Barry Shaw

Barry Shaw

  • A challenge to a failing Western civilization

    July 1, 2024

    A challenge to a failing Western civilization

    In an interview with Israel Hayom, Professor Michael Wolffsohn of the Federal Army University in Munich stated: "Hamas is not just a terror army, but also an organization that holds a modern ideology for the extermination of Jews." ...

  • Israel Exposes U.N.-UNRWA Hamas Collusion

    June 26, 2024

    Israel Exposes U.N.-UNRWA Hamas Collusion

    Since Hamas's savage attack against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, the Israeli Defense Forces have been operating in Gaza to eliminate Hamas's military and governance capabilities and to attempt to free the Israeli hostages. During this operation...

  • Jihadi indoctrination of American children is active and spreading

    June 12, 2024

    Jihadi indoctrination of American children is active and spreading

    We have witnessed indoctrination taking place in America’s elite universities, creating a conveyor belt of brainwashed Hamas-supporting activists. Now evidence is emerging that Jihad promoters are poisoning the elementary educational syste...

  • Polls show the changing opinion of Israelis about a Palestinian state. Can you blame them?

    June 2, 2024

    Polls show the changing opinion of Israelis about a Palestinian state. Can you blame them?

    In 2005, the majority of Israelis favored the establishment of a Palestinian state. By 2013, just over 50% of Israeli Jews still favored a two-state solution, despite a growing wave of Palestinian terror attacks. Just weeks before the horrors o...

  • Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

    June 2, 2024

    Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

    The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on May 31 and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan. ...

  • Geert Wilders represents the rescue of Europe from socialist open-borders disasters

    May 17, 2024

    Geert Wilders represents the rescue of Europe from socialist open-borders disasters

      The drift of European countries away from the failed immigration policies of their socialist predecessors reached the Netherlands with the election of Geert Wilders as their new leader. Wilders will lead a coalition of four parties with ...

  • A New Gaza —  A New Middle East

    May 9, 2024

    A New Gaza — A New Middle East

    Clearly, Gaza needs to be built from scratch. The rubble of its violent past has to be swept away along with its radical ideology. It must not be mismanaged by those whose principles led to its ruin. It must be led by leaders dedicated to making Gaza...

  • Israel’s war against Hamas, and American double standards

    April 26, 2024

    Israel’s war against Hamas, and American double standards

    I am appalled when I watch America’s media, because if you listen to America’s studio talking heads (apart from Fox News), or hear what the spokespeople from Joe Biden’s White House or State Department are saying, all that comes acr...

  • Israel and the dangerous blindness of the Biden administration.

    March 5, 2024

    Israel and the dangerous blindness of the Biden administration.

    There is growing trepidation in Israel as the Biden administration begins to interfere in Israeli domestic politics. This was highlighted by the invitation to opposition leader, Benny Ganz, to visit he White House for a meeting with Vice President...

  • September 19, 2023

    Netanyahu's upcoming visit to New York already beset by leftist agitation and sabotage

    When Israeli prime minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu arrives in New York this week to address the United Nations General Assembly, the television news channels will be sure to highlight the disgraceful sight of Israelis joining Palestinian...

  • May 27, 2023

    NO to Susie Gelman as US ambassador to Israel

    Susie Gelman is absolutely the wrong candidate for US ambassador to Israel.  Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, maybe, but not to Israel.  In her role as chair of the Israel Policy Forum (someone will have to explain to me how she ...

  • May 5, 2023

    How to save America from itself

    Needed now: a value-based Judeo-Christian Alliance to save America from itself - and thereby save the free world. In preparation for a strategic research report, and while pondering how a once mighty America has fallen into an abyss of radical Mar...

  • April 28, 2023

    Ron DeSantis in Israel

    Comments made by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during his visit to Israel are relevant in light of his expected candidacy to become a Republican candidate for the US Presidency. Addressing the fraying relationship between the United States and Sau...

