Antonio R. Chaves

Antonio R. Chaves

  • April 23, 2022

    Connecting the Dots on Early COVID Treatments

    As you may well know, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin are among the most frequently mentioned drugs for early treatment of COVID-19. Both drugs were originally used to combat tropical diseases like malaria (HCQ) and river blindness (ivermecti...

  • March 19, 2022

    Connecting the dots on COVID-19: The origin

    The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is yet to be definitively resolved. Nevertheless, the following facts are indisputable: The animal reservoir for COVID-19 has yet to be identified, and computer modeling from Finders University showed ...

  • July 22, 2021

    The COVID pandemic narrative takes another hit

    For months, bloggers on the fringe of alternative media have been characterizing COVID-19 and its aftermath as a "plandemic" that had been planned out during two pandemic simulations: SPARS in 2017 and Event 201 in 2019.  These co...

  • June 22, 2021

    What is the true number of vaccine-related deaths?

    Based on official data from Open VAERS and the CDC, 5,993 Americans have died out of 146,171,792 Americans who are fully vaccinated as of June 11. This corresponds to a ratio of about four deaths out of 100,000 who are fully vaccinated. When VAERS...

  • June 16, 2021

    A massive surge in COVID vaccine deaths

    A month ago, Tucker Carlson raised concerns over the unusual number of deaths associated with the COVID vaccines.  Prominent "fact-checkers" immediately scrambled to discredit these concerns as "misleading" and "lac...

  • February 11, 2021

    To the left, counting delays equal 'election integrity'

    Molly Ball's "Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election" has left many readers scratching their heads as to why a Trump opponent would reveal so much about the unsavory alliances that colluded against his re-ele...

  • January 26, 2021

    Did Capitol rioters receive inside help?

    While there is yet much to learn about what happened at the Capitol on January 6, some important facts are known beyond a reasonable doubt: Most protesters who entered the Capitol encountered no resistance, and some were directed by p...

  • January 8, 2021

    Worrisome Signs the Capitol Breach was Planned to Discredit Trump Supporters: An Eyewitness Account

    It may be weeks before we fully understand the fallout from the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol building. The prevailing consensus from conservative talk radio hosts and editors is that this event provided ammunition to Trump’s enemies ...

  • November 30, 2020

    Is tracking people with microchips part of the Great Reset agenda?

    Victoria Alonsoperez invented "Chipsafer," a patented software platform for tracking cattle by means of computer analysis.  She accomplished this while only in her twenties, and the precocious Uruguayan's current lis...

  • November 9, 2020

    A liberal journal exposes Fauci

    "Whitewashing AIDS History" was written by Sean Strub, a longtime advocate for people living with AIDS.  Strub accuses Fauci of rewriting his role in handing the AIDS crisis in America.  Bear in mind that the articl...

  • August 26, 2020

    What is Gilead's role in the war on hydroxychloroquine?

    Is Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir, waging war on HCQ (hydroxychloroquine)?  Attacks on the drug have been continuous ever since Dr. Didier Raoult used this quinine derivative to save the lives of COVID-19 patients last March. ...

  • August 5, 2020

    COVID and the Red States

    First some slightly bad news for the red states: The COVID-19 death rate has increased significantly in many states. However, the death rate in even the worst-affected red states is still well below that of most of their progressive counterparts that...

  • July 13, 2020

    There are Lies, Damn Lies, and then There is the Lincoln Project.

    The ‘Lincoln Project’ is a political action committee created last year, allegedly for the sole purpose of preventing the re-election of Donald Trump. Their inaugural op-ed in the New York Times last year proclaims, “We are Republic...

  • July 7, 2020

    When it is okay to be 'dark and divisive'

    On Independence Day, President Donald J. Trump gave what may turn out to be one of the most insightful presidential speeches on American exceptionalism and the enemies within who seek to destroy it.  What set this speech apart from that of ...

  • June 29, 2020

    Who's the Real Party of the Rich?

    Charles Murray's Coming Apart documents the growing alienation among adults with differing levels of formal education.  This lack of connectedness has grown in tandem with government expansion to generate a de facto ...

  • June 4, 2020

    The epidemic of virtue-signaling: worse than COVID-19

    The senseless killing of George Floyd has resulted in a flurry of breast-beating from people straining to outdo one another in expressing their wokeness by sharing sensationalistic hashtags and hammering into submission anyone who questions the narra...

  • May 30, 2020

    More Reasons to Flee Blue States

    For years Americans have been relocating from blue states to red states in search of jobs and affordable housing. The heavy-handed lockdown policies of governors in some blue states will no doubt accelerate this trend. Adding insult to injury is the ...

