Bill Starr

Bill Starr

  • June 21, 2014

    The Blood of Liberty

    When Thomas Jefferson penned: “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” he could hardly have guessed the myriad ways that would be done. Even now, long after our national anthem firs...

  • June 10, 2014

    Korea and McCarthy

    Historical revisionism can be useful, but frequently it is distorted to concoct new folklore by people with axes to grind.  Millions of television viewers believed they learned something about the Korean War from M*A*S*H*. More millions were ...

  • April 4, 2014

    The Progressive Beehive

    The past century saw the disastrous failure of collectivist government in many forms including communism, socialism, fascism and America’s so-called mixed economy. There is a simple explanation for that: homo sapiens are not a collectivist s...