Andrew E. Harrod

Andrew E. Harrod

  • March 3, 2023

    Elon Musk: Ukraine’s Fair-Weather Friend

    Russia’s February 24, 2022, invasion of Ukraine has passed the one-year mark, an ironic reminder that Russian President Vladimir Putin planned for a war lasting less than a week. Among several mistakes, Putin wrongly assumed that the Ukraini...

  • December 29, 2022

    Airbus's unfriendly skies

    "Today Airbus operates with the strictest integrity," company counsel Gilles August boldly proclaimed to a French court last November 30.   Yet Airbus's recent scandal-ridden past of illegal bribery payments to foreign cu...

  • April 7, 2022

    Welcome to the weird world of Palestinian feminism

    What does the "Palestinian feminist call for love" sound like?  According to University of California, Santa Barbara history professor Sherene Seikaly and her co-panelists at the March 28 webinar on "Land, Life, Love, and Lib...

  • February 16, 2022

    Anti-White Racism at NYU Law

    In the United States, “if you’re white, leave; it’s really that simple,” announced Regan de Loggans, an activist with New York City’s Indigenous Kinship Collective, a “community of Indigenous womxn, femmes, and gen...

  • February 1, 2022

    Elon Musk Puts Profits Before Human Rights

    For a businessman desperate to sell cars in China and to get back in good graces with the authorities, opening a storeroom in a place declared off-limits by much of the civilized world might be wise in the short term. This business gamble signals to ...

  • January 22, 2022

    What is Heroic Virtue?

    “Our culture has a very confused sense of heroism, often applauding the biggest, strongest, loudest, or wealthiest,” writes Catholic commentator Bear Woznick in his new book, Deep Adventure: The Way of Heroic Virtue (Sophia Institute Pres...

  • December 18, 2021

    Craig Considine’s Sci-Fi Islam

    Rice University sociology lecturer Craig Considine holds some views that are “probably not too justified under Christian doctrine, but I have never been too concerned about that,” he stated on December 9. This self-described “practi...

  • November 14, 2021

    Duke Professor’s Distorted Lens into Israel/Palestinian Conflict

    Israel exhibits a “colonial systematology about nativeness” in the treatment of online smartphone pictures of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stated Duke University associate professor of anthropology Rebecca Stein during a Nov. 4 ...

  • September 12, 2021

    Robert Spencer Deconstructs Islam

    “A thorough review of the historical records provides startling indications that much, if not all, of what we know about Muhammad is legend, not historical fact,” writes Robert Spencer in his new edition of Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry ...

  • October 25, 2020

    The 'Eurabia' warning to America

    “This could be Europe’s death knell,” writes Robert Spencer in his new book, Mass Migration in Europe:  A Model for the U.S.?  In it he analyzes how mass Muslim migration to Europe has fulfilled the “Eurabia” s...

  • October 7, 2020

    Robert Spencer Rates the Presidents

    A "great president is one who puts America first," concludes bestselling author Robert Spencer in his latest book, Rating America's Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was an Absolute Disaster....

  • July 30, 2020

    The Immigration Problem Is Worse Than You Think

    America's "unchecked immigration is a threat to our ability to hold together as a people, our ability to maintain the Unum while honoring the Pluribus," writes Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) fellow Jerry Kammer.  His new...

  • March 29, 2020

    Draining the Department of Labor Swamp

    According to an ongoing Department of Labor (DOL) employment discrimination lawsuit claiming $400 million damages, software leader “Oracle had allegedly discriminated against and in favor of Asians.” This potentially ruinous abs...

  • May 22, 2019

    NASA Covers for SpaceX

    Video footage of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon space capsule exploding on the ground during an April 20 test at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida was leaked online by the next day. Yet SpaceX and NASA are unacceptably dragging their feet in ex...

  • April 20, 2019

    A Flock of F-15X Eagles

    The F-15 Eagle fighter, which first entered United States Air Force (USAF) service in 1976, will continue to be an essential element of America’s air superiority force into the 2040s.  Accordingly, the Department of Defense needs to procur...

