Andrew Longman

Andrew Longman

  • December 26, 2020

    Can A Homeless Beggar Save The Republic?

    It is in every American's best interest to avoid secession and keep our federation of states together. However, that doesn't mean that the federal government is the vehicle for exposing and punishing the massive election fraud that took place...

  • December 22, 2020

    Secession: A Gift to the Communists

    There is much loose talk about secession among conservatives. Focused as they are on the outrages of the Left – the cheating, the immorality, the welfare-state entitlement, and the rabid anti-Christian beliefs that put men in women’s bath...

  • March 22, 2020

    FDA Must Approve Hydroxychloroquine Now

    [Editor's note: Lack of FDA approval does not prohibit off-label use of drugs for other threapeutic purposes, but would inhibit widespred use.] You are being lied to about the drugs that heal COVID19. America's FDA, and National Institu...

  • March 15, 2017

    Ryancare: Death panels are still in the bill

    I have loudly insisted about Obamacare in the past that "death panels are in the bill."  Besides being a runaway cost extravaganza, the chief problem of Obamacare is that it kills people on purpose.  And that has histori...

  • July 24, 2016

    Tim Kaine: Abortion is murder, and that's totally fine

    The Democrats are a morally incoherent party, and nothing captures with more perfection the feckless irrationality than Sen. Tim Kaine on abortion. Speaking to CNN, the irrational Kaine said, “I have a traditional Catholic personal position,...

  • July 10, 2016

    Neil Peart needs to read John Adams

    The secular world is plummeting at mach speed straight into the ground these days.  In previous ages there remained a basic understanding of morality and of God which would bring people back from the brink of self-worship and hubris.  But a...

  • November 22, 2015

    The Real Problem on Today's College Campus

    The problem on campus these days is not racism.  It is the lack of racism. For decades, the campus left has preached (falsely) that all injustice in the world may be reduced to the elementary component vectors of race, gender, and unequal red...

  • November 20, 2015

    Europe's Scoffing Its Way to Annihilation

    I spoke with two Germans, several weeks before the Paris Islamist attacks, on religion, ideology, and the future of Europe.  I predicted to them that Germany will be consumed by Islam due to the hordes now invading.  Both Germans were seren...