Bill Hansmann

Bill Hansmann

  • What to expect from the Kennedy assassination documents

    March 21, 2025

    What to expect from the Kennedy assassination documents

    President Trump has delivered on another promise and released all the documents -- some 80,000 -- relating to the JFK assassination. So, the nation and the world will finally discover what happened on that November Friday over sixty years ago. Fat...

  • Zelensky deserved an Oscar

    March 4, 2025

    Zelensky deserved an Oscar

    Sunday night was the 97th presentation of the Academy Awards. The big winner of the evening was Anora, which captured five Oscars, including Best Picture.  The event was lacking, however, for there was no Kabuki Theater award.  Th...

  • Will POTUS be happy with SCOTUS?

    February 12, 2025

    Will POTUS be happy with SCOTUS?

    We will soon know whether the three justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) that our 45th President of the United States (POTUS) Donald Trump appointed during his first term will affirm most, if not all, of his efforts to ...

  • I wish Rush were alive to see what’s happening

    February 6, 2025

    I wish Rush were alive to see what’s happening

    As I watch and admire the achievements of our 47th president, I am amazed at the sheer magnitude of achievement in just the first two weeks of his new administration. It is both remarkable and stunning in its width, depth, and breadth of endeavo...

  • Did the FAA’s DIE requirements just end sixty-seven lives?

    January 31, 2025

    Did the FAA’s DIE requirements just end sixty-seven lives?

    I wrote on these pages just over a year ago about my concerns about the FAA’s hiring practices.  They were allowing DIE policy to infect the hiring of air traffic control agents.  Now those hiring policies may have contribut...

  • Church and State collide: Pro-immigration cardinal to become DC archbishop

    January 7, 2025

    Church and State collide: Pro-immigration cardinal to become DC archbishop

    If you happen to find yourself in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican today, that vibration you feel beneath your feet is likely caused by St. John Paul II spinning in his sacred crypt.  John Paul, born Karol Josef Wojtyla and pope of...

  • Trump’s inauguration on MLK Day is appropriate

    December 29, 2024

    Trump’s inauguration on MLK Day is appropriate

    Margaret Hartmann, writing for the Intelligencer, published under the banner of the New York Magazine, writes that she finds it unpleasant that Donald Trump’s second inauguration will fall on the annual Martin Luther King holiday. ...

  • Gaetzgate -- How a strange nomination might play out

    November 15, 2024

    Gaetzgate -- How a strange nomination might play out

    President-elect Donald Trump's surprise nomination of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz took the internet by storm Wednesday. The predominant thought from both sides of the political and ideological aisles was, "What the hell was Trump thinking...

  • On icebergs and talking points

    October 20, 2024

    On icebergs and talking points

    It is likely that had the captain of the Titanic paid more attention to his elementary school science lessons, one of the most tragic seagoing episodes of all time might have been averted.  After all, only one ninth of an iceberg is visible...

  • Israel needs to end Iranian tyranny

    October 9, 2024

    Israel needs to end Iranian tyranny

    The Biden-Harris administration is requesting — in fact, demanding — that Israel not attack Iran’s nuclear sites as part of Israel’s strategy to destroy Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the other terrorist agencies bent on Israel...

  • We <em>can</em> go home again

    September 19, 2024

    We can go home again

    Thomas Wolfe, a novelist, poet, and essayist extraordinaire, wrote, You Can’t go Home Again. Kamala Harris has adopted as her campaign slogan, “We can’t go back.” It is beyond irony, well into the realm of blasphemy, to suppos...

  • Straightening up the UN

    September 10, 2024

    Straightening up the UN

    A recent story brought to mind a neighbor from the small Wisconsin village where I grew up. Because of our age difference, I did not know him well. I wish I had, for he had a lot of valuable things to say. Richard B. was nearly a decade older...

  • Some Thoughts On Valor -- Stolen Or Not

    August 14, 2024

    Some Thoughts On Valor -- Stolen Or Not

    The best definition of ‘valor’ I have come across is ‘strength of mind in regard to danger, that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness and courage.’ Reading of vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and his...

  • A surefire Trump victory strategy

    July 25, 2024

    A surefire Trump victory strategy

    After the past few weeks of chaos on the national political scene, it’s time to put aside our anger at the media and the opposition and develop a strategy to return Donald Trump to the White House. The thought of Cakala Harris occupying the Ova...