  • June 15, 2022

    Slow Joe goes to Israel

    The dates have been fixed for Biden's visit to the Middle East: July 13–16, and the schedule looks loaded with pitfalls for the fumbling president. His visit to Israel coincides with the Opening Ceremony of the Maccabiah Games, which is ...

  • June 7, 2022

    In advance of Biden's visit to Jerusalem, a warning

    Joe Biden is coming to Israel, likely in July. Prior to this visit — to Jerusalem and other places — it is important to set the stage about what has happened in the region when fresh people, capable of thinking out of the Est...

  • May 2, 2022

    Hallelujah! UN official tells the truth about Palestinian violence

    God bless Tor Wennesland! This Norwegian U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process told the truth. This is a rare quality among U.N. officials when it comes to getting to the heart of why there is no progress to peace with...

  • April 12, 2022

    The Unspoken Evil of Climate Change Tyrants

    The current U.S. administration has driven the world into a more dangerous place, and it has been led there by the climate change dictators.  Consider where they have led us. The forceful anti-fossil fuel dictates of the green energy polic...

  • April 10, 2022

    Life in the terror wave

    Go have a beer and get murdered. They sat in a restaurant and got murdered. YouTube screengrab They went down for a walk with the baby and got murdered. Went shopping for the holiday and got murdered. Ride a bicycle and get murdere...

  • April 5, 2022

    Democrats' support for Israel has cratered under Biden

    After a year in office, it is clear to most Americans, and much of the free world, that President Biden is no Reagan, Trump, or even Clinton.  Putting it kindly, Biden is no originalist.  He doesn't have one uniquely Biden polic...

  • March 30, 2022

    Crocodile tears and American delusions

    Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, was forced to apologize by his two main patrons, U.S. secretary of state Antony Blinken and the king of Jordan, for the deadly Palestinian terror attack in the Bnei Brak residential suburb of...

  • March 28, 2022

    The US Congress must vote to stop the Iran deal NOW!

    Lifting sanctions off an unrepentant Iran and its troublesome organizations and individuals will not prevent Iran from attempting to implement their messianic ambitions to destroy Israel. In the toothless contract without stringent, even crippling...

  • March 4, 2022

    For Israel, Ukraine Was A Test Case And The West Failed That Test.

    Before March had arrived, we witnessed the early probing of forward Russian troops into Ukraine. Initially, this force consisted of young inexperienced troops and old equipment. The media and inexperienced pundits celebrated Ukrainian victories an...

  • February 6, 2022

    Hezb’allah’s role in the Mexico-USA drug and weapon smuggling empire

    One of the muted consequences of Biden’s open border policy is the smuggling into America of huge amounts of lethal drugs. An estimated 100,000 Americans died -- it would be more accurate to say were killed – last year due to th...

  • February 3, 2022

    The hateful hypocrisy of Whoopi Goldberg: The view from Israel

    The woman who calls herself Whoopi Goldberg made shockingly insulting remarks about Jews that, under the new rules the left enforces, should have her thrown off her lucrative TV show, as well as off social media platforms.  But instead, she...

  • January 31, 2022

    Understanding what lay behind the Beit Israel Islamic attack

    Off the tongue, CAIR sounds like "care," but it is precisely the opposite. Post–terrorist trauma, the Jews of Colleyville, Texas now live under the dark shadow of the Islamic antisemitic rhetoric of CAIR.  Indeed, that gu...

  • January 22, 2022

    Biden: 3 pipelines, 3 disasters

    What is it with the confused Biden and pipelines? Disaster 1.  One day one of his presidency, he signed an executive order closing down the Keystone pipeline, throwing thousands of Americans out of work. Thereby, America went from bei...

  • January 6, 2022

    Biden and the Democrats are Captain Ahab and his crew

    From January 6 and all the way through November 2022, the Democrats are going to beat a fearful drum to scare the people against the Republicans.  They are going to write and lecture nightmare stories about the horrible Republican whale com...

  • January 2, 2022

    Do another six million Jews have to die before the benign West awakens from its torpor?

