Armando Simon

Armando Simon

  • August 27, 2017

    When a Maniac Gets His Hand on the Nuclear Button

    The problem with intelligent, rational, persons---and it is a common problem---is that they often become befuddled when confronted with stupid, irrational, aggressive individuals and/or stupidly stubborn persons. Invariably, the rational persons atte...

  • August 26, 2017

    How the left multiplies its definitions of sexism

    A few days back, I wrote a blog post informing readers of all the new things now considered racist.  These included the obvious, like proper grammar, mathematics, green frogs, park benches, etc. Hopefully, those white persons (this list ...

  • August 18, 2017

    How the left is multiplying its definitions of racism

    In light of the attacks on monuments and statues by communists liberal activists that they consider racist, egged on and justified by communist liberal mayors and the mainstream media, which we all recognize as being impartial and...

  • July 24, 2017

    The Rosenberg story never changes

    Sixty Minutes had a long section on the sons of the Rosenbergs, who you may remember were American Jewish Communists who were part of a Soviet espionage ring.  This espionage ring had been active for many years, and they were found guilty relayi...

  • July 11, 2017

    What I saw at the anti-sharia rally in Texas

    When it comes to organizing, leftists are bloody geniuses, and that is one of their main sources of power.  That is why they are constantly outmaneuvering us. A few weeks back, I received an email from Act for America, one of the very, very, ...

  • July 2, 2017

    How grateful are nations that get U.S. military assistance?

    American financial, humanitarian and military help began in the second half of the 20th century. Throughout America’s generosity in helping other countries, there has been an underlying, unspoken assumption that there would be gratitude on the ...

  • June 5, 2017

    Americans should join the anti-sharia protests across the country Saturday

    On Saturday, June 10, there will be a march in many parts of the country against the imposition of sharia law in America and for human rights in general, particularly for women.  You will not hear any advance notice – unlike with leftist m...

  • June 2, 2017

    Politically Incorrect Hollywood: Some Films to see

    Although at times it feels---quite correctly---like one is swamped with Politically Correct propaganda in the movies and television and magazines, a number of films have been made over the years that buck the trend. Unfortunately, many of them have n...

  • May 29, 2017

    The US and tolerance of dictators

    The world is full of dictators.  Some even call themselves president or prime minister, and sometimes there is even a superficial semblance of democracy. T here is no question that these individuals are reprehensible individuals.  But havin...

  • May 25, 2017

    Speaking of Fake History...

    George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one of the totalitarian regime’s principles was stated in the slogan, “Whoever controls the present controls the past. Whoever controls the past controls the future.” A moment’s consideration w...

  • May 17, 2017

    Is NATO Still Relevant?

               The NATO alliance, first created in 1949, is the longest alliance in history. The creation of this alliance came about with the gradual realization that Stalin’s Soviet Union had supe...

  • May 10, 2017

    Advocating Warfare: The Media's Record as an Enemy

    American journalists have an exalted view of themselves, fancying themselves an immaculate priesthood that must be admired, obeyed and worshipped. They are constantly telling themselves that they are impartial and unbiased, and that they are pure of ...

  • May 6, 2017

    A Professor Looks at the College Racket

               As the deadline for college applications and scholarships for this coming fall near, let us pause and take a deep breath. Well, being a veteran of universities, having been an undergradu...

  • April 29, 2017

    The Left's Vicious Intolerance in Science

    Many scientists and science teachers took part worldwide in the March for Science, not only for the sake of promoting science but also to protest the incursion of politics into science to the point that it is either being warped or suppressed. The or...

  • April 20, 2017

    When Will Useless Foreign Aid Spending Just End?

              The end of the Second World War saw a Europe truly devastated, prostrate; in some cities the number of buildings with an undamaged roof could be counted in the fingers of one’s hand, with w...

  • April 8, 2017

    The Very Real Differences Between Legal and Illegal Immigration

    My wife, a native of Indonesia, became an American citizen not too long ago, along with dozens of other immigrants. An important event in one’s private life, to be sure, but not momentous from a societal perspective, you say. And yet, it is....

  • March 31, 2017

    How to Amend the Constitution

    I believe that many people would agree that it is time to at least consider amendments to the U.S. Constitution, something that is usually contemplated with trepidation, and with good reason. But, chronic, very serious, problems in the body politic -...