  • Get ready for Trump’s Thursday acceptance speech

    July 16, 2024

    Get ready for Trump’s Thursday acceptance speech

    Throughout recorded history, there have been speeches given by a diverse group of men that stand as a testament to the power of the spoken word. A few that come to mind: Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in which he reminded the nation...

  • Secret Service failure

    July 15, 2024

    Secret Service failure

    Some thoughts on the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. First, regarding the Secret Service. It is all well and good that the agents at the scene reacted as trained and instantly covered and shielded the former president with t...

  • Did CNN ensure Donald Trump’s re-election?

    July 10, 2024

    Did CNN ensure Donald Trump’s re-election?

    It is almost universally accepted that the June 27th presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was an unmitigated disaster for the sitting president. After watching what has been accurately termed a debacle for...

  • Biden’s Goldilocks/Ponce de Leon cocktail

    June 26, 2024

    Biden’s Goldilocks/Ponce de Leon cocktail

    President Biden has retired to Camp David this week to prepare for Thursday’s debate with Donald Trump. While ordinary preparation would involve quizzing by staff on the issues of the day, honing and rehoning his answers, Biden’s preparat...

  • Democrats are pounding the table

    June 4, 2024

    Democrats are pounding the table

    There is an old expression among trial attorneys: If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.  If you have the law on your side, pound the law.  If you have neither the facts nor the law on your side, pound the table....

  • Ilhan Omar was right!

    April 26, 2024

    Ilhan Omar was right!

    There are few more despicable individuals in the U.S. Congress than the so-called Squad, of which Ilhan Omar is a charter member.  She and her confederates have garnered far too much attention for their idiotic views of our society and thei...

  • My hourglass is in overdrive

    March 3, 2024

    My hourglass is in overdrive

    I'm troubled by the ever-more rapid passage of time. I first noticed this phenomenon decades ago when I realized that the Christmas holiday season, which only seemed to occur every 2-1/2 years or so when I was a child, now seemed to be happening ...

  • Et tu, Costas?

    February 27, 2024

    Et tu, Costas?

    What a disappointing past few days I just experienced. My grandsons have been visiting from Boston, and the weekend promised a lovely family reunion with the grandkids here in Georgia. That part of the weekend was as much fun as I imagined. So, ...

  • A Super Bowl anthem solution

    February 13, 2024

    A Super Bowl anthem solution

    Following the well-intentioned but ultimately destructive civil rights legislation of the sixties, the Democrat party has successfully created a racial schism in our nation. If the national melting pot seems to be working too well, they reduce it to ...

  • A modern remake of <em>The Wizard of Oz</em>

    February 8, 2024

    A modern remake of The Wizard of Oz

    MGM’s cinema classic, The Wizard of Oz has never had a worthy sequel. Granted, the stage production of The Wiz was quite well done, but it did not merit being called a sequel. The 1985 Return to Oz film premised Dorothy hospitalized in a mental...

  • Turning ‘NeverTrumps’ into Trump-lovers

    February 2, 2024

    Turning ‘NeverTrumps’ into Trump-lovers

    An interesting article by Mark Hendrickson raises the unpleasant likelihood of a Donald Trump defeat in this fall’s presidential election. The point that Mr. Hendrickson makes is that Trump’s re-ascendance to the Oval Office is unlikel...

  • January 17, 2024

    The vision of the FAA

    Quite a few years ago, as a young dentist and constant observer of the absurd, I was intrigued by a government grant of substantial tax dollars gifted to a lucky, adventurous, and likely demented scientist to study the sex life of the African tsetse ...

  • October 25, 2023

    Obama’s ‘friendly advice’ to Israel

    Barack Obama describes himself as a friend of Israel. In reality, the relationship between the former president and the State of Israel, one embodied by his approach to their leader Benjamin Netanyahu, has always been strained, if not downright hosti...

  • October 23, 2023

    Republican Disarray on the House Speakership Nothing New

    The current kerfuffle in the Republican party’s attempt to select a Speaker of the House to replace Kevin McCarthy brings to mind the ascension and later resignation of Newt Gingrich as Speaker following the Republican Revolution vote of 1994. ...

  • October 10, 2023

    Iran has got to go

    Barack Obama and Joe Biden will never publicly admit it, but they would both be more than OK with the destruction of the State of Israel. Why?  The answer for Obama goes back to his years seated at the foot of anti-Semite Jeremiah W...

  • July 20, 2023

    Who stirs our national melting pot?