    The battle that Israel is currently engaged in against Iran has been referred to as “the war between wars.” This is a misnomer. Israel is currently engaged in a war against Iran and has been for several years. This war is mainly f...

  • December 25, 2021

    The Truth About Christians in the Holy Land this Christmas

    Sadly, this Christmas, many Christian leaders must enter into a period of theological soul-searching.  Christian diplomats from once proudly Christian nations failed to oppose the United Nations General Assembly resolution that designated the...

  • November 23, 2021

    The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris

    Viewing America from outside the country adds a semi-neutral perspective on news and events. I’ve been told there’s value in hearing an outside viewpoint about people more intimately tied to the emotional maelstrom of unfolding events. Co...

  • November 15, 2021

    This Democrat Criminal Prosecution System is Deeply Immoral

    One certain sign that a country has gone off the rails is when the governing power systematically imposes a criminal prosecution that is prepared to change laws and conditions to favor the criminals over law-abiding citizens and create an atmosphere ...

  • November 8, 2021

    American Perfidy Against Jews Is Never A Good Thing

    The Balfour Declaration was signed on November 2, 1917, at a time when Britain and its allies were driving the Turks and Germans out of Palestine, a barren region of a decayed and defeated Ottoman Empire. The Palestine Campaign turned the tide of ...

  • November 5, 2021

    Is the wall of delusional Democrat dominance crumbling?

    I can't begin to tell you, as an overseas observer, how refreshing it was to see the results of recent American state and local elections. As someone who had become convinced that America had gone completely off the rails in a dogged pursuit o...

  • October 10, 2021

    Jewish Critical Race Theory

    -Satire- BLM has introduced Critical Race Theory to capitalize on the oppression of Blacks. As a Jew, I ask, why not apply it to the millennia of suffering and repression (including slavery) that we have endured? Anyone who is not Jewish is an ...

  • October 1, 2021

    The Scheller Case is America’s Dreyfus Affair

    A US Marine officer, Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, publicly criticized the Biden Administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan which left 13 servicemen and women dead at Kabul Airport.  He particularly targeted the top brass of th...

  • September 27, 2021

    Sudan and Israel: Two unexpected allies

    Israel was delighted and grateful when Sudan, a large Muslim nation in Africa, joined the Abraham Accord nations in a unique normalization process initiated by President Donald Trump between moderate Arab and Muslim states and Israel. Sudan has, f...

  • September 8, 2021

    President Biden Must Be Impeached

    Joe Biden should not be allowed to resign to escape punishment for he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. He must be impeached. Even American allies agree. In the British Parliament, Tom Tugendhat, MP and decorated former British office...

  • August 22, 2021

    Pelosi sees the clock ticking and has to ditch Biden to stay in power

    Vice President Kamala Harris has flown to Singapore and Vietnam. She must consider there are no pressing issues at home. No border crisis with crime gangs, drugs, and a new raging Covid variant flooding her country. No exploding crime waves. No sk...

  • August 15, 2021

    Biden is about to follow Ford and Carter in the US Hall of Shame

    After extracting US forces from Afghanistan, leaving behind a treasure trove of military hardware as an expensive parting gift for the Taliban to pick up as they blow down the US House of Cards policy known as “nation building” in Afghani...

  • August 11, 2021

    The unholy alliance of Hezb'allah and the Taliban

    Whether in Lebanon, where Hezb'allah operates, or in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is brutally regaining territory, they have the same operating methods and the same devastating plans for the world. It is hard to believe, but a year has passe...

  • July 19, 2021

    The Democrats Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.

    “Never let a crisis go to waste.” “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” Two seemingly disconnected statements from two Chicago politicians – Rahm Emmanuel, the White House Chief of Staff,...

  • July 6, 2021

    Are We Witnessing The Death Of America’s Democratic Republic?

    Although this journal is called the American Thinker it can be useful to hear the observations of a non-American thinker on what appear to be bewildering and growing problems in America. Public safety is perhaps the pre-eminent responsibility of g...

