Ann Barnhardt

Ann Barnhardt

  • April 26, 2012

    Necrophilia is Not a Joke

    Last September I began delivering an hour-long presentation titled "Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil" to local Tea Party, 9/12 and other patriot groups in Colorado.  The good folks at, after seeing this presen...

  • August 2, 2011

    We The Stupid

    I stand here in abject stupefaction.  The so-called "right" or "Tea Party" in this republic is being so thoroughly rolled and defeated that I am struggling to come up with an adequate violent submission metaphor that does not involve prison rape...

  • July 12, 2011

    Obama's Marxist Immersion Shows in Presser

    In yesterday morning's press conference, Obama let slip a telling expression.  To give context to this quote, Obama earlier made multiple mentions of the fact that he was a "best-selling author" and was personally wealthy due to income from "his...

  • June 4, 2011

    A Peaceful Neo-Nazi?

    Satire Dear Family, I am writing to inform you of truly great news.  I know how sad and worried you all were when I was convicted of armed robbery and sentenced to two years in prison.  As it turns out, this was the best thing that has ever...

  • April 23, 2011

    Reconciling Rand with the Gospel

    The motion picture Atlas Shrugged - Part 1 was released in theaters last week, and coupled with the positively prophetic mapping of the plot of Atlas Shrugged to current events, Ayn Rand and her Objectivist Philosophy are front-burner topics.  I...

  • April 13, 2011

    The Keystone of the Islamic Milieu: Inbreeding

    The darkest hour is just before dawn.  A huge swath of this planet, from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Philippine Sea, has been held in a synthetic, forced nightfall for nearly fourteen centuries.  But the sunrise is coming, it is coming ...