    My grandmother was a marvelous cook.  Eating at her home was a gastronomic delight.  For a young grandson, it was simply a wonderful treat.  Many years later, I would love to duplicate or have anyone replicate her incred...

  • June 16, 2023

    Thomas Aquinas vs. JS Mill

    To say we live in difficult times is likely the greatest understatement of this or any century.  Now in my eighth decade, I have seen and experienced a long and interesting life.  But I have been unable, until now, to come to grip...

  • May 26, 2023

    A solution for the California reparations problem

    I have an idea about how to pay California Blacks the reparations they claim to rightly deserve for the horrific treatment exhibited against them by all whose complexions do not match their own: pay the reparations in Confederate currency. There l...

  • May 23, 2023

    Durham and the truth

    In our partisan world, truth and politics are seemingly incompatible.  As a nation, we have grown so accustomed to the lies and spin of our politicians that we likely would not recognize an objective truth coming out of the mouth of any ele...

  • May 21, 2023

    Beck and Levin provide a way to bring the Bidens to justice

    Glenn Beck and Mark Levin have compiled a report that catalogues many of the crimes committed by the Biden family.  The two broadcaster/journalists have put together a stunning list of the violations committed by the criminal first fam...

  • April 22, 2023

    The 'garbage in, garbage out' rule applies to AI, too

    There's a well known expression regarding the use of computers: garbage in, garbage out, or GI-GO.  It would be wise to keep this concept in mind when dealing with artificial intelligence (A.I.). Over the past several years, we have ...

  • March 31, 2023

    Rewriting the Republican election playbook

    As Rod Serling might have said on “Twilight Zone”: “Imagine if you will, a game of football between two rival teams, teams that have faced off in contests for as long as anyone can remember and who have always fought honorably. At t...

  • March 22, 2023

    Is there honor among thieves?

    I have recently become aware of IRS Publication 525, which states, in part, that U.S. residents are required by law to declare the value of any stolen property to the IRS and declare it as income for tax purposes.  The fair market valu...

  • March 13, 2023

    The empty suits of the climate activists

    We are all familiar with the term "empty suit," as well as the concept of  "the emperor has no clothes."  If we were to combine the two, we would have a nonentity dressed in nonexistent fabrics.  In o...

  • March 6, 2023

    A Faucian bargain

    Every year, dictionary companies publicly release a list of new words added to their pages.  Somehow, they have omitted the inclusion of "Faucian," as in "Faucian bargain."  This is not to be confused with a ...

  • March 4, 2023

    The grimly hilarious reason New York is paying BLM rioters over $6M

    New York never fails to amuse me.  We are all familiar with Saturday Night Live, an NBC production that, in its early years and with its original stellar cast, was the comedic highlight of the week as it came to us "live from New York....

  • February 4, 2023

    A newly discovered writer, Josiah Lippincott, shows the GOP what to do

    Our country's faux-conservative Republican politicians have failed to preserve the principles our Founding Fathers established as the bedrock of this nation.   How often have we put our faith in leaders who might say the right thing y...

  • January 7, 2023

    If a dog catches a car, what then?

    Reading that former presidential adviser John Bolton plans to run for president in 2024 to ensure that his former boss, President Donald Trump, does not regain his former position, I am reminded of the century-old question: if a dog were to catch a c...

  • January 4, 2023

    Some wishes for 2023

    As we enter a new year full of both promise and foreboding, I have a variety of wishes for myself and others. First, I want this to be an outstanding year for my children and grandkids.  The children are doing well.  The grandk...

  • December 14, 2022

    A breakthrough in fusion power

    Few things can make a soul happier than a PET scan showing that the little invaders ravaging your body have been either eliminated or greatly diminished by the latest rounds of chemo.  My oncologist and the many oncology nurses and physicia...

  • December 3, 2022

    The day of the flamers

    I just watched a segment of Tucker Carlson's show from last night, during which Tucker and comedian Adam Corolla discussed the quality of people hired by the Biden administration to fill significant, important positions in our government. ...

  • November 23, 2022

    A sweet goodbye to 'The Science'

    I have always hated goodbyes, whether something so simple as seeing someone off at the airport after an enjoyable visit or a more difficult final goodbye to parents after long, rich lives, and a sibling gone well before his time.  I have ne...

  • November 5, 2022

    Democrat idiocracy

    The progressive left, embodied by the Democrat party, has decided to pursue an idiocracy, a government ruled by idiots.  The idiots ruling their party leave no room for doubt that this was intentional. Let's take a look at this gathe...

