Betsy M. Galliher

Betsy M. Galliher

  • August 21, 2012

    Paul Ryan and the Return of Normal

    Paul Ryan was simply poetic, campaigning over the weekend with his mother, Betty Douglas, among the same senior citizens whom Democrats claim Ryan and his Medicare reform would purge unmercifully via cliff-dropping.  It was visual proof that at ...

  • August 9, 2012

    The Obama Classic

    If you thought the Obama campaign might attempt some modesty in the wake of all things dismal, downgraded, and transformed, think again.  The Obama Classic, postponed in 2011 when NBA players returned to work post-lockout, is back.  And app...

  • July 28, 2012

    Richard Lugar's 13,000th Senate Vote

    Richard Lugar celebrated a career milestone this week, casting his 13,000th vote as a U.S. Senator.  You heard that right -- thirteen thousand.  A press release from Lugar's office praised his voting record that now victoriously ranks Lugar...

  • July 14, 2012

    Yes, Virginia, There Is Truth in Media

    A smart, savvy high school student recently asked me to recommend some sources for real news, or what is commonly found in new media -- truth.  For most readers, it is a long-held foregone conclusion that mainstream media is little more than a m...

  • July 1, 2012

    Can S.E. Cupp Lie with Fools and Not Get Up a Fool?

    I suspect that many conservatives sent up a cheer when they heard that smart, feisty conservative commentator S.E. Cupp would be co-hosting MSNBC's new show, The Cycle.  Cupp flies in the face of the contrived, stodgy image of a conservative -- ...

  • June 17, 2012

    God Bless the Conservative Father

    Michelle Obama sent yet another plea last week, imploring the common man to wish her husband a happy Father's Day.  That is to say, Mrs. Obama -- who undoubtedly left the note's details to staff as limited as her time is between book tours, lavi...

  • May 29, 2012

    Government to Fork: The Obama Garden

    Michelle Obama's first book -- American Grown:  The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America -- hits bookstores today, undoubtedly with the standard prominence afforded leftist authors.   Naturally, no Obama e...

  • March 27, 2012

    Just Don't Call The Left Uncivil

    Ah, civility -- the one compromise for which Leftists show such promise.  How many times must the man setting records for campaigning both on the taxpayer's dime and at his expense, appeal to our better graces?      The ...

  • March 14, 2012

    When School Administrators Bully

    Indiana's House Bill 1169, The Restoring School Discipline Act, offers a compelling civics lesson for any student, and any parents who dares presume to be better suited than the State to police their child's behavior.  State-run school teac...

  • March 3, 2012

    Girl Scouts: The Awful Truth

    Indiana freshman Representative Bob Morris is learning the hard way that the Girl Scouts of America is to the progressive agenda as the Komen Foundation is to Planned Parenthood, and the Catholic church (or so Obama presumed) is to an Obama abortion ...

  • February 18, 2012

    The Only Conscience is The Liberal Conscience?

    It seems another group has fallen victim to the Left's assault on individual conscience this week, followed by a proper outcry of righteous indignation.  The administration's affront to religious liberty is a contemptible tyranny (redundant...

  • February 13, 2012

    Notre Dame's Cold Slap of Progressive Reality

    One of the more disheartening moments mere months after the 2009 inauguration was the invitation extended President Obama to address commencement, and receive an honorary doctor of laws degree, at Indiana's revered and once resolute Catholic stalwart...

  • February 10, 2012

    The Rube Goldberg Diet

    February 9th marked the two-year anniversary of Michelle Obama's exercise in anti-indulgence hypocrisy, Let's Move!  It also began another taxpayer-funded, star-studded travel extravaganza covering four States in three days via private jet, begi...

  • February 4, 2012

    Stop Picking on President Bully

    The latest Obama campaign plea arrived in my inbox today -- "Tired of the Obama bashing?"  Such frank honesty, amid grammatical ambiguity, made me wonder if I was being had.  But as long as it's the Obama camp asking - yes -- I tire of Obam...

  • January 25, 2012

    Dumbing Down the SOTU

    An aspect of last night's SOTU address struck me as particularly odd.  It wasn't the utterly predictable misrepresentation of fact, also known as lies.  It wasn't even Obama's predictable solution for the problems at hand -- nearly all of ...

  • January 20, 2012

    Indiana Democrats Abandon Ship

    Like indignant toddlers stomping off to avoid a fair, yet unwinnable, fight, Indiana Democrats are staging another tempered walkout over pending Right to Work legislation; illustrating once again the Democrats' definition of compromise -- rewriting t...

  • January 13, 2012

    A Birthday Fit For a FLOTUS

    Next week marks the 48th birthday of our nation's First Lady -- a milestone worthy of yet another Obama campaign letter.  In an appeal seemingly directed at third graders or the acronym-challenged, POTUS does what he knows best - campaign. ...

  • December 19, 2011

    The Agony of Victory, The Thrill of Outcome

    The man who acts as commander-in-chief to the world's most elite and benevolent military force, bestowed upon his followers' email yesterday a reverent, humbled message of gratitude for our soldiers and their families, and a rousing defense of the De...

  • October 11, 2011

    Bring Your Kids to Occupy Day!

    If you happened to be earning your wealth yesterday -- Columbus Day -- you might have missed the "Kids Speak Out at Occupy Wall Street" event in fragrant Zuccotti Park.  Face-painting, balloons, playing with the products of the evil Crayola corp...

  • October 4, 2011

    The Marauding Band Plays Wall Street

    To the occupier whom the taxpayer must endure on his way to earning the dividends of fair share, with apologies to Elizabeth Warren: There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own.  Nobody.  You started a revolution out there - goo...

