Andrew W. Coy

Andrew W. Coy

  • January 29, 2024


    IF.  President Obama, while he was still president, worked in collusion with the Deep State to set up President Trump with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.  Obama and the CIA/FBI spied on and wiretapped President-Elect Trump...

  • December 21, 2023

    Do Not Apologize

    Do not apologize for saying the COVID virus came out of China, with the help of Fauci, and that the Deep State tried to cover up America’s involvement in the COVID creation and China’s involvement.  Do not apologize for saying t...

  • November 14, 2023

    A Trump-Tucker ticket?

    A Trump Tucker ticket for the presidency in 2024.  Just imagine it. Wow.  Oh my goodness.  Praise the Lord.  Fantastic.  Our prayers are answered.  Could it actual happen?  The dream ticket is not as far-fetc...

  • April 8, 2023

    Imagine, if you will, a country...

    With proper credit given to Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone, imagine a country, if you will.  Imagine a country that just a few short years ago was the only superpower on Earth, and suddenly it loses all stature and credibility throughout...

  • September 14, 2022

    A Time of Evil

    This is not just a time of political differences. This is not just a time of switching from Republican to Democrat.  This is not just a time of moving from capitalist to socialist.  This is not just a time of rotating from conservative to l...

  • August 25, 2022

    What's Going On in America

    As we look around today at the American political, social, and cultural system, we wonder what is going on.  With due respect to Marvin Gaye's soulful Motown classic "What's Going On," most Americans cannot believe what we...

  • May 12, 2022

    The Triumphant Trifecta: Tucker, Trump, DeSantis

    Tucker, President Trump, and Governor Ron DeSantis are the three — the troika of leadership for the MAGA and America First movement. You can tell that this is true by the way the enemies of MAGA and America First — the Progressives, th...

  • May 6, 2022

    Just a few questions, Mr. Biden

    Things going on these days just do not make sense.  One just can't understand why Mr. Biden and his Deep State do the things they do.  Biden and his cabal are acting in a way that is totally against the American heritage ...

  • May 1, 2022

    The Ministry of Truth Is Where the Rubber Meets the Road

    Is this the hill that patriots will die on?  Is this the moment when MAGA nation says, "Hell, no"?  Is this the time when hardworking blue-collar Americans say with a unified voice: "We will not comply"? ...

  • February 15, 2022

    The Silent Coup

    Ever since President Trump came down the golden escalators to announce his candidacy for president of the United States, many professional and even casual observers of politics and history have wondered just what was going on in the events that follo...

  • February 9, 2022

    What's the Deal With Mike Pence?

    What in God's name is Mike Pence doing? And for Pence, I do mean in God's name. Is Mike Pence a traitor to conservatives? Is Pence trying to become the next John Dean, the Watergate traitor? Is Pence trying to be just like Liz Cheney and ...

  • January 25, 2022

    When in the course of human events...

    When in the course of human events has a government, have those with enormous power, have those in complete control, have those with seemingly unlimited authority, have those with dictatorial undemocratic values done these things? Told the citi...

  • January 1, 2022

    Men Have Forgotten God

    "Men have forgotten God".  When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was still a young child growing up in Russia/Soviet Union many of the elder population were asked, why is all this calamity falling upon us?  Why are the authorities limiting ...

  • November 12, 2021

    If Progressives wanted to start a civil war, what would they do differently?

    Are Progressives purposely trying to drive America into a civil war?  It is looking more and more like a serious and fair question. The Progressives are made up mostly of socialists, Deep State government, and globalists.  They...

  • November 5, 2021

    First they came for Mike Flynn, but I said nothing...

    History repeats itself.  History repeats itself.  History repeats itself.  This is because human nature does not change.  This is because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Today...

  • October 12, 2021

    Let's Go Brandon to you, too

    *)  To the NASCAR NBC reporter who lied, again she lied, to the American people on what their own ears were hearing of FJB after the car race: Let's Go, Brandon. *)  To the NBC/MSNBC fake news media that has not fired the NASCAR repo...

  • October 8, 2021

    George Orwell was Right

    From George Orwell's 1984, "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date has been altered.  And that process cont...

  • October 1, 2021

    How is Tucker Carlson still alive?

    I for one am shocked that Tucker Carlson is still alive. I cannot believe that Tucker Carlson has not "committed suicide" with three bullets to the back of the head.  I'm stunned that a drunk hit-and-run driver (who was never ...

  • September 26, 2021

    1776 or 1619: Why it Really, Really, Matters

    There has been a great deal of consternation, anger, and vitriol the last two years arguing about two specific dates: 1776 or 1619.  Most Americans, regardless of race, know what 1776 is about.  Most Americans, regardless of race, do n...

  • September 15, 2021

    Because They Are Evil

    There are a great many things coming from Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the State Department, the military, the Justice Department, and basically the Deep State that make no sense.  From Biden and the Deep State, we are getting executive orders, mandat...

  • September 10, 2021

    Let It Find Us

    It is becoming so painfully clear that those in charge of our lives either do not know what they are doing or are lying to us when it comes to COVID.  There is really no question that those in authority are just lying to us or are simply gu...

  • August 13, 2021

    The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?

    Repeatedly in the past year – before the election, when Democrats put into place unconstitutional election rules, and after the election, when people begged it to review fraud claims – a majority on the United States Supreme Court went th...

