Andrew Pessin

Andrew Pessin

  • January 2, 2017

    What They Talk About When They Talk About Israel …

    It’s the Jews (in a word). Yet remarkably, this simple fact gets obscured in all the campus squabbling over whether anti-Zionism -- or anti-Israelism, as I prefer to call it -- is antisemitic or not. “We are only advocating for Palesti...

  • January 24, 2016

    The Indelible Stain: Jew-Washing, Antisemitism, and Zionophobia

    [In the days just before the Messiah] a man’s enemies will be the members of his household …. —Sotah 49b (quoting Micah 7.6) Among the many difficulties confronting Jews who are comfortable calling themselves Zionists is the phe...

  • July 24, 2011

    Israel's War of the Words

    Almost everyone agrees about Israel's military superiority over its adversaries.  After all, it has won all the conventional wars, as well as the non-conventional ones -- Hamas's fantastic victory declarations in 2009, amidst the ruins of Gaza C...

  • June 18, 2010

    Israel breathes; world condemnation instantaneous

    -Satire-Israel breathed this morning. There was a quick intake of air, and then a gentle exhalation. World condemnation was instantaneous. P.A. President Abbas decried the Israeli attempt to commandeer the Middle East air supply, and demanded a promp...