  • September 30, 2011

    For the Love of All Photo Ops - Not My Target Store!

    First she came for my daughter's chocolate syrup with a splash of milk.  Then she came for my child's BMI.  Then my French fries and shaker of salt.  J.Crew sweater sets, gym class, my breast pump -- all tainted.  Now this?! Targe...

  • September 14, 2011

    When Community Organizers Attack

    First an organizer; always an organizer. The thin-skinned Obama campaign is at it again -- on the attack against the usual enemies who refuse to acquiesce to the fundamental transformation -- Limbaugh, Beck, Perry, the Tea Party, Trump, Rove, Palin, ...

  • August 26, 2011

    Some Gave All, Obama Shot Par

    Without question, President Obama seems to have long ago perfected the art of evading responsibility, better perhaps than even most teenagers, and whoever coined the phrase "working vacation."   Obama's favored modus oper-voidance continues...

  • August 4, 2011

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President

    Happy 50th Birthday, Mr. President.  Sincerely.  A birthday is always cause for great celebration, but to think you can commemorate your fifty short years with the largest debt hike in history, and skewer the Tea Party in the process, is a ...

  • June 16, 2011

    What is Really More Fattening -- Chocolate Milk, or Government Dependence?

    The Los Angeles Unified School District Board voted this week to eliminate sugary, flavored milks from its schools' lunchrooms -- largely on the advice of celebrity chef and "Food Revolution" giant turned savior of school lunches, Jamie Oliver -- and...

  • June 13, 2011

    Weiner's Public Service

    Let's give Anthony Weiner credit where credit is due.  It's not just that he has given new meaning to the House 'Members' Gym.  And it isn't just that he is a veritable PSA for teens on the dangers of transmitting images electronically, sex...

  • May 23, 2011

    Blarney and Barry

    Barack Obama visits my family's homeland today, which is also apparently Obama's ‘homeland' by way of Stanley Ann Dunham's great-great-grandfather.  If Obama is, as ironically headlined by the birther-loathing CNN, still "in search of...

  • May 16, 2011

    Yesterday was Sunday: Where was your Commander-in-Chief?

    Yesterday was Sunday. Where was your commander-in-chief? A. Defending Israel in the week of her birth by denouncing Syria's brazen invasion of her border?B. Recognizing Bush's role in our successes in the war on terror?C. Touring even one area of n...

  • May 12, 2011

    At What Point is Spiking the Football Excessive Celebration?

    Following a brief stint as Commander-in-Chief, Obama is back to his old playbook -- Alinsky's oldies but goodies playing over and over on the progressive turntable -- snidely framing Republicans and nearly anyone who dares question illegal immigratio...

  • April 22, 2011

    To the Debtor's Prison Born

    It's unlikely today's student of history is even familiar with the debtor's prison of past centuries "home" even to innocent children, bearing the unfortunate sins of their parents.  Today's student may be even less likely to know debt...

  • April 2, 2011

    What If I Mother My Kids the Way Barack Obama Governs?

    Every now and then -- as if from the mouths of progressive babes -- one of our children utters a remark that is seemingly profound, and sadly naïve.   And it makes me wonder: what if children being raised in the White House really are ...

  • March 16, 2011

    We're All Golf Widows Now

    "Pretty is as pretty does" is a familiar refrain from youth.  In a nod to my mother, the saying now echoes in my own home, along with the rolling eyes of teenage girls that never seem to change from one generation to the next.  So...

  • March 11, 2011

    Bullying really isn't what it used to be

    Bullying really isn't what it used to be.  Gone are the days of kicking sand, and sticking gum in schoolgirls' braids.  The modern bully is far more passive aggressive in his harassment.  Creating the damage, cursing the falsely accuse...

  • February 28, 2011

    The Geraldo Rivera of Presidents

    I'm bitter.  No two ways about it.  Without Robert Glib in the press room there's just no comic relief in the fundamental transformation anymore.  So often Leftists are, themselves, the best illustration of their ironic world of absurd...

  • February 14, 2011

    Obama, Now -- and Then

    There are very few moments in our lives where we have the privilege to witness history taking place.  This is one of those moments.  This is one of those times.  The people of Egypt have spoken, their voices have been heard, and Egypt ...

  • February 6, 2011

    The Code Pink Blues

    It was a cold day in the maelstrom of a Midwest blizzard when I inadvertently stumbled upon the glossy, pink, smiling cheerleaders of the Code Pink website.  The attraction can only be compared to the inexplicable instinct to slow and gawk at a ...

  • January 31, 2011

    NOW Goes Shark-Jumping

    It is both peculiar and fitting that President Obama would use his State of the Union address to evoke what many consider a rather humiliating moment in our history: our "Sputnik moment."  The Russian Sputnik satellite ultimately serve...

  • January 25, 2011

    A Bipartisan Night to Remember?

    In all of Thomas Sowell's prophetic work, one simple quote is among my favorites,  "Most people on the left do not oppose freedom.  They are just in favor of all sorts of things that are incompatible with freedom."   In ...

  • January 22, 2011

    When Soccer Moms Go Viral

    When an Internet post goes ‘viral' it is expectedly subject to both veneration, and venom.  Venom of the absurd from anonymous Leftists can be quite entertaining.  Strings of four letter words and vulgar references to the female form ...

  • January 13, 2011

    My Name is Betsy. I'm a Killer.

    My name is Betsy.  I'm a wife and proud soccer mom, a writer, and a small business owner.  I'm also a killer.On the morning of January 8, 2011, I intentionally entered a gathering held by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and shot her at nea...