Anthony Ughetti

Anthony Ughetti

  • July 5, 2010

    Not the Homily I expected

    It appears that the Catholic Diocese of Galveston/Houston decided to hijack July 3-4 homilies across the Houston area to push liberal theories of immigration down the throats of the congregants.  It certainly was not what I was expecting on our ...

  • March 8, 2010

    Medicare Part B Therapy Caps: A Preview of Life under Obamacare

    Many Americans are justifiably leery about health care reform, fearing that reforms will lead to arbitrary government rationing of health care, denial of services, and choice taken from consumers and placed under government control. What many America...

  • August 29, 2009

    There's Nothing Wrong with 'Your Life-Your Choice'

    America is a Nation of planners.  Throughout life, we are constantly planning.  Here in Texas we plan for hurricane season each year, even though most years bring no significant storms.  Others plan for back-to-school, or how to afford...

  • July 6, 2009

    In Defense of the Frail Elderly

    Our current system, although flawed, still provides the best medical care anywhere on Earth.  For no population subset is this statement more true than our frail elderly.  Even the most modest towns across our nation have nursing facilities...