  • October 23, 2022

    The best political ad ever

    When Thomas Paine declared, “These are the times that try men’s souls,” he was not referring to today’s eternal political season — but he might as well have been. Be it signs along the highway, the deluge of television s...

  • September 24, 2022

    A gay man condemns transgender education

    In a video that has gone viral, a gentleman by the name of Mario Presents lambasted those who would teach children in the school district attended by his nephews about the “joys” of transgenderism. He convincingly declared, “If...

  • September 18, 2022

    Let's outlaw stolen virtue

    The main problem for those who choose to virtue-signal is that at some point, they may be called upon to actually demonstrate that virtue.  This has proven to be a major hurdle for most on the left. We are familiar with the term "st...

  • September 16, 2022

    Numbers Really Do Matter

    I have always loved math and numbers. I love them because of their certainty, their preciseness, and my confidence that ‘truth is in the numbers.’ I am untroubled by the suggestion that numbers can be manipulated to show or prove anything...

  • August 25, 2022

    AI is coming, and it can't be soon enough

    I just read a fascinating article.  The author of the article, Kevin Roose, is quite taken by the advancements in artificial intelligence (A.I.) in recent years.  At the rate that technology advances, we all need to be aware ...

  • August 17, 2022

    The IRS to outman the Gestapo and Stasi

    Hitler's Gestapo, which terrorized German citizens during the Nazi reign of terror, numbered a mere 32,000 members.  The Stasi, East Germany's answer to the Nazi criminal enterprise, had only 85,000 thugs in their employ. ...

  • August 12, 2022

    Bill Gates–funded scientist declares candy better for you than meat

    If there was any remaining doubt that we live in an absurd, topsy-turvy world, that doubt has been crushed.  An article by Eric Lendrum in the August 11, 2022 edition of American Greatness reveals that a Bill Gates–fund...

  • July 19, 2022

    Karma comes for the mayor of DC

    An old political axiom states, "Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that guy behind the tree."  We see that mindset repeatedly among liberal progressives.  They want wind and solar power but don't want windmill ...

  • July 14, 2022

    Midterms 2022: Republicans, don't get cocky

    The expression for which he is famous — "If anything can possibly go wrong, it will go wrong" — was around long before Colonel Edward A. Murphy gained fame by stating that dictum after the sensors on a U.S. Air Force test crash ...

  • May 31, 2022

    Luxury beliefs and magical thinking

    If you want two concepts that exemplify liberal thought processes, they are luxury beliefs and magical thinking.  There is nothing either luxurious or magical about either. According to Cambridge academic Rob Henderson, permissive a...

  • May 26, 2022

    The horror of being unfriended by an anti-gun liberal

    Last night I attempted the impossible. I set about trying to carry on a rational discussion regarding the horrific events in Uvalde, Texas. I now have one less Facebook friend -- oh, the ignominy of being unfriended by a raving liberal -- and a newfo...

  • April 27, 2022

    Conservatives can dream, too

    George Bernard Shaw stated that "Some men see things as they are and ask why.  I see things that never were and ask why not."  Robert Kennedy used this quote in nearly every speech he made during his ill-fated presidenti...

  • April 22, 2022

    How about a musical starring Ron DeSantis and Mickey Mouse?

    Yesterday was a good day for Ron DeSantis and all freedom-loving Americans.  It was a bad day for Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald and Daisy Duck, and Goofy and Pluto.  Scrooge McDuck's swimming pool might soon have less cash f...

  • April 8, 2022

    Lori Lightfoot wants us to hug a mugger

    Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot may have hit on a brutal truth when she recently made remarks about the carjacking of the head of Chicago's film office, which resulted in his hospitalization.  She said carjackers, and by implication, other...

  • April 2, 2022

    DeSantis and Disney in High Noon showdown

    From the day in November of 1963 when Walt Disney decided to locate his new theme park in the area south of Orlando, Disney's corporation has had a seemingly perfect symbiotic relationship with the state of Florida.  Disney wanted a Dis...

  • March 25, 2022

    Things aren't just rotten in Denmark

    In late January of 2018, then–former vice president Joe Biden laughingly related a story about his 2016 visit to Ukraine.  At the time, a Ukrainian prosecutor by the name of Victor Shokin was investigating corruption that touched on B...

  • March 23, 2022

    Kids need not be parrots

    Our nation's educational system, from kindergarten through university level, is teaching the youth of America the intellectual equivalent of a total junk-food diet.  Whether it's the 1619 project, Critical Race Theory, multiple gend...

