Apolo Villalobos

Apolo Villalobos

  • December 21, 2018

    The war on Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day, and...

    Columbus Day has been attacked every year because Christopher Columbus supposedly personally carried out genocide, a complete fabrication by Marxists who are famous for falsifying history for ideological purposes.  For those stude...

  • December 15, 2018

    Electoral Fraud: the Real Record

    When Donald Trump was running for office, he raised the issue of fraudulent votes. As with everything else Trump has said, it was instantly attacked and ridiculed by the media. Since then, the idea has been dismissed by MSM journalists who have insis...

  • December 14, 2018

    The GOP Needs to Stop Being the Stupid Party

    There is a popular saying among libertarians: “Liberals are evil and conservatives are stupid.” Needless to say that both sides strongly object to this characterization. The totalitarian aspects of leftism should be evident to all by n...

  • November 15, 2018

    Trump vs. Hitler

    Ever since Donald Trump became president -- in fact, even before he won the presidential election -- liberals have repeatedly called him "Hitler." So is Trump another Hitler? Yes, say the experts! Here are some: the fake comedian Sarah Silv...

  • November 14, 2018

    The Honduran Invasion -- an Opportunity for Trump

    The Honduran caravan heading towards the United States is anywhere from 7,000 to 14,000, depending on whose estimate one employs. Regardless, it is an invasion force. It may not have tanks and guns, but it is an invasion, nonetheless. Whether or not ...

  • November 7, 2018

    Transgender Mania

    Let’s be honest -- there’s something intrinsically creepy about the whole transgender idea. Pretend all you want, say all you want, but the idea of a man asking to be castrated, taking hormone shots, and putting on a dress makes one...

  • October 18, 2018

    Ted steamrolls Beto

    The televised debate on Tuesday between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke was a massacre.  O'Rourke has been reluctant to debate Cruz from the beginning, and with good reason (ironically, as a rule, an incumbent shuns debate) – Cruz ...

  • October 15, 2018

    Boy, nine, ruins Supreme Court prospects

    Admit it.  You knew that this was bound to happen. Teresa Sue Klein of Flatbush, Brooklyn was in a convenience store when a mother and her two children went in and went past her.  Klein then got highly upset, claiming that...

  • September 24, 2018

    She's lying

    Kavanaugh's accuser is lying. Her story has so many holes that it looks like Swiss cheese.  Her ever increasing demands, made through her feminist attorney – a dead ringer for Skeletor – and her whiny ...

  • September 22, 2018

    Some Ads We'd Like to See

    The midterm elections are imminent, and the usual mediocre ads are making their presence felt on TV.  The ads for Republican candidates are being put out by the usual entrenched hacks.  They commonly portray the candidate with his...

  • August 29, 2018

    Ted Cruz Is in the Crosshairs of the Liberals

    It is ironic that one of the very, very few Republican politicians in Congress who is not a total imbecile – even his opponents concede he has a razor-sharp mind – may actually lose his seat to a rabid liberal, thereby turning the re...

  • August 17, 2018

    Biology determines personality (and gender)

    Three Identical Strangers is an excellent documentary about triplets (and twins) who were put up for adoption and placed in different types of homes in order to secretly study their differences due to different environments.  This proj...

  • August 8, 2018

    Racism against whites

    Unless you've been asleep for the past couple of years, you've been aware of a tsunami of racism directed against white people, said racism being stoked principally by whites who are leftists, if not outright communists.  True, ther...

  • June 21, 2018

    Examining the Singapore Summit Logically

    President Trump realized long ago that our so-called “alliances” are nothing of the sort, in so far as they have been one-way “alliances” for over half a century. They have always been one-sided. Japan and South Korea have con...

  • June 2, 2018

    Liberals to Roseanne: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

    The self-righteous indignation of liberals lining up to demonstrate how much they are against "racism" can be seen with regard to Roseanne Barr's comment.  ABC jumped at the chance to cancel her show (just as it...