leverage?  Now Politico is reporting that the President will...

  • June 3, 2010

    Is there a political reason behind the Obama Administration's foot-dragging on the Gulf Oil Clean-Up?

    Is the Obama administrations slowness to deal with the gulf oil disaster simply another example of government bungling or is there more to it?  There appears to be one common thread that connects all of the administration's actions, or inaction,...

  • May 30, 2010

    Dems launch effort to block GOP citizen-inspired spending cuts

    Democrats and President Obama remain firmly committed to behind-closed-doors deal-making and uncontrolled spending as usual. The Hill  reports that they've now launched an effort to scrap a GOP initiated web site to host discussions for a ...

  • May 28, 2010

    NY public unions seek retraction of truthful statement

    New York City's union bosses have a new strategy in the battle between taxpayers and unaffordable benefit plans--essentially, they're now putting their hands to their ears and screaming, "I"m not listening!" Bloomberg reports that New...

  • April 8, 2010

    Obamacare great news for Indian outsourcing companies

    It looks like Obamacare won't be a jobs-killer least not in India.  While American companies take hits to their earnings and are apprehensive about hiring, Indian firms are gearing up!  The bulge in administrative work may loo...

  • March 26, 2010

    Obamacare: Rack and ruin for small business

    Don't be surprised that ObamaCare drives unemployment up. CNBC interviewed a restaurateur who fears the combination of workers comp, ObamaCare and sick time could bury her chain of restaurants she's sent the last 25 years building. Madelyn Alfano...

  • March 23, 2010

    US risks losing 'AAA' bond rating

    Investors are growing increasingly concerned that America simply cannot afford Obama and the democrats. Bloomberg reports that interest rates on US debt have recently been higher than those on corporate blue chips such as Proctor and Gamble and Joh...

  • March 5, 2010

    Obama's Reconciliation Rope-a-Dope

    It looks like Obamacare is now on a fast-track that bypasses reconcilliation. New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg told CNBC's Squakbox this morning that the messy business of reconciliation may not be necessary. "...If they can pass the Sen...

  • February 21, 2010

    Beware the health care reform zombiecrats

    A new and terrifying monster is evolving in the slime of Washington's legislative bogs, the "Zombiecrat."   Like in the old horror movies, zombiecrats are both alive and dead.  The on-screen zombie wasn't afraid of bullets...

  • February 12, 2010

    Our 'agnostic' president

    It's getting crowded under the bus. Higher income earners need to move over--here comes everyone else as the president reneges on his only tax the rich pledge. Mr. Obama's new favorite word is "agnostic" when it comes to taxing people. P...

  • February 10, 2010

    Obama's class warfare rhetoric costing jobs

    With a friend like Obama in the White House, who needs enemy? That's what lots of hotel employees in Las Vegas must be asking these days according to Loews Corp CEO Jim Tisch. He didn't mince words with Bloomberg, calling Obama's outbursts against ...

  • January 27, 2010

    Intel officials knew about lawyering up underwear bomber

    President Obama may soon feel as much heat as Detroit's now famous underwear bomber. With senators such as Joe Lieberman demanding that Mr. Abdulmutallab be tried in military courts rather than federal ones, there's an out break of "finger poin...

  • January 21, 2010

    Michigan budget crunch doesn't affect everyone

    Democratic demagoguery and hubris never fails to amaze. On the morning after the Massachusett's miracle or the revolt against out-of-touch lawmakers, we in Lansing, MI were greeted by two articles in the morning paper that help put the statist demo...

  • January 14, 2010

    Is Japan heading for a sovereign default?

    US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner would do well to well to learn from his colleagues in Japan. This past summer the finance minister passed away under mysterious circumstances and his successor has recently quit and admitted himself to hospital,...

  • January 14, 2010

    UAW to sell it's glitzy resort

    It's a sure sign of tough times when you're forced to sell your resort to raise cash. The Detroit News reports that the UAW will soon have a for-sale sign in front of its $33 million dollar resort in northern Michigan. The center, renovated in...

  • December 9, 2009

    Imagine if Climategate were about cancer research

    Let's thank Roy W. Spencer for a Climategate analogy that hits like a lead balloon.    What if the intercepted emails uncovered medical researchers discussing the fudging and hiding of cancer research data, and trying to interfere with the ...

  • December 1, 2009

    The wonderful, magical, make believe world of Paul Krugman

    No one should be surprised by the ClimateGate emails about suppressing critics and inventing data because that's just how academics talk to one another.  That's the take from Nobel Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Kru...

  • November 14, 2009

    'Legalized stealing' in Michigan helps close the budget gap

    The Supreme Court's Kelo ruling on government taking private property through eminent domain is nothing compared to what's going on in parts of cash-strapped Michigan. The Detroit News reports that government has taken a shockingly brazen new ap...

  • October 15, 2009

    Your tax dollars at work

    The folks in line in Detroit for Obama dollars were pikers.  The 65,000 each hoping to get some cash are being ripped off.  According to the Presidents's new web site Michigan has received $149,568,699 in stimulus money and an eye popping 3...

  • October 10, 2009

    Island of fiscal sanity in Michigan

    It's well known that the State of Michigan is on life support from the federal government.  The situation is hopeless.  Thousands are lining up for "Obama Cash."  The state budget is a mess.  State police have been ...