Barry Scott Zellen

Barry Scott Zellen

  • Making the Arctic Great Again?

    December 26, 2024

    Making the Arctic Great Again?

    It was just over five years ago, in August 2019, that President Trump spontaneously proposed purchasing Greenland from tiny Denmark, making waves around the world as members of the diplomatic and national security community grappled with the sudden, ...

  • April 30, 2017

    Dr. Gorka: Hang In There, America Needs You!

    The unjust and unjustified swampland media attacks on Dr. Seb Gorka, deputy special assistant to President Trump and dedicated educator of America's brave warfighters, continue in their full, venomous fury, and the latest reports claim the White ...

  • April 8, 2017

    Fighting Fire with Federalism: Gorka’s Visionary Plan for the Islamic World

    On April 1st, Ruth Sherlock interviewed White House counterterrorism strategist and Deputy Assistant to the President, Dr. Seb Gorka, in a refreshingly positive article in the London Telegraph (“Exclusive: The most powerful Briton in America on...

  • March 17, 2017

    The Colossally Dishonest Swamp Attack On Dr. Sebastian Gorka's First-Rate Scholarship

    I read with increasing alarm what appears to be a coordinated smear campaign by former members of the Obama administration and their ivory tower proxies, taking aim in the now-partisan press (including the New York Times, Washington Post, and NPR) to...