  • March 17, 2020

    Democrats: The Party of Big Labor, Big Government...and Big Business

    There is a widespread perception that the Democrat Party is the party the working class and the Republican Party is the party of big business.  Even though Republicans on average received slightly more from corporate employees prior to 2002...

  • June 7, 2019

    Is Whiteness Really Killing Our Country?

    In my day job, I teach introductory biology at a community college.  Below is a multiple-choice question I wrote to test my students on the scientific method: You are testing a new drug for lowering blood pressure. For your experiment, y...

  • May 25, 2019

    The Truth about What Causes Income Inequality in America

    In a 2017 article in the Atlantic titled "The Curse of Econ 101," author James Kwak defends increasing the minimum wage as a means to address income inequality.  Here is a sample of Mr. Kwak's reasoning skills: Although t...

  • May 6, 2019

    Peggy Noonan still doesn't get it

    In "Republicans in a Nation" (Washington Post, May 4–5, 2019) "conservative" columnist Peggy Noonan outdid herself in an entertaining display of intellectual gymnastics to defend the following premise: [O]ld conser...

  • January 14, 2019

    Wondering Why Americans Are Running from Blue States?

    Elections have consequences, but social stratification and media spin often make it difficult for the average citizen to evaluate the outcomes of many policies they support.  Take for example increasing minimum wage: how many restaurant emp...

  • December 21, 2018

    The Federal Land Grab Racket

    Gridlock is a necessary evil in any government system with checks and balances.  It can nevertheless lead to despotism when government shutdowns are used to coerce representatives of vulnerable states into funding programs that grow the gov...

  • October 19, 2018

    Flight to Florida: Can the Sunshine State Survive?

    In 2011, the publication 24/7 Wall St. compiled the following list of the ten states doing the "most" and the "least" to "spread the wealth."  A migration study compiled from 2016 to 2017 by the U.S. Census p...

  • August 16, 2018

    How the Department of Labor Undermined the Black Community

    Americans from all ends of the political spectrum usually agree on a need to address racial disparities in schooling, workforce participation, and incarceration rates. Ironically, some of these gaps have gotten even worse for blacks born after the Ci...

  • June 14, 2018

    Minimum wage hikes not so good for black and Hispanic employment

    A week ago, the Daily Wire published an article showing how Minnesota hiking its minimum wage from $6.15 to $8.00 an hour in 2014 put a damper on the growth of limited service restaurants.  Data from Minnesota's Department of Employment...

  • April 7, 2018

    Why It Is Misleading to Compare Murder Rates in the US and Western Europe

    A 2016 article by the American Journal of Medicine claims that homicide rates in the U.S. are 7 times higher than an average of other “high income countries.”  This conclusion is based on a select list of OECD nations compiled in 201...

  • March 5, 2018

    Business freedom and worldwide quality of life

    In 2006, the World Bank published an extensive inventory of wealth sources in 118 nations.  Based on their analysis, natural resources like arable land and petroleum reserves contribute very little to the overall wealth of develop...

  • February 1, 2018

    The Real Gender Gap: Family Breakdown and Black Males

    Over 50 years have passed since then Secretary of Labor Daniel Moynihan was raked over the coals for raising awareness on the alarming rise of illegitimacy in black communities. Now that the percentage of single mothers has almost tripled, even leadi...

  • December 22, 2017

    The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 and the Breakdown of the Black Family

    Conservatives tend to regard the growing trend of single-parent families as an issue of personal responsibility, but what if the liberals who blame society are partly right? What if they can point their finger to a bill sponsored by two Republicans a...

  • May 8, 2017

    Healthcare Reform? Let's Take a Close Look at Some Examples Abroad

    Republicans won the presidency and majorities in Congress based in part on promises to replace Obamacare.  Nonetheless, with so many Republicans facing re-election in states that voted for Clinton, the strategy of “repeal and replace...

  • April 1, 2017

    The Disproportionate Impact of Overregulation on Blue-Collar Jobs

    Progressives for the most part acknowledge the need for free enterprise.  Where they disagree with conservatives is on the policies that enable it.  Whereas conservatives believe in deregulation, progressives minimize or dismiss the disadva...

  • March 11, 2017

    A Closer Look at ‘Federal Dependency’ in Republican-Dominated States

    A recent article by Steve Hanley in a website that showcases developments in green technology revisited the narrative that red states are on average more “financially dependent” on the federal government. This issue has been raised in the...