Andrew Solomon

Andrew Solomon

  • Empathy and the Trump verdict

    June 3, 2024

    Empathy and the Trump verdict

    There is an indirect form of self-defense that is referred to as ‘in your shoes’. If you are being attacked and you fight back, that is merely self-defense. But if you see someone else being attacked, you can step ‘into their shoes...

  • April 6, 2020

    President Trump paralyzed

    I feel as if the president is hemmed in.  If says, frustratedly, after four more weeks, "Open up the damn economy already!," he will be viciously attacked.  He will be accused of being heartless, a monster.  I ...

  • March 21, 2020

    Don't drink the government Kool-Aid on the coronavirus

    Whether you like it or not, you have joined a cult.  Or, to be fair, you been abducted into joining a cult against your will.  And it's not just any cult; it's a death cult. Understand where we are now.  Prior...

  • September 11, 2019

    California workers unite...or else we'll unite you by force

    Private union membership has been in decline for decades.  And over the last few years, major court victories allowing workers to opt out of obligatory union dues have made the workplace less amenable to union organization.  The e...

  • April 15, 2019

    The Left's New Teflon Candidate.

    The left has more candidates running for president in 2020 than a Boston Marathon. I’ve been in mosh pits less crowded than this claustrophobic roomful of crushing egos. The Democrats don’t seem to care. Ambition is its own reward, dam...

  • April 10, 2019

    Is the Democratic Party possessed?

    When candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez use "verbal blackface," as she did at the National Action Network, saying "ain't nothing wrong with" and "this is what (insert blah blah blah here) ... looks like" a...

  • January 20, 2019

    The Democratic Party is extinct but for illegal immigration

    I am reminded of the battle at Helm's Deep from The Lord of the Rings.  There are only two other cinematic scenes that come close: the gun battle in downtown Los Angeles in Heat and the taking of the beaches in Saving Pri...

  • August 4, 2018

    To those who say, 'Just let the Mueller investigation run its course'

    Apparently, if you notice someone vomiting, or about to vomit, it is better to just leave him alone and let it run its course.  Interrupting the body's natural response of reverse parastalsis could render acid-coated chunks in undesirab...

  • April 29, 2018

    Disneyland and Infantile Culture

    The left truly is afflicted with the infantilized belief that life really is a small world after all.  The ride itself, “It’s a small world" was the first multicultural act perpetrated on the American public before the Democrats...

  • April 12, 2018

    The Democrat midterm strategy unfolding now

    They thought we weren't paying attention.  They thought we were either too dumb or too tired from our jobs to care.  They saw the midterms coming, and they thought they could run their narratives now and through the summer. ...

  • February 22, 2018

    The statistical cost of providing new armed security for public schools

    Surprisingly, no one has done this yet, so I did some Googling.  Using statistics available from five years ago, there are 98,000 public elementary schools in the United States.  There are an additional 26,400 public secondary (hi...

  • February 16, 2018

    Hypocrite leftists post-shooting: 'Thoughts and prayers don't work'

    The new response of the left after every school shooting now is to cave in anyone's head who says "our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones and families of the victims."  Leftists prefer whipping up hysterics and urgin...

  • January 25, 2018

    Note to Dems: High immigration population equals lower GDP

    Back in 2010, when the investing community was still eager about the emerging economies, there was the BRIC ETF you could buy (still can), which represented a basket of investible companies in Brazil, Russia, India, and China.  The theory w...

  • December 7, 2017

    What Democrats' full-court Franken press really means

    If the Democrats get anything right, it is the uniformity of a working script.  They are good at forming a chorus of clapping seals.  And they have so much more party discipline than the Republicans.  When it's time to run with a s...

  • November 21, 2017

    Public-sector fat cats celebrate Thanksgiving

    It used to be that, not long ago, Thanksgiving was a brief, one-day event.  You ate turkey in the afternoon, watched football into the evening, then went back to work the next day, and life went on.  Fast-forward three decades later.  ...

  • May 24, 2017

    The Democrat Munchausen Party

    My wife, jokingly, has always said she could kill me inconspicuously if I got out of line by using the various Oleander trees around our property.   She's right.  Deer stay away from it; its why I grow it around my property. ...

  • April 27, 2017

    California: The sick man of the United States

    The Sick Man of Europe is a phrase that was first used to describe the waning Ottoman Empire.  Since then, it has been applied to various European countries over the years suffering from political and economic dilapidation, whether it was Britai...

  • April 27, 2017

    The true cost of California’s minimum wage hikes

    California has been on a minimum wage hike tear.  The Golden State's minimum wage has risen by 29% since 2007.  By 2022, just 4.5 years from now, the minimum wage will skyrocket to $15/hr., an additional 30% increase from its current ra...

  • April 11, 2017

    Calls for rent control increasing across California

    Calls for rent control are heating up across the Gilded State, and not just from Silicon Valley, either.  From Santa Rosa to San Diego to Alameda to even Sacramento, we are seeing the affordable housing rhetoric move even deeper into the suburbs...

