Ben Bartee

Ben Bartee

  • The unasked IVF question

    March 7, 2024

    The unasked IVF question

    Admitted diversity hire Karine Jean-Pierre — the Social Justice™ Holy Grail: Lesbian Immigrant Person of Color™ (street name: LLPOC) —was recently dispatched to read her notecards (poorly) at the White House podium, as she oft...

  • October 1, 2023

    Modern art is the resentful destruction of beauty

    My cosmopolitan-minded wife forced me to visit an old colonial-era Catholic hospice/orphanage in the center of Guadalajara, Mexico recently. The aged murals depicting hell and redemption and such existential concepts were breathtaking. What certai...

  • September 23, 2023

    New federal credit card late fees rule will harm consumers

    One of the pillars of a free-market economy is the prerogative granted to lenders to set their own conditions. Borrowers then enjoy the discretion to accept or reject them. No government entity -- and certainly not one outside of congressional ove...

  • September 21, 2023

    The government has failed at personnel management

    The bloated, feckless Office of Personnel Management (OPM) — what is effectively the federal government's HR department — is asleep at the wheel. A significant portion, if not the majority, of private-sector American workers in the...

  • September 15, 2023

    The Unabomber vs. liberal psychology

    Having previously read and his manifesto some years ago, I have been revisiting the Unabomber's treatise on technology and its toxic effects on society and individual psychology. (I feel compelled -- not out of moral obligation, because I beli...

  • September 7, 2023

    In order to save the whales, we must kill the whales

    That's how The Science™ works, boys and girls.  Respect it, or be made to answer to the Department of Homeland Security, bigot. If you live on the East Coast of the U.S., chances are you've seen and/or heard tell of the inc...

  • August 31, 2023

    'Miracle' weight loss drug manufacturers get hauled into court

    I get a veritable avalanche of breathless complaints from (probably obese) individuals when I write about semaglutide (marketed as Wegovy and Ozempic in the United States).  Their objections tend to go along the lines of "but...

  • August 26, 2023

    What the Unabomber got right

    I have explored previously at Armageddon Prose the brilliant foresight — despite his obvious issues with morality — of Ted Kaczynski, AKA The Unabomber, in terms of technology's deleterious impacts on society and the pathologies that ...

  • August 20, 2023

    Leftists now claim that AI is...wait for it...

    A bespectacled Person of Color™ appeared on Social Justice™ paragon Democracy Now! recently to share with the audience that artificial intelligence is — and you'll never guess what's coming next — racist! As lon...

  • July 30, 2023

    Carl Sagan predicted from the grave the rise of people like Fauci (video)

    Consider Carl Sagan's warning here – resurfaced by Jimmy Dore -- taken from an interview with Charlie Rose, way before COVID-19 or any of the other permanent technocracy-mediated emergencies emerged. "There’s two kinds of da...

  • July 24, 2023

    Anderson Cooper shames Cornel West

    "Spoiler" Green Party candidate Cornel West was invited onto CNN so that Anderson Cooper could shame him into dropping out so as not to be forever smeared as responsible for Trump's re-election, as Sister Jill Stein is to this day....

  • July 13, 2023

    Watch: John Bolton appears on CNN, laments 'random people' Trump talked to during presidency

    Neocon John Bolton of Iraq War fame – shilling for the war based on lies, to be clear, not fighting in it himself – recently appeared on corporate state media to do the two things he always does on television, usually at the same time: Sh...

  • April 18, 2023

    Harry Potter star: 'Trust kids' to trans themselves

    With the glaring and brave exception of J.K. Rowling, the people involved with the Harry Potter franchise appear to have an extreme fetish for "transitioning" children. The entirety of the popular culture machine in the West, of course, ...

  • April 13, 2023

    FBI deems 'red-pilled' and 'based' as terms that indicate 'Incel Violent Extremism'

    The FBI could be investigating any of a thousand legitimate scandals in its role as principal federal law enforcement agency — like the military's very public accounting problem or the NIH's alleged illicit funding of gai...

  • March 21, 2023

    Epic video: Informed black guy on DC street destroys Fauci to his face

    I don’t know how this clip slipped past me, but a video has resurfaced of Anthony Fauci and Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser canvassing the streets to encourage the urban population to get vaxxed and filming it for propaganda purposes....

  • January 31, 2023

    The biggest, most ignored demographic in electoral politics

    A higher percentage of eligible voters regularly show up to the polls in Mexico, Brazil, and Slovakia than in the world's pre-eminent and oldest democracy. The two parties that, in reality, constitute a uniparty duopoly bend over backward to c...

  • April 29, 2021

    The Last Domain of Free Expression Is under Siege

    "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." ― George Orwell, 1984 Over the last five years, in the U.S. and across the West, free expression in cyberspace has come under unprecede...

  • April 10, 2021

    Federal Government at the Heart of 'Vaccine Passport' Development

    The Biden administration — arguably the most extremist executive regime in terms of its threat to civil liberties in recent history — is currently engaged in a coordinated effort to develop and introduce "vaccine passports" to t...

  • December 16, 2020

    As COVID Vaccine Nears, Government Coercion Begins in Earnest

    The New York Times, in a recent cultural exposition on the lingering social effects of the evolving COVID-19 response, quotes several epidemiologists.  The sources also offer their prognostications. The fully unsurprising consensus among...

  • December 12, 2020

    The Bizarre Brainwashing Campaign to Convince Men They're Women

    "I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled. And then," he added in a lower tone, "I ate my own wickedness." —Aldous Huxley, Brave New World As Aldous Huxley said it would be, the Brave New World is foisted ...