  • March 13, 2022

    Dream a little dream of war

    I had a scary dream last night.  The United States was at war with a Russian-Chinese alliance.  While the prospect of any war is scary, this one was even more so.  The "woke" U.S. was fighting the enemy utilizi...

  • March 3, 2022

    Volodymyr Zelensky: A profile in courage

    Volodymyr Zelensky has taken to the streets to help defend his beloved homeland of Ukraine.  Joe Biden, while vowing to fight Vladimir Putin with tough sanctions, retreated to his Delaware home, most likely to the comfortable basement ...

  • February 10, 2022

    The Trump vs. DeSantis hoax

    It's a game as old as the hills: pitting two people against one another for whatever reason.  It can be done in jest, as it was when I was a young army dentist stationed in Da Nang, RVN, in the early seventies.  We had a misch...

  • January 29, 2022

    Maybe the Smithsonian got it right about Fauci

    I was prepared to write of the outrage I felt toward the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery upon learning that come November, Dr. Anthony Fauci's image would join the enormous collection of portraits celebrating the great and worthy personages of our n...

  • January 8, 2022

    New study of Pfizer's COVID vaccine has some disturbing findings

    I just read a disturbing study of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine's efficacy by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance.  This organization comprises over 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners.  The ...

  • December 25, 2021

    When a professional golfer does epidemiology better than Fauci...

    Golfer Phil Mickelson is known for his incredible short game.  However, this past week, Mickelson was more interested in defining an endgame — to COVID, that is.  While President Biden, Dr. Fauci, and others warn of a "...

  • December 12, 2021

    Don't gaslight me on my leg and tell me it's raining

    Americans are aware of the term "gaslighting."  Repeat a lie enough times, and people begin to wonder about their sense of reality.  It is a tactic used by Democrats and the progressive left to effectively brainwash siza...

  • December 5, 2021

    Twitter attempts to define relevant science

    Readers of Stacey Lennox of  PJ Media, Dec. 3, 2021, were presented with some disturbing facts.  On Nov. 8, 2021, the American Heart Association Journals published the abstracts that researchers and clinicians would present during...

  • November 3, 2021

    Chip Roy schools Jerry Nadler

    I love living in the great state of Florida.  Our fine governor, Ron DeSantis, has made living with the COVID pandemic as tolerable as possible.  He is a logical, no-nonsense man who is unwilling to entertain the droppings of the ...

  • October 20, 2021

    Abolish the FBI

    My wife, who has an excellent sense of what is going right and wrong in our country, but who is reluctant to write her thoughts down, has insisted to me for some time that the FBI should be abolished.  I, being not shy about expressing my t...

  • September 12, 2021

    If rat poison and mold can save lives, why not a 'horse de-wormer'?

    Much has been written about ivermectin lately — most of it untrue.  People are mocking the use of a "horse-dewormer" in the treatment of COVID.  Outlets like Rolling Stone and CNN take great pleasure in ridiculing ...

  • August 22, 2021

    When the Peter Principle applies to the Oval Office, you get disaster

    According to Wikipedia, the Peter Principle is described as "a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their 'maximum level of incompetence...

  • August 9, 2021

    I'm sorry for doubting Simone Biles

    I have not watched even one minute of the ongoing Tokyo Olympic Games, but I have seen several interesting news stories about our U.S. competitors.  In addition to the disrespect shown our flag by several athletes, I was most upset by gymna...

  • August 1, 2021

    A third Trump impeachment?

    Oh, how badly the Democrats still want to eviscerate Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s politically infested Department of Justice has ruled that the IRS must deliver the former President’s tax returns to Congress. The Merrick Garland DOJ claimed ...

  • July 25, 2021

    Why did one of my favorite authors have to inject leftist politics into his latest book?

    Some things are always a joy: beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the laughter of grandchildren, walks on the beach, my wife's cooking — and until now, the Gabriel Allon novels by Daniel Silva.  Year after year, I have impatiently awa...

  • July 16, 2021

    Is baseball creating a new color barrier?

    How ironic is it that major league baseball, the sport that broke the color barrier for American sports with its inclusion of Jackie Robinson in 1947, has now decided to spend $150 million to bring Blacks back to the sport, which they have been stead...

  • July 5, 2021

    A song of hope

    Last weekend, I, along with one of my sons and his family, visited my hometown in Wisconsin.  It was one of those trips dedicated to getting the family together for an event where no one is married or buried.  In truth, I am all f...