  • February 16, 2017

    Trump's new strategy: Hulk smash

    Some of the best fighters in the world know how to rapidly close the distance and, by doing so, take out the slack of their opponent's reach.  There is no power that can be used against you when your forehead is pressed into your opponent...

  • January 9, 2017

    The Great California Earthquake of 2018: First State To Default

    If only it were just an earthquake.  We could then just repair some damaged roadways or condemn a couple dozen buildings, then resume our lives.  Maybe the Bay Bridge would need a section reattached.  Or the last letter ...

  • January 5, 2017

    What Government 'Help' Looks Like on the Front Lines

    Several times each year, our small California company that fluctuates between 100 to 110 employees is besieged by bureaucratic aliens.  They show up unannounced, flash us their badges after beaming down from their mother ship, and then expect us...

  • December 28, 2016

    Why the world needs more Scrooges

    Today we have the luxury of criticizing the Industrial Revolution as "a dirty era" in our neo-paganism of anti-growth environmentalism, but this article is not about that regressive agenda – not the pipeline protesters, the anti-frack...

  • December 21, 2016

    California Democrats misinterpreting supermajority status

    When a giant ship is slowly turning, you don't notice it fully unless you are on deck.  If you are down below in the tiki bar, head buried in a hollowed out coconut full of umbrellas, you may entirely miss the direction of where you are...

  • December 11, 2016

    What Does The Trump Rally Mean?

      On Friday, the S&P closed at 2259 and change while the Dow surged to 19,756.  Meanwhile the NASDAQ voted its optimism for stocks as well.  But what does this mean?  What is Mr. Market trying to tell us?   T...

  • November 26, 2016

    The Left’s Dead End

    The Left has no alternatives anymore.  When you buy a bag of hammers, it's just that, a bag of hammers with an occasional sickle thrown in.  The only reason chemotherapy is prescribed is because the oncologist still believes there i...

  • November 22, 2016

    Bannon Is The New Halliburton For Our Precious Left

    Debating a Leftist is like trying to have a conversation with a Magic 8 Ball toy.  You try to discuss a topic and then you wait for them to shake the black sphere, turn it over and have them read whatever phrase emerges from the glass. It is ...

  • November 15, 2016

    Obamacare the Destroyer: How It Has Hurt Small Business

    We, the small business owners, are the last truly repressed minorities in America today.  We used to be the engine of the economy, representing the bulk of new jobs created as well as solidly retained, in some cases lasting a person's entire...

  • November 7, 2016

    The real choice at the top of the ballot

    The leftist socialists don't appear to know the first thing of what this election is actually about.  Most of them are fascinated by the two personalities: Skyscraper Guy and Pantsuit Lady.  But they are just a pair of mascots.  It...

  • October 10, 2016

    Will America Wake Up and Smell the Coffee with Trump’s Blunt Truths?

    I have to admit.  Hillary was good last night.  She was oily.  Very slick.  A prototypical politician.  In fact, just like her husband, whose nickname was also Slick. Slick Willy could pretend cry at the drop of a hat....

  • August 5, 2016

    Explaining the one-sided anti-Trump criticism of your friends

    There is an odd movement afoot.  There seems to be entire ZIP codes of our co-workers and neighbors, Facebook friends and peers attacking only Donald Trump, without leveling a single critique against Hillary Clinton.  It appears t...

  • July 9, 2016

    The Democrats and demographics

    Looking at current demographic trends, we see that those persons aged 65 and older are surprisingly only at 14.9% of the total, up from 13% four years ago, despite what we thought about the touted "Boomer" group.  Not as big as we were...

  • April 10, 2016

    What peak government looks like

    Private businesses with zero growth rates are unattractive investments.  You can see them from a mile away.  At one time they were exciting, compelling businesses with a bright future and exploding growth.  Then something happened....

  • November 7, 2015

    Why California paid sick leave destroys immune systems

    The relatively new law in California that went into effect earlier this year on July 1, guaranteeing every worker at least 3 or more paid sick days by their employers, appears to have suddenly destroyed white T cells.  It's a sudden epidemic...

  • August 15, 2015

    California's SB3, the Minimum Wage Hike From Hell

    California has embarked upon a dangerous experiment. The Democrats who secured total control of the statehouse have been the most productive group of legislators at passing bills in the last 50 years. Most of these bills were pass...

  • October 27, 2014

    Why Voting Should Be Made Harder, Not Easier

    I have a friend with whom I went to school who is now a professor at Yale.  Every one of his Facebook posts is about race identity politics.  Its sad and gross navel gazing, but it illustrates the academy in steep and rapid declin...

  • September 6, 2014

    You Want A Higher Minimum Wage? Why Do You Hate The Elderly So Much?

    Those who have left the workforce long ago or are now on fixed incomes are in for a rude awakening if the union goons and agitators of the Democratic Party get their way.  A catastrophic rise of a new minimum wage to $15/hr would certainly ...