B. Miller

B. Miller

  • September 7, 2020

    Satire: Biden robot invented just in time for debates

    (SATIRE--) The Biden campaign is proud to announce that it's invented a lifelike Joe Biden robot with the help of a Chinese A.I. company.  The six-foot-tall "Biden 2.0" model is equipped with an integrated memory circuit that ...

  • September 7, 2020

    Property rights thrown out of smashed windows as Democratic mayors flee

    In a Twitter discussion back in July, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler (D) was all too eager to jump on the police reform bandwagon with his promise to address all of the "systematic inequities that exist in our societies." "And th...

  • January 27, 2020

    Schiff's reaction to Trump's lawyers turns heads

    Saturday's performance by Trump's defense lawyers served to enlighten the public and, of course, exasperate Adam Schiff.  He tweeted thus: After listening to the President's lawyers opening arguments, I have three observati...

  • December 10, 2019

    Why Jewish Democrats lost it when Trump said they don't like Israel

    "Because you have people that are Jewish people that are great people — they don't love Israel enough[.]"  So said Trump at Saturday's Israeli-American Council's National Summit, after which he was lambasted for ...

  • October 31, 2019

    Impeachment-obsessed Dems have nothing to offer but bread and circuses

    Granted, the Democrats' knight in shining armor has arrived in the form of the tentative impeachment they've been dreaming about since 2016.  The tables have turned, and their comeback seems closer than ever. The good news is, th...

  • September 20, 2019

    Chuck Schumer Blows It on Protecting Children

    Don't say you weren't warned.  After one attempt to email Chuck Schumer, requesting support for a congressional bill that seeks to ban abortion at 20 weeks post-fertilization or more, a swift response arrives: Dear Ms. Mill...

  • June 29, 2019

    Democrat 2020 illegal immigration hysteria reaches new heights

    The purpose of a primary debate used to be an informed discussion of the issues affecting Americans.  At the second debate debacle, Democrats felt the need to pledge their allegiance to citizens of other countries, as was on gregarious...

  • June 18, 2019

    Harvard finds its excuse to steamroll 2nd Amendment–supporting Kyle Kashuv

    Kyle Kashuv, the sole outspoken conservative from Parkland, Florida, has been booted from his Harvard admission on account of unveiled racial slurs on a Google Doc from tenth grade.  Former peers with a leftist bee in their bonnets were all...

  • May 26, 2019

    The road to impeachment

    The mad dash to remove President Trump grants Americans insight into the startling differences between party priorities these days. While one side looks to accelerate progress, the other screeches towards impeachment, breathlessly waiting for the gre...

  • May 7, 2019

    When a leftist university terrified of free speech deep-sixed Jordan Peterson

    March 20, 2019 was a sad day for basic decency when Jordan Peterson's fellowship at University of Cambridge's Faculty of Divinity was unexpectedly revoked.  The Cambridge University Student Union tweeted its renunciation: We ar...

  • May 3, 2019

    Pete Buttigieg: Obamacare Is Too Conservative

    The contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination are coming out of the woodwork, along with their policies — although we still can't take that for granted.  Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, chief among them, has voiced ...