Andrew G. Benjamin

Andrew G. Benjamin

  • September 26, 2022

    Is this the end of the European Union as we knew it?

    Sunday, Italy voted. Monday, George Soros's "global order" is history. He, along with his puppets in the European Parliament in the business of ruling nations not theirs, lost the election. Giorgia Meloni.  (Photo c...

  • August 8, 2021

    Time to impeach Biden

    After having appointed a special counsel, or in place of it, under 5 U.S. Code §1212 — Powers and functions of the Office of Special Counsel, specifically under (a) (aB), (a3), Congress must act to impeach this president for high crimes an...

  • June 1, 2021

    We Can Have An Intelligent Conversation About Guns

    The compliant legacy media and woke academia have made it almost impossible to discuss the Second Amendment and most other subjects, for they’ve corrupted sensible, rational thinking, education, revised history, ignored reality and law, and inv...