Barret Tillman

Barret Tillman

  • October 12, 2023

    Hillary's deprogramming scheme

    The railroad cars squealed to a stop where lines of police and soldiers stood by to receive the deplorable passengers. The human cargo -- nearly all middle aged to seniors -- debarked with their few permitted possessions and turned where the uniforme...

  • December 21, 2022

    Inventions taken for granted

    Around Y2K, the internet and media were full of everyone's list of Most Important Inventions.  Many were slam-dunks: the wheel, gunpowder, the telegraph, radio, steam and internal combustion engines, airplanes, rockets, nuclear power, e...

  • March 24, 2022

    The No-Fly Debate

    Should NATO establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine?  The question turns on prospects for a clash of allied and Russian aircraft erupting into a wider conflict.  We have been there before. Repeatedly. In November 1944, Italy-based Americ...