  • June 22, 2021

    With the election of Raisi, it’s time to get real with Iran

    If you thought that Iran could not get more extreme, think again.  It just did.  Remember the name Ebrahim Raisi.  He is the new leader of Iran.  His ambitions were clear for decades.  He marks himself ...

  • May 16, 2021

    When the dust settles, politically, Hamas will win

    The biggest loser from the ongoing Hamas rocket barrage is not Israel. It’s Mahmoud Abbas. He was already losing before Hamas opened fire. He is now down and out. A totally irrelevant figure in the recent unrest. What was the spark that l...

  • April 10, 2021

    Delta, UA? Pick another airline. Woke Coke? Pick Pepsi.

    When corporations pick one political party over another, it's time to take sides with your feet and your money. This spark was lit in the state of Georgia when major companies joined the woke destroyers of America. It was bad enough when Co...

  • April 8, 2021

    Biden's infrastructure plan from hell

    Joe Biden is trying to get through Congress a gargantuan "infrastructure" plan with a price tag of around $2 trillion. Sounds good coming out of the seemingly benign mouth of Biden, but the infrastructure tax-and-spend idea concocted by ...

  • March 26, 2021

    The Biden administration's identity politics obsession

    The central problem with the Biden administration is that people are being selected for top jobs based not on merit, but on sex and race preferences. This will rapidly lead to gross, even dangerous, ineffectiveness and abuse when linked primarily ...

  • April 8, 2019

    CNN disgraces itself over Mike Pompeo

    CNN's Christiane Amanpour asked James Comey, the disgraced head of the FBI, if his FBI should have shut down "hate speech" at Trump rallies. Hate speech, we need to understand, is speech the Left disapproves of.  Amanpour h...

  • December 15, 2015

    BDS lies when it calls brave IDF soldiers 'war criminals'

    BDS lies when they call our brave soldiers “war criminals” and accuse the IDF of “war crimes.” So let me introduce non-Israel, non-Jewish neutral experts to give their opinion. The High Level Military Group, 14 internationa...

  • November 27, 2015

    The umbilical cord of Palestinian love and Israeli hatred

    I have never met anyone, apart from Arabs who describe themselves as Palestinians, who really gives a genuine damn about the Palestinians unless the issue is linked by an umbilical cord to the hatred of Israel. Somehow the two things are welded to...

  • November 23, 2015

    The Kinetic Religion of Islam

    Most people are unaware that the driving motto of ISIS (Islamic State) is ‘baqiya wa tatamaddad,’ which stands for ‘remaining and expanding.’ Both these elements must be understood to really understand not only ISIS but als...

  • November 16, 2015

    J'Accuse Obama

    Historically, the President of the United States wears the title of “leader of the free world.” Barack Obama, in his presidency has relinquished that role almost gleefully.  As a result, the world is a far more dangerous place. Ch...

  • November 4, 2015

    We are angry

    We are angry at the incitement and the violence perpetrated by all factions of the Palestinians against us. We are angry at the lies that we are destroying their mosque while they are burning down our Jewish holy shrines. We are angry at the in...

  • October 28, 2015

    The Pivotal Role of Jordan in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    When all strands of Palestinian political society came together in a deadly incitement based on religion radiating out from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it left many dead on both sides of the religious divide – including the Jewish Israelis w...

  • October 4, 2015

    Assad, Putin, and the smart move that Obama must make

    The words used to describe Obama in countries in the Middle East plus Ukraine include “unreliable”, “skittish”, “weak in negotiations” and “feeble in foreign policy.” Best evidence that these words h...

  • October 2, 2015

    The delusional state of denial

    They deny our existence.  They deny our heritage.  They deny out history, our belonging.  They even deny the walls and shrines that scream our name. It’s not some state created in peace that they want.  It is a delusional...

