AT symposium

AT symposium

  • April 10, 2011

    Attacks from Gaza escalate

    Jerry Philipson writes:The relative lull has been shattered.On April 7 an anti-tank missile was fired by Palestinians from Gaza at an Israeli school bus, severely injuring a 16 year old boy. Forty schoolchildren had just got off the bus or else ...

  • May 1, 2009

    The Future of the GOP - a symposium

    Arlen Specter's party switch has reignited the debate over the GOP's mission: a conservative party vs. a big tent coalition including liberal Republicans ("moderates" in media-speak). Five AT writers have addressed the topic, taking rather ...

  • May 1, 2009

    Another GOP senator reported retiring

    Senator Jim Bunning is reported to be retiring. Josh Kraushaar and Manu Raju report in Politico:Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning, the most endangered Republican up for reelection in 2010, appears headed for retirement after giving his leading GOP rival the ...

  • April 29, 2009

    The Obama 100 day presser Live blogging

    Thomas LifsonHe starts with Swine Flu. That's smart; he looks presidential. Then segues into confidently arguing for his budget, continuing the lie of a tax cut for 95% Claiming that low interest rates are a likw tax cut. When they go up, i...

  • April 28, 2009

    Specter leaving the Party to keep his seat? (symposium)

    Joeseph Ashby writes:Human Events is reporting that Arlen Specter will announce today he's switching to the Democrat Party. While Republicans may believe he left their party long ago, Specter has now found a way around the primary voters who want him...

  • April 15, 2009

    Tea Party Reports: South Carolina, Wyoming, Chicago, and more

    Joseph Finlay writes:Along with six co-workers, I went to the Tea Party rally at the steps of the South Carolina State House in Columbia, SC.  As many of you probably know, Governor Mark Sanford has been a state and national lightning rod f...

  • March 20, 2009

    Obama's Special Olympics gaffe - symposium

    Thomas Lifson writes:Straying too far from his teleprompter, Barack Obama committed another gaffe last night on Jay Leno's show, comparing his poor bowling skills to the Special Olympics, implicitly making fun of handicapped people. Even worse, earli...

  • February 22, 2009

    Exactly who is getting bailed out?

    According to startling data in today's New York Post, in the 275 billion Obama bailout, 45 states are, in effect, paying for the mortgage crisis of 5 states: Nevada (where an astonishing 47.8% of mortgages are under water, California, Arizona, Florid...

  • December 7, 2008

    GOP picks up Dem seat in Congress (updated)

    Anh Joseph Cao has become the first Vietnamese-American elected to Congress, defeating indicted incumbent William Jefferson, whose freezer was found to contain $90,000 in cold cash, and who awaits trial.Cain Burdeau of AP reports that turnout was twi...

  • November 3, 2008

    Symposium: Why do so many Jews still vote Democrat?

    Several AT writers share their thoughts on election eve.Bookworm:More and more often, I am getting asked by Jews (conservative) and non-Jews alike:  Why are American Jews still aligned with the Democratic Party, why are they backing Obama so fer...

  • October 15, 2008

    The presidential debate live blog

    Our Thinkers have their say tonight on the debate.Lee Cary:I'll (Lee Cary) will comment when Mccain scores or misses a chance to do so.  Otherwise, I'll follow Mark Twain's advice and not miss an opportunity to keep my mouth shut. Larrey Anderso...

  • October 15, 2008

    Debate reaction (updated Thursday)

    Mac Fuller writes:My thoughts on the nine issues discussed in the debate that just concluded. 1.  McCain won.  Economy & Joe the ubiquitously omnipresent plumber.2.  McCain won,... but Obama was very smooth while lying (Biden has b...

  • October 7, 2008

    Live blogging the presidential debate

    Join us for instant reactions to the town hall forum meeting of Barack Obama and John McCain.Clarice Feldman:Rules of the gameTom Brokow has selected 14 questions from the 80 "uncommitted" voters who constitute the audience and 6 from the 6...

  • October 7, 2008

    After the debate: reactions

    Mac Fuller writes:Final QuestionQuestion, Tom Brokaw:    What don't you know and what will you do to learn it?Answer, Senator Obama:    That it's not all about me; nothing.Answer, Senator McCain:    What t...

  • October 1, 2008

    Gwen Ifill and the Vice Presidential Debate (updated)

    Gwen Ifill has compromised herself and her employer, the publicly-funded PBS by failing to disclose an obvious conflict of interest. The degree of media bias for the Obama campaign becomes all the more obvious. She has a clear financial interest in t...