  • February 8, 2019

    American Enterprise Will Beat China in Outer Space

    "China is best placed to win a space race, given its well-coordinated, disciplined, technocratic system, able to set and maintain long-term goals," gloomily predicted a recent Washington Post editorial.  Yet current Chinese practice an...

  • October 23, 2018

    Eternal Jihad: Islam Will Never, Ever Stop

    The "West and Islam have been mortal enemies since the latter's birth some fourteen centuries ago," warns Islam scholar Raymond Ibrahim in his recent book Sword and Scimitar:  Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the We...

  • September 15, 2018

    ACT for America Declares Culture War

    "America is under attack.  Our country is being transformed before our very eyes," ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel stated on September 4 in a ballroom in Crystal City at Virginia's Hyatt Regency hotel....

  • August 12, 2018

    New Bill Insures America First

    The International Insurance Standards Act of 2018 (IISA) "would be a milestone in fulfilling the Trump administration's promise to put America First," wrote Nevada Republican activist Lisa Noeth.  After having passed the House...

  • May 21, 2018

    Georgetown Spins Muslim Self-Criticism Into 'Islamophobic Muslims'

    "Islamophobic Muslims"?  Such is the surreal conclusion of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (IPSU)'s 2018 American Muslim Poll, which was presented before about forty at Washington, D.C.'s National Press C...

  • February 5, 2018

    The Cloud Requires Clear Legislation

    FreedomWorks Vice President for Research Wayne Brough has noted that the “major law governing privacy and the government’s ability to access personal data online -- the Electronic Communications Privacy Act [ECPA] -- was written in 1986....

  • January 20, 2018

    Defense Department-Amazon Deal Risks Chinese Espionage

    Recent Department of Defense (DoD) actions indicate that the DoD is considering making Amazon the DoD's sole online cloud provider, the Washington Examiner notes.  Such a deal entails numerous disadvantages, not leas...

  • September 27, 2017

    The Red-Green Axis Goes Ballistic: Iran, North Korea, and Proliferation

    "It's a match made in hell," writes journalist Benny Avni of the nuclear weapon and ballistic missile proliferation nexus between Iran and North Korea.  This international, potentially apocalyptic version of what is known as a ...

  • November 17, 2016

    Arab Democracy's Failure Eludes So-Called Experts

      Given American policymakers' ignorance of Islam, "I am just worried about people like me running around with big theories trying to set foreign policy," stated famed intellectual historian Francis Fukuyama in Washington, D.C....

  • July 15, 2016

    Hillary, Classified Information, and Me

    Hillary Clinton's "extremely careless … handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" as described by FBI director James Comey has caused me to reflect on my own past top secret security clearance.  I worked bri...

  • June 9, 2015

    European Islamic Immigration Adds New Life to Old Anti-Semitic Hatred

    “You want me to spell it out?  I am afraid of Muslims,” stated Swedish-Jewish writer and political adviser Annika Hernroth-Rothstein on May 27 before a room-filling audience of about 40 at Washington, DC’s The Israel Project (T...

  • May 26, 2015

    Charlie Hebdo defends freedom under fire

    “We don’t negotiate with the freedom of speech,” stated Jean-Baptiste Thoret, film critic for the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, during a May 1 presentation before an audience of about 100 at Freedom House in Washington, D.C....

  • May 7, 2015

    LGBT Undermining of the Constitution, Culture, and Conservatives

    “Our whole way of life is at stake” in the pending Supreme Court same-sex “marriage” (SSM) case, declared former American United Nations ambassador Alan Keyes at an April 21 National Press Club conference in Washington, D.C....

  • January 25, 2015

    CAIR Mourns <em>Charlie Hebdo</em>, Yet Advocates Censorship

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Hamas-derived “civil rights” group, “repeated its defense of freedom of speech” in a baffling January 7 press release that “condemned” the Paris jihadist Charlie ...

