Anne Lieberman

Anne Lieberman

  • July 13, 2015

    Help! I'm Being Held in #HashtagHell

    We hear so often these days that #BlackLivesMatter.  Do they matter because #sanctityoflife or because #Black?  If #sanctityoflife, then do not #UnbornLivesMatter?  What if they are black unborn lives?  That is a conversation #Not...

  • December 23, 2012

    Against Nothingness

    In Jewish tradition, rabbis try to discourage those who seek adoption as converts; they're supposed to be turned away either three or four times, I forget which. In my case, it took a total of four rabbis and at least ten years to adopt -- and be ado...

  • September 27, 2009

    Two Jews

    Two Jews stand like bookends, with nearly a hundred years and six million murdered relatives in between.At one end, it's 1911 and Zev Jabotinsky is writing an essay he calls, "Instead of Excessive Apology."The neighbors ...