  • September 26, 2008

    The Presidential Debate

    We'll be live blogging the presidential debate:Thomas Lifson:Barack Obama's prep time was shortened, while the subject matter has broadened. A good sign for McCainFirst question: Obama did his canned talking points; McCain is less polished, but perha...

  • September 10, 2008

    Paglia speaks (updated)

    Marc Sheppard writes:I looked forward to today with particular fervor, knowing that Camille Paglia's monthly column would be appearing in Salon and that hers would be quite a different "feminist" take on the Palin phenomenon than we've all ...

  • September 3, 2008

    What Sarah should say (roundtable)

    Rick Richman, editor of Jewish Current Issues, writes in anticipation of Sarah Palin's speech:I hope Governor Palin says something like this in her speech:"Since I was nominated, some have questioned whether I have the experience necessary to as...

  • August 29, 2008

    The Case for Palin (continuously updated with roundtable comments)

    C. Edmund Wright writes:Is it Sarah Palin for Vice President? It is beginning to look like the Alaskan Governor has re-emerged as a serious candidate to be John McCain's running mate. If this is the case, there are some risks involved of course, but ...

  • June 12, 2008

    How to get America drilling for our own oil (updated)

    AT contributors have some further thoughts on how America can re-start aggressive development of our own opil resources, instead of relying on OPEC.Jerome Scmitt writes:Patrick J. Casey AT essay today “Countering Democrats on Drilling”...

  • May 20, 2008


  • May 6, 2008

    Election predictions

    Richard Baehr:Obama will win by a bigger percentage margin in North Carolina than Clinton will in Indiana.  His campaign will spin this as a big victory. Superdelegates are breaking to him  this week. His overall delegate lead is now over 1...

  • May 2, 2008

    Good news for America, bad news for Democrats

    Defying expectations of big job losses, the just-released April jobs report from the Department of Labor shows that only 20,000 jobs were lost last month, far less than the 81,000 jobs lost in March. The unemployment rate actually declined from 5.1% ...

  • March 31, 2008

    Before those unpopular Hollywood anti-war films (updated)

    Alan Fraser writes: Recently AT featured a blog piece that attempted to explain why the recent rash of anti-Iraq War may be bombing at the box office.  A Washington Post article was cited as explaining why. Film historian Jonathan Kuntz of ...

  • January 26, 2008

    More on Obama's foreign policy team

    Ed Lasky's two AT articles discussing Barack Obama's foreign policy advisory team (here and here) have caused a lot of comment, published and not, within the pro-Israel community. Today, Noah Pollak writes about another member of Team Obama on the Co...

  • December 5, 2007

    Guesswork: what's behind the NIE change

    What caused the NIE to reverse its conclusions on Iran's nuclear program? Speculation abounds.AT contributor Greg Richards writes:I find the NIE process very very flawed, then the question arises as to what could have happened, what new informat...

  • December 4, 2007

    Divorce and global warming

    Christopher Alleva writes:Last week we learned that global warming causes everything. Today the drive by media is serving up more idle drivel with this whopper: "divorce is harmful to the environment and causes global warming." This is...

  • November 10, 2007

    The Pat Robertson Endorsement of Rudy Giuliani

    Editor's note: Wednesday's endorsement of the GOP front-runner Rudy Giuliani by Pat Roberson has provoked much commentary among our contributors, with varying interpretations of the event.  It followed by one day the endorsement of Mitt Romney b...

  • October 30, 2007

    Zero tolerance madness

    Herbert Meyer writes:  Zero Tolerance for Butter Knives - But Nukes are OkayKudos to Charles Sykes, for his splendid essay exposing the stupidity of the liberals' zeal for "zero tolerance" of weapons.Yet these same liberals - who would...

  • September 24, 2007

    Ahmedinejad at Columbia

    Thomas Lifson writes:I was sorry that the invitation was extended, but once it was out there I restrained myself from calling on Columbia to withdraw it. That would have handed a propaganda victory of sorts to him and put the good guys on the side of...

  • June 14, 2007

    Buried treasure

    The New York Sun editorial board noticed the important revelation buried in David Ignatius's Washington Post column. Ignatius wrote:Take the question of targeting bomb makers: There may be an unlimited supply of explosives in Iraq, but there is not a...