Anthony J. Sadar and Susan T. Cammarata

Anthony J. Sadar and Susan T. Cammarata

  • May 7, 2021

    Communication, not narrative, bridges left-right divides

    The centuries-old adage, "united we stand, divided we fall," still stands today as a warning.   Yet divisive language abounds in the public square.  Such chatter serves to fragment a United States rocked by suspicion ...

  • April 22, 2012

    Help GAIA Save the Planet

    Today is Earth Day 2012.  This quasi-religious holiday has been celebrated with reverence and fervency since 1970.  And as the saying goes, "We started out to 'do good' and ended up 'doing well.'"  Such is the story of much of contempo...

  • June 15, 2011

    Checklist Climate $cience

    Many of life's mundane chores can be relegated to simple checklists: bread, milk, eggs... check, check, check.  Stop mail, leave lights on, lock doors... check, check, check.  But, can checklists be followed beyond the ordinary or routine t...

  • April 22, 2011

    Good Friday and Earth Day: Freedom and Slavery

    Good Friday and Earth Day fell on the same day this year.  Friday, April 22, 2011 marked the solemn Christian holiday memorializing the crucifixion of Jesus, but this particular Friday also featured the 41st Earth Day.  The two occasions co...