• September 20, 2023

    We Don't Need Them -- They Need Us

    When one thinks about the benefits provided by our local, state, and federal government our daily lives, what comes to mind?  What do we get as taxpaying U.S. citizens? Many do not think of taxes in terms of the return on our investment as Ameri...

  • August 10, 2023

    Ohio's Issue 1 rope-a-dope

    We reside in Ohio and were front and center of the special election for Issue 1 in Ohio on August 8, 2023.  This issue was to make amendments to the Ohio Constitution more difficult.  Making things more difficult for the government to accom...

  • May 10, 2023

    Neverending Daycare as a Way of Life

    I have been on this planet for fifty-three years.  A Gen Xer.  We grew up on punk rock, wanting to be the opposite of our hippie parents and wanted to grow up fast.  We grew up without helmets, curfews, and not free from consequences. ...

  • April 13, 2023

    The wild, wild United States of America

    When was the last time you watched an old Hollywood western movie?  Most of the plots centered on a small town or farm with the characters living lives that were not easy and did not have modern conveniences.  Their lives were ful...