  • October 13, 2014

    <em>Unfair</em> Movie Seeks Tax Revolution

    “Subjects or citizens… is at stake” in the new film Unfair: Exposing the IRS, one of its producers, conservative activist Craig Bergman, stated at a September 26 Value Voters Summit (VVS) screening.  Liberty-minded Americans n...

  • July 25, 2014

    Saving General Eisenhower

    A “controversy like no other” has arisen over efforts to memorialize Dwight D. Eisenhower on the National Mall, National Civic Art Society (NCAS) President Justin Shubow declared at a July 18 Rayburn House Office Building panel. The resol...

  • July 21, 2014

    The Newburgh Deception: HBO Documentary Whitewashes American Jihad Plot

    The Newburgh Sting will air Monday, July 21 on HBO.  This documentary concerns a 2009 FBI undercover operation against terrorist attacks upon New York area targets.  Viewers beware, though; this film ignores copious evidence of jihadist mot...

  • December 25, 2013

    My Grandmother's Christmas

    Among my unforgettable Christmas memories are those from 2007.  Yuletide found me that year at my mother's home near Charlottesville, Virginia.  We went to Christmas Eve service at an Episcopal parish church once frequented by the...

  • November 30, 2013

    When Leftist Ideologues Revert to 'It's All Our Fault'

    "We did this," popular British religion writer Karen Armstrong said in a November 21, 2013 keynote address at Georgetown University.  She was referring to her country's imperial history and al-Qaeda's September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks....

  • September 15, 2013

    Winning the War of Ideas for Islamic Hearts and Minds

    The "war of ideas is the primary arena of conflict," stated Jamestown Foundation Senior Fellow Stephen Ulph at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center on September 6, 2013.  Ulph spoke as part of an all-star expert lineup discussing the international s...

  • August 23, 2013

    Arab MK's Sharia Blasphemy Demand on Israel

    This past May, Muslim Arab Member of the Knesset (MK) Ibrahim Sarsour introduced a bill in Israel's parliament that would prohibit blasphemous speech. Sarsour's demand on Israel, a model of liberal democracy, to subject herself to sharia blasphemy la...

  • August 6, 2013

    Sexual Assault's Damage to the Military Family

    "It's like people who deal with incest," one audience member analogized sexual assault's damage to the Brotherhood (and, more recently, Sisterhood) of Arms in the American military at a panel hosted by the United States Navy Memorial this past July 3...

  • July 31, 2013

    Politically Incorrect Posters and Islam

    On July 9, 2013, Munich police confiscated a poster used at a city demonstration opposing the proposed Center for Islam in Europe-Munich (Zentrum für Islam in Europa-München, or ZIE-M) due to preliminary hate speech suspicions.  The Munich confi...

  • July 25, 2013

    Helmut Kohl Endorses Same-sex 'Unions'

    Germany's longest-serving chancellor, the 83-year old Helmut Kohl, recently attended and legally witnessed a same-sex civil union ceremony for his friend, the lawyer Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner (64). This "homo wedding," as some German press accounts h...

  • July 8, 2013

    Same-sex Marriage meets German Politics

    Hamburg, Germany's former mayor, the 58-year-old Carl-Friedrich Arp Ole Freiherr von Beust, "has married his friend of several years," the German newsweekly Der Spiegel reported on June 25, 2013. Der Spiegel referenced thereby a private ceremony five...

  • June 29, 2013

    Rand Paul's Moral Libertarianism

    Senator Rand Paul's address to the Road to Majority conference of the Faith & Freedom Coalition (FFC) on June 13, 2013, blended social, economic, and foreign policy elements into a libertarian-tinged approach to conservatism's proverbial three-le...

  • June 23, 2013

    Finding the Rhetoric to Express the Reality of Marriage

    A panel at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's (FFC) Road to Majority conference on June 14, 2013 at Washington, D.C.'s JW Marriot offered important insights from key scholars seeking to maintain the institution of marriage's integrity against homose...

  • June 9, 2013

    The Center for American Progress' Willful Blindness

    The Center for American Progress (CAP) unveiled its report Foreign Law Bans: Legal Uncertainties and Practical Problems at a May 16, 2013, event at CAP's Washington, DC, headquarters.  CAP's analysts are unconcerned by the influence of sharia an...