  • September 24, 2015

    Meet the Palestinian human rights advocate who opposes boycotts

    Bassam Eid is a Palestinian human rights activist.  He created Palestinian human rights monitoring group that focuses on human rights abuses by and corruption in the Palestinian Authority.  No other "human rights" organizations fo...

  • March 8, 2015

    The Idiot President

    I’m going to tell you the truth, and the thing about the truth is that it sticks in your head forever. This is it – the American President is an idiot. In fact, he’s a dangerous idiot. Now I’ll tell you why; When it c...

  • February 24, 2015

    Fighting the Islamic State one Terrorist at a Time

    Hear the words of President Obama’s Department of Defense Spokesman about the Egyptian air strike against Islamic State targets following the wholesale beheadings of twenty-one Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya. “We discourage othe...

  • February 1, 2015

    Can Israel survive Obama?

    Since when does the US Administration send condolences to a criminal's family? It happened in Israel after an Arab hurled firebombs at passing Israeli cars in Judea & Samaria, and was killed by security forces. The Obama Administration sen...

  • January 27, 2015

    What will be the price for Bibi's visit to Congress?

    When the French called for an anti-terror march of world leaders following the Paris terror attacks, one of the first to accept was Israel’s prime minister. According to the rumor mill, Francois Hollande tried to dissuade Benjamin Netanyahu ...

  • January 21, 2015

    'It's not Islam!' they say -- but it is.

    French President Hollande said the murderous Paris terror attacks were “an insult to Islam.”  His prime minister, Manuel Valls, said, “We are at war with terrorism and radical Islam.” Days later he said France was at w...

  • January 16, 2015

    Europe Supports Muslims over Jews

    When European countries voluntarily surrender territory and control to a strong immigrant minority that, unlike the onetime immigrant Jewish community, refuses to integrate, you know that country is on its way to disastrous consequences and in Paris ...

  • January 6, 2015

    When the West Bank becomes Hamastan

    The Left, of whatever stripe, are falling over themselves to promote the Valhalla of Palestine. But whoever promotes Palestine today promotes the rise of Hamas. It’s as inevitable as storms after strong winds. They may not do this intentiona...

  • December 17, 2014

    Correcting the Rise of Political Anti-Semitism

    Anti-Semitism is politically motivated. In Germany, the Nazis targeted the Jews in part because they represented liberal democracy and emancipation, the antithesis of everything that an authoritarian Nazi Germany stood for. It was the same back in...

  • November 27, 2014

    The Pigheaded BDS Movement

    The incident that got BDS banned from demonstrating at Woolworths stores in South Africa was when members of a political party in support of BDS trespassed into one of the stores and placed pigs heads in what they thought was the kosher foods section...

  • October 16, 2014

    Obama's 'Strategy': Linking Israel and Iran

    In fifty days of Gaza conflict, Israel launched 5500 precision air strikes against terror targets. In 70+ days the U.S. launched less than 400 strikes in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. Why? It’s not lack of planes and firepower. It’s a l...

  • June 18, 2014

    The ISIS Conquest of Iraq leads to Jerusalem

    As we witness the brutalization of Iraq by the ISIS terror organization consider this: this Islamic march of death leads to Jerusalem. The leading result of the call of the people in the Arab world for the overthrow of unsatisfactory leaders has b...

  • April 8, 2014

    The Dangerous Naivety of American Foreign Policy

    Jonathan Rosenblum, director of Jewish Media Resources, wrote in the Jerusalem Post (April 4, 2014) that the Obama Administration’s foreign policy is tainted by “narcissism and naivety.” There appears to be an inability to grasp ...

  • April 7, 2014

    When Israel supporters use the language of delegitimization

     When US Secretary of State, John Kerry, said it was a “mistake” for Israel to demand recognition as the Jewish State it shows how deeply the language of delegitimization has been adopted by even the most ardent of Israel supporters....

  • March 24, 2014

    America in Decline

    When Barack Obama was running for president he promised, some say threatened, to fundamentally change America. The doubters now say he has fundamentally ruined America. Whichever way one views it, America is in serious decline. For a president tha...