Arash Irandoost

Arash Irandoost

  • January 15, 2012

    Strait of Hormuz in Greater Context

    In 2011 Congress pressured the Obama administration to take a tougher stance on Iran than President Obama has been willing, this time against Iran's Central Bank. Publicly Iran remains defiant and claims that sanctions will have no effect. Privately,...

  • October 30, 2010

    The Curious Case of Islamic Republic Lobby and US Human Rights Activists

    Demonization of Jews and threats to annihilate Israel don't faze some "human rights activists."This past September, Ahmadinejad paid yet another visit to the UN to deliver his message of hate and demonization of Israel and Jews. In reaction...

  • June 26, 2010

    Islamic Republic of Iran's Smoke and Mirrors

    Since 1977, no two men have contributed more to the erosion of America's credibility and prestige than President Carter and his foreign policy advisor, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski (with the verdict not yet in on President Obama).  Jimmy Carter, aide...

  • November 14, 2009

    Iranian Demonstrators Destined for Victory

    It was in Iran that astronomy grew as a science and mathematics as an art; there chess was invented. Long before the Romans dared to venture out of Rome, Cyrus the Great declared the first charter of human rights in the world. Perhaps it is this rich...

  • July 4, 2009

    Imagine a World without the Islamic Republic

    It is not a secret that Iran's Mullahs are engaged in developing a nuclear program  to get their hands on the bomb, so that they would feel invincible and continue their control over the unarmed Iranian people, and ultimately export their versio...