Ari Kaufman

Ari Kaufman

  • May 10, 2010

    Sudden love for our military appreciated, but transparent

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  • September 8, 2009

    Obama's school speech and the reaction.

    Many journalists, politicians and regular folks have been whining about those "intolerant" parents who hate President Obama so much that they did not send their kids to school Tuesday in order to avoid the broadcast of the pr...

  • February 13, 2009

    Lincoln's 200th celebrations

    Outside of Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois, many students may not have noticed it, but one of America's most famous presidents turned 200 on Thursday: Abraham Lincoln. The bicentennial commission is nation-wide , but special celebrations occur in...

  • September 17, 2008

    Is 2008 Really an Unusual Election?

    We hear much about this being a unique election, and no doubt it is. But aside from historically noting that for the first time in over half a century, neither candidate has ties to the prior administration, most of the "revolutionary" aspe...

  • May 21, 2008

    Leftist critique of Obama

    In a telling article, a black leftist intellectual Ivy League professor, Adolph Reed Jr., writing in far left magazine, The Progressive, slams Obama and explains why he is unfit for the presidency. Why, you might ask, would this man, who would seemin...

  • February 18, 2008

    America's Three Worst Presidents

    Presidents Day has taken a deep back seat these days on our holiday calendar to the point that not only do schools go on as scheduled, but so do many state and government offices. This is not surprising in 2008, and many revel in it. Presidents Day n...

  • February 5, 2008

    A real peace march

    While the world recovered from the Super Bowl and prepared for Super Tuesday, I skipped work and spent Monday driving roughly 250 miles through a terrific Midwestern winter fog storm to join a worldwide protest at the University of Illinois...

  • May 27, 2007

    What Conservative Media?

    Despite decades of evidence from Walter Cronkite's offense at Tet and "Bush lied about WMDs" to the contrary, today's liberal is fond of claiming there is not only zero lefty bias in today's mainstream media, but often a cons...

  • February 16, 2007

    Global Whining

    "We are at a tipping point. We must act, and act swiftly ... Such action requires international cooperation.This was Al Gore on February 3rd, gloating over the 46 nations--most of them European--that backed a new French-led environmental body to...

  • January 15, 2007

    How about Equality Day?

    I do not deny the tireless and intrepid work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. nor his lofty place in history; to do so would be disingenuous.However, as others have mused in recent years, why is he the only individual whom the United States currently ho...

  • January 12, 2007

    Time Magazine hits new low, keeps digging

    TIME Magazine presents the "Year in Photos."There are plenty of photos of dying "Palestinians," Muslims, terrorists, etc. Uh....not so many of injured Israelis or American heroes. As the magazine desperately searches for a wa...

  • December 10, 2006

    There's always next season

    Friday,  the AP actually had the audacity, one week after the "deadly" hurricane season ended where "No hurricanes hit the U.S. Atlantic coast in 2006 — only the 11th time that has occurred since 1945," to ign...

  • November 30, 2006

    Self reliance vs. government programs

    I've often mused that socialism, big government programs and liberal ideology, in general, takes the individual out of society, enabling him/her to cease emulating the hard work that made our country the great nation it stands as today. Thus, self re...

  • October 31, 2006

    Fear the Terrorists, Not President Bush

    Next Tuesday is midterm election day. When you cast your vote — if you choose to partake in this most honorable American tradition — please remember what is at stake. On the left, my former party of choice, feels that the biggest issues c...

  • September 9, 2006

    A Letter to My Closed-Minded Liberal Friends

    If I were to scribe a pithy letter to all the closed—minded liberals who deem me and my ilk closed—minded, it would read: Dear Friends, Oftentimes in recent years, and especially since I renounced my Democratic Party membership,...

  • July 23, 2006

    Know Who Your Friends Are

    As Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda and Islamic Insurgents target the peaceful way we all live on a daily basis, one would surmise that the American Jew, the most despised group of the terrorists, would be the most fervently supportive of the Bush Administ...

  • July 3, 2006

    The Worst of (the) Times

     It has become more and more transparent that the New York Times leans not only left, but far enough away from mainstream America so as to reach out to our enemies in the War on Terror. To then defend themselves,  arrogantly acting as ...

  • June 23, 2006

    Colombians Support Democracy

    When the citizens of Colombia went to the polls on May 28 and exercised their civic duty in astutely re—electing Alvaro Uribe with 62% of the vote in a three way contest, the United States was joined by Colombia in realizing another important v...

  • June 10, 2006

    The Duke Rape Case Travesty

    In the days after the alleged rape in Durham, North Carolina occurred, now—infamous District Attorney, Mike Nifong, must have believed he had died and gone to litigators' heaven. There he sat, weeks from a city election, in a town unmatched by ...

  • February 27, 2006

    Moving Along

    I moved again last week. It was my fourth move in the past six months during a transitional time in my life. But I think that this is the right move for me at this moment. Yes, I am with my girlfriend and residing in a cozy neighborhood, but there is...