Bill D'Agostino

Bill D'Agostino

  • July 31, 2017

    Imran Awan coverage betrays media bias

      A week has passed since the arrest of former House staffer Imran Awan, and the establishment media have given the event only superficial coverage.  Awan, a Pakistani immigrant, was formerly employed by more than 30 House Democrats...

  • November 20, 2016

    The media become reality TV show writers

    An oft-aired criticism of reality television shows is that their writers manufacture faux conflict in a cheap bid for ratings.  Evidently, the creative minds in the left-wing media have taken a page from the book of reality TV producers, as they...

  • July 13, 2016

    Congressional hearing: Attorney general refuses to admit speeding illegal

    During a congressional hearing on June 12, Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified before a panel of House Republicans, many of whom expressed frustration with her intentionally opaque answers regarding the Justice Department’s investigation o...

  • June 15, 2016

    Failure to integrate: The most important question behind Orlando

    The recent Orlando massacre, the deadliest mass shooting in America's history, was committed by an American citizen wielding a legally purchased firearm.  Predictably, the leftist media have already begun brandishing this fact to "prove...

  • June 8, 2016

    Regressive media applaud the San Jose violence

    The far-left media are excusing the behavior of San Jose rioters, instead blaming the violence on Trump and rally attendees. Some journalists have gone so far as to encourage the attacks. In the wake of the outrage over the violent protesters'...