Andrew Schwartz

Andrew Schwartz

  • November 28, 2012

    The Other Side of the Marriage Argument

    In the 2012 election, three states voted successfully to broaden the definition of marriage to include two members of the same sex.  In addition to Maine, Maryland, and the state of Washington passing referenda permitting gay marriage, Minnesota...

  • March 15, 2012

    Why Obama Wants the Contraception Mandate to Go to the Supreme Court

    The question has been asked: "Why are President Obama and the Democrats spending so much time and effort on universal coverage of contraception?"  Surely they knew that there would be religious objection.  Surely they did not think that suc...

  • January 11, 2012

    The Myth of the Rogue Paulite

    Ron Paul supporters are vilified almost as much as the man himself.  In fact, polling data indicates that the following common characterizations are myths: Any strong showing for Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primary polls must have an...

  • December 13, 2011

    Obama misses the real 'Reason for the Season'

    President Obama, perhaps feeling pressure from Gov. Rick Perry, felt it prudent recently to speak about the "Reason for the Season" at the "Christmas in Washington" event in Washington, DC, on Sunday. Speculation about the sincerity of President Obam...

  • October 7, 2011

    Is a Progressive Tax Constitutional?

    So much has been made of wealthier citizens paying their "fair share."  Much of the argument against this sort of rhetoric has focused on why we shouldn't raise taxes on the highest tax bracket, or why we shouldn't create another tax bracket. ...

  • September 18, 2011

    The Ought-acity of Power

    In the eighteenth century, language was everything.  One misused word could bring the speaker -- or the writer -- under intense scrutiny, subject him to public rebuke, and even bring him to face charges of slander or libel.  Whether it be a...