Bill Thomas

Bill Thomas

  • January 6, 2020

    The Abortion Fight Will Heat Up in 2020

    The abortion debate was big in 2019 and will become even larger in 2020.  In 2019, eleven state legislatures approved measures to limit abortion, including many who signed "heartbeat" laws, which prohibit abortion after a heartbea...

  • December 21, 2019

    Christianity Today Betrays the Truth

    In a December 19, 2019 editorial, Mark Galli, the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, opines that President Trump should be “removed from office.” This conclusion by Christianity Today’s editorial board is disheartening and, in p...

  • November 17, 2019

    We're all supposed to shed tears over Marie Yovanovitch and mean old Trump

    Mark Twain once said, "When red-headed people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn."  The author of "Huck Finn" was right.  While there is nothing wrong with having money or status, a lot of pe...

  • September 15, 2019

    The Left Hopes to Destroy Christianity by Changing It

    The United States "is a Christian nation." These words seem shocking today, but they were part of the 1892 Supreme Court decision in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States.  They were penned by Justice    ...

  • February 13, 2019

    4 Ways Democrats Want to Ruin Your Life

    President Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or ...

  • November 4, 2018

    Tuesday is up to you

    On October 20, 2016, John Cassidy, in The New Yorker, confidently declared about Donald Trump, "He's going out as a sore loser, raving at the world, threatening to unleash chaos."  Joe Scarborough, on MSNBC, said on August 15,...

  • October 21, 2018

    No, Donald Trump Did Not Infect America with 'Tribalism'

    Tribalism is now the operative word to describe the political landscape since Donald Trump's electoral victory in 2016. Carl Cannon, writing for Real Clear Politics on October 18, 2018, notes a new study that identifies "five American ...

  • September 25, 2018

    The real reason the left wants to destroy Brett Kavanaugh

    Dr. Ben Carson, on the campaign trail in 2016, said, "The Roman Empire was very, very much like us.  They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were.  And after all of those things converged togeth...