Anthony Bright-Paul

Anthony Bright-Paul

  • December 15, 2019

    Boris Johnson: to the victor the spoils

    Anyone who has watched Parliament in session will know the invective that has been thrown at Boris. Although our Prime Minister is known as Boris Johnson, he is better known just by ‘Boris.’ In the House of Commons his integrity was endle...

  • December 13, 2019

    The Stick and the Carrot

    Now that I am less mobile with age, I watch a fair amount of television. Since I have never been interested in or addicted to soaps, I have turned more and more to history, to ‘Yesterday’ and other programmes of that type. The buildings o...

  • August 12, 2019

    The fiction of man-made global warming

    There is absolutely no way that so-called greenhouse gas emissions can cause warming or generate heat. It is a fiction that is spread by such august bodies as the IPCC and promulgated by news channels like the BBC and CNN and is even taught to unsusp...

  • December 3, 2016

    Tackling the peddlers of climate change

    How often have we heard that “climate change” is the greatest threat to mankind!  How often have we heard that global warming will lead to an unprecedented rise in sea levels! – when what is the truth?  There is absolut...

  • November 13, 2016

    Trump and Hillary on climate

    On the campaign trail, Trump, a Republican, backed more fossil fuel production in the U.S. and vowed to “cancel” the Paris agreement. He has repeatedly suggested that climate change is a hoax. His Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton, in...

  • November 10, 2016

    Shock and horror

    Shock and horror is the reaction of the German people to the victory of Donald Trump.  In the U.K. also, with some people even going so far as to say, in private, that they felt physically sick at the result. Well, I am one Englishman who wis...

  • September 28, 2016

    Brexit: A Matter of Principle

    Brexit has always been a matter of principle. That is where David Cameron and his former chancellor, George Osborne, came unstuck.  They thought it was a matter of economy, of economics.  When I asked a friend of mine, who was a Remainiac, ...

  • September 22, 2016

    The Red Herring of Article 50

    What the heck is Article 50? You may well ask. It is a labyrinthine maze devised by the EU to deter members from leaving their grasp. It is a EU concept, it is an EU conjunct. It has nothing to do with us in Great Britain, for we have already declare...

  • September 2, 2016

    The battle for Brexit is not over

    The battle for Brexit is not quite over; it is not quite won.  And the reason is simple – many people still do not understand the fundamental issues.  It is not about the Single Market – it is not about the economy – it is...

  • August 30, 2016

    Hell with Article 50! Brexit means Brexit!

    Brexit means that the British people have already clearly signaled that we are no longer under EU law.  We are under British law as enacted at Westminster and promulgated by Royal Assent.  All these EU laws and directives have been declared...

  • August 2, 2016

    'Project Fear' bites the dust

    It is less than six weeks since Brexit was proclaimed on June 23, a historic date in the history of the United Kingdom.  How easily now do we forget the dire prophesies of the Remain campaign, since we have sailed serenely along since Brexit. ...

  • July 20, 2016

    Brexit Now, Not in Two Years

    Hey Mrs. May! Hey, Prime Minister!  What's going on?  You say Brexit means Brexit!  Thus far, so good.  You set up a team of Euro-skeptics, like Boris Johnson and David Davies and Liam Fox.  Well, that is great.  But...

  • July 13, 2016

    Brexit means exit

    Brexit means exit, nothing less.  Britain has voted by over 17 million votes to leave the domination of the EU, to be no longer be a satrapy of that union.  Article 50 was devised by the EU as a Gordian knot in order to prevent the ...

  • July 5, 2016

    The real meaning of Brexit

    On June 23, 2016, Great Britain voted to rule itself.  I have got to repeat that.  Britain voted to rule itself.  I have to repeat it even to myself.  The Remain camp wanted Great Britain to be ruled by 28 members of a secret...

  • June 27, 2016

    Britain’s Parliament and British independence

    I was up all night ’til 5:00 am before I finally went to bed for a couple of hours, the night of the Referendum.  Before I went to bed, it was already clear that Brexit had won, and when I returned to view in the morning, it was clear...

  • June 22, 2016

    The EU is a Dictatorship that Britain Should Leave

    There can be no ifs and buts about it – the EU is a Dictatorship. How come? How dare I say such a thing? Answer:  When the Commission headed by Herr Juncker issues a Regulation it has the force of law for all 28 member States immediately. ...

  • April 30, 2016

    The True Deniers

    Here are some questions for the man-made or Anthropogenic Global Warmers. Since I have taken up the cudgels on various Facebook pages I am screamed at by numerous sycophants who declare that I am a simpleton and totally ignorant. I confess! But here ...

  • April 23, 2016

    Why I am voting for the U.K. to Leave the European Union

    On June 23, the United Kingdom is voting in a referendum on Brexit – the proposal for Britain to exit the European Union.  The first thing we need to do is to examine the reasons for staying in the EU as outlined by the Prime Minister. ...

  • April 23, 2016

    President Obama’s advice to Great Britain on the EU Referendum

    So President Obama has come right out in assuring us Brits that the special relationship with Great Britain is alive and well, - so well in fact that if we voted out of the EU, we Brits would be at the back of a the queue for a trade deal with the US...

  • April 22, 2016

    Queen Elizabeth’s royal assent

    As Britain celebrates the 90th birthday of our monarch, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, it must not be forgotten that she still wields great power.  Every law that is promulgated at Westminster has to receive the Royal Assent, and it is not law until t...

  • February 5, 2016

    Why Skeptics are Losing the Climate Change Battle

    I am a climate skeptic. Many skeptics know that and have even contributed to my book Climate for the Layman. But we are losing the argument and for one simple reason. We keep, - or at least some of us - keep up the illusion that there is such a thing...