  • August 9, 2021

    They Let Us Down and It’s Hard to Trust Them Again

    As we grow up, age and mature, we come to think that there are some that we can count on to call it straight.  We can count on umpires to be neutral arbitrators of the strike zone.  We thought we could rely on the Supreme Court to judge all...

  • July 30, 2021

    Two Americas, Two Different Belief Systems

    With proper credit given to Mr. Charles Dickens, for many Americans living today in America, "these are the worst of times."  A time period that many of us have never lived in.  A time period that many of us had never th...

  • July 23, 2021

    'There's Something Happening Here...'

    Stephen Stills's brooding and foreshadowing lyrics to the song "For What It Is Worth" from 1966 seem to bear a great deal of relevance today.  The band Buffalo Springfield sang this song as a challenge to the political pow...

  • July 17, 2021

    Why would any American oppose America First?

    Why would any American hate America First policies?  Why would American politicians despise America First?  Why would someone born, raised, and rearing children in America not want America First? What is wrong with putting the ...

  • July 11, 2021

    Resisting The Left's Push To Balkanize America

    America must be a colorblind nation, one that does not obsess about skin color or use it as the measure for judging a person. Only in that way can we survive as a unified people. Unfortunately, after fifty years of elevating a colorblind nation, Demo...

  • July 7, 2021

    What if the 2020 Election Audits Show Trump Really Won?

    We just don't know.  We just don't know what comes next.  It is all a calculated guess.  The US Constitution is silent.  Even if, if, if, it is so very clear through professional forensic election audit results, that the p...

  • June 26, 2021

    A Tribute to Harry Truman and 'Horse Manure' in 2021

    There's a story that goes back to the time of President Harry S. Truman.  President Truman was a very "earthy" guy from Missouri, and he did not put on airs or act like someone he wasn't.  He used the phrase ...

  • June 13, 2021

    What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?

    What will the military, the Supreme Court, and the people eventually do?  How will the military, the Supreme Court, and the masses react to the outcome?  How will the military move, how will the Supreme Court rule, and eventually ...

  • May 28, 2021

    Tebow, Trump, and DeSantis

    Five years ago, no one would mention Tim Tebow, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis in the same paragraph. What did a former NFL, wannabe baseball player, a celebrity billionaire, and a former JAG officer have in common? But today, when Tebow, Trump, and ...

  • May 1, 2021

    Blue Bloods vs. Woke Culture

    Blue Bloods (BB) is a drama program on CBS that is in its 11th season and has been contracted to run for at least a 12th year.  It is also doing very well in syndication.  The star of BB is Tom Selleck, who plays New York City police commis...

  • April 26, 2021

    It’s Biden’s ‘First 100 Days’ Week

    Prepare for an onslaught of articles with “first 100 days” in the title, as President Biden will be celebrating the landmark with a trip to Atlanta on Thursday. Already we have seen our deep fears realized and our shallow hopes drowned....

  • April 15, 2021

    Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson: History Repeats Itself

    If the Progressives (socialists, globalists, Deep State) were hoping President Trump would go quietly into that dark night, they are sadly mistaken.  If the Progressives were praying that Trump would cower in obscurity after November of 202...

  • April 11, 2021

    Trump You

    Just a quick message from the Patriots to the Progressives... * For those who said last summer's deadly, violent, and felonious actions in our cities were "mostly nonviolent" exercises of free speech and democracy and at the same tim...

  • March 31, 2021

    The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?

    They appear to be cowards or crooks or compromised.  Cowards, crooks, or compromised seems to be the only way to explain the decision-making of the United States Supreme Court.  The Court's unwillingness to make any decisions ...

  • March 12, 2021

    What if Alexander Tytler was Right?

    Sir Alexander Tytler was a Scottish advocate, judge, writer, and historian.  Lord Tytler lived from 1747 until 1813; about the time of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson in America.  Tytler was a professor at the University of Edinburgh....

  • March 1, 2021

    Don't Let Progressives Control the Language of the National Debate

    When two opposing forces are locked in battle, it is of the utmost importance not to let one side be the decider of the rules of engagement.  It is a crucial error to let one side decide what weapons are used, what land is fought over, and ...

  • February 21, 2021

    The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared

    We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory).  This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists).  ...

  • February 14, 2021

    Trump's 2nd impeachment is the start of a bad chapter in America

    The impeachment trial of Donald Trump is something Joe Stalin would be proud of.  This warrantless, baseless, and clearly unconstitutional show trial of impeachment by the Progressives (Deep State, socialists, globalists) is something Stali...

  • February 9, 2021

    Two cultures occupying one land: Can the center hold?

    From the presidential election of 2016 to the presidential election of 2020, from the huge, mostly peaceful protest on Jan. 6 to facing our second presidential impeachment of the same president, it is all too clear that we are becoming two cultures....

  • February 1, 2021

    The political storm ahead

    It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different poi...

  • January 27, 2021

    Evangelicals' faith in Trump

    The political and social relationship between the evangelical community and President Donald Trump has to be one of the strangest and most ironic — as well as strong and committed — relationships in presidential history.  The bo...

  • January 24, 2021

    The Corrupt Bargain redux

    When Donald Trump took the office of President of the United States in January of 2017, one of the first things he did was to put a bust of former President Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office A contemporary president giving a "shout out" of ...

  • January 23, 2021

    I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then

    I sure wish I had not learned so much over the last five years.  In retrospect, five short years ago seems almost like Mayberry.  Here are some important things that I didn't know five years ago or now. There actually is...