  • May 25, 2021

    Phony Tony the mask king

    Phony Tony Fauci has mastered the art of talking out of both sides of his mask, an art form composed of telling people what the speaker wants them to believe, regardless of veracity, out of one side of your face diaper while still claiming to be the ...

  • May 1, 2021

    How Nuclear Power Excels Renewables

    Here in Pinellas County, Florida, homeowners are being bombarded with offers to install solar panels on the roofs of their homes. We are offered this ‘service upgrade’ for no money down and very liberal credit terms for the panels and the...

  • April 26, 2021

    Why Kamala hasn't headed south

    Well, we finally know why Kamala Harris, AKA Harris the Heiress (I wish I had thought that one up), is laughing, and also why she has not, as yet, visited our beleaguered southern border, even though Bumbles Biden has proclaimed her the border czar. ...

  • April 18, 2021

    Depressed? Console yourself with the wit and wisdom of Thomas Sowell

    In troubled times such as these in which we now find ourselves, it is rewarding to reread the words of great individuals who offer comfort and hope.  One of those greats is the economist Thomas Sowell.  He has said and written so ...

  • April 3, 2021

    Et tu, baseball?

    The first article I ever wrote for the Thinker was last spring.  It was all about how I so missed baseball.  I've been a fan all my life.  I was a Braves fan first in Milwaukee and then in Atlanta, where I lived for ...

  • March 27, 2021

    Our baizou nation

    The flagellants are practitioners of an extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping it with various instruments.  It was most notably a fourteenth-century movement within the Catholic Church.  It served as a sort ...

  • February 28, 2021

    Dinesh D'Souza floats a proposal to humble the Ivy League

    Dinesh D'Souza, the Indian-American conservative political commentator, filmmaker, and survivor of the Obama virtual gulag whom President Trump later pardoned, has come up with a novel and seemingly workable solution to the problem of leftis...

  • February 19, 2021

    Cuomo's tarnished halo

    Not only is the halo sported by St. Andrew of Albany (Cuomo, that is) appearing a trifle tarnished lately, he also appears to be using that halo as a cudgel to bash those pointing out his lack of saintly qualities.  Schadenfreude ...

  • February 16, 2021

    Education: A Way Forward

    I have been reminded of an old axiom that I studiously adhered to during the forty years that I ran my business. It was this: don't bring me a problem without offering a solution. In other words, don't whine and complain about a problem unles...

  • February 1, 2021

    Trump, the GOP, and the House

    The next two years are going to be very interesting to observe with respect to the future of the Republican Party and Donald Trump's leadership role. Ten Republican members of the House of Representatives voted to impeach the president in the sec...

  • December 18, 2020

    Sir Winston and The Donald

    Seeing the apparent fate of Donald Trump in our recent sham of an election, I am reminded of the individual who I believe was the greatest man of the twentieth century, Winston Churchill. For five long years, 1940–1945, Churchill stood alone...

  • December 2, 2020

    Dr. Fauci and my brother Mark

    There's something about Dr. Anthony Fauci that bothers me, and I hadn't been able to nail it down until quite recently.  His credentials and prominent position in the medical field would suggest a healer — a man interested in ...

  • November 28, 2020

    Four Words Change Everything

    2020 has been quite a year. Say what you will about the crash of ’29 or the unrest of ’68, this year’s COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown, along with an election campaign of revolting day-to-day events and a questionable outcom...

  • October 10, 2020

    Our social dilemma

    I watched an extremely troubling movie the other night on the recommendation of my friend Rich.  It was on Netflix but is also available on YouTube and is called The Social Dilemma. We wonder why partisan rancor and political d...

  • July 6, 2020

    An obituary for the USA?

    George Burns famously said the first thing he did every morning was read the obituaries.  If he wasn't in them, he figured it was safe to get up.  I have to say that as a citizen of the United States of America, I don't mu...

  • May 14, 2020

    The dominoes begin to fall

    Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh raised the question all Americans should be asking.  The question was not "What happens if we open the economy back up too quickly?"  Rather, it was "What happens if we open the economy back...

  • May 1, 2020

    Bringing back baseball

    God, I miss baseball!  As a child, I grew up with my dad and brothers, listening to Earl Gillespie and Blaine Walsh describe the games played by Eddie Mathews, Hank Aaron, Warren Spahn, and the others who wore the uniform of the Milwaukee B...