  • June 8, 2013

    Free Speech Goes Down to Defeat Down Under

    Student newspaper members at Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra have recently learned the hard way how various Muslims do not accept criticism and condemnation like adherents of other faiths. Amidst the ecumenical satire of ANU's Woroni...

  • June 1, 2013

    Devilish Details -- Part 2

    More troubling questions about how benign Islam actually is arise from examining the background of participants in Georgetown University's April 24, 2013, conference on "The Boundaries of Religious Pluralism & Freedom: The Devil is in the Detail"...

  • May 29, 2013

    Family 'Diversity' Goes Over the Top in Germany

    A previous article by me at the website Mercatornet concerned how a German parliamentarian, Michael Kauch, and his homosexual partner and friends had taken the idea of "diverse" family relationships to a whole new level. Recent developments from Germ...

  • May 26, 2013

    Devilish Details -- Part 1

    The Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at Georgetown University hosted on April 24, 2013, a conference on "The Boundaries of Religious Pluralism & Freedom: The Devil is in the Detail" (conference video here). Con...

  • May 12, 2013

    Blasphemy of Jesus Goes Unprosecuted in Germany

    In a case raising various questions about free speech, faith, and double standards, German authorities have declined to prosecute a caricaturist for offending Christian beliefs.  As the conservative German website Politically Incorrect (PI) repo...

  • May 12, 2013

    Survey Says: Islam is a Global Menace

    In an exclusive for the German conservative newspaper Die Welt on April 26, 2013, the German Bertelsmann Stiftung released international survey results concerning popular perceptions of Islam.  The polling of 14,000 people in 13 countries during...

  • May 11, 2013

    Juan Williams, Meet Luc Trullemans: All Too Frank Speech in Belgium Leads to Firing

    In a case reminiscent of National Public Radio (NPR)'s 2010 firing of commentator Juan Williams, the Belgian television meteorologist Luc Trullemans has lost his job after posting angry and abusive comments upon his Facebook page concerning Muslim im...

  • May 4, 2013

    Silencing Speech on Islam

    Bavaria's Interior Ministry announced April 12, 2013, that the provincial Office of Constitutional Protection (Verfassungsschutz) will monitor local chapters of the website Politically Incorrect (PI) and the small conservative Freedom Party (Die Frei...

  • April 15, 2013

    Germany's Feelings Hurt, Europe Trembles

    A Youtube video produced by the European Union's (EU) parliament has created controversy in more ways than one. While offending German national sensibilities, the video also called into question the commitment of the European Parliament (EP) and othe...

  • March 31, 2013

    Liberal Certainties and Uncertainties about God, Man, and Marriage

    The National Organization for Marriage (NOM)'s March for Marriage took place on March 26, 2013, from Washington, D.C.'s National Mall to the United States Supreme Court and back.  While the arguments for preserving the natural institution marria...

  • March 24, 2013

    Blurred Image: How Even Free Speech's Defenders Must Defer to Islam

    On March 19, 2013, in Washington, D.C., the Heritage Foundation screened the new film: Silent Conquest:  The End of Freedom of Expression in the West.  A panel discussion by four of the film's participants, namely Center for Security Policy...

  • March 2, 2013

    Erdogan's Idea of 'Tolerance'

    The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) began its Fifth Global Forum in Vienna, Austria, on February 27, 2013. Addresses from various international leaders and policymakers such as the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Austrian Federa...

  • February 24, 2013

    Coming to a Theater near You: Palestinian Propaganda

    The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development (JF), a Palestinian-American non-profit organization, screened the film Where Should the Birds Fly on February 14, 2013, at the JF's Palestine Center across from the Watergate complex in Wash...

  • February 24, 2013

    Defining Deviancy Down in Germany: Public Approval of Homosexuality and Its Consequences

    Germany's equivalent of the United States Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, ruled on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, that homosexuals in civil partnerships have a right to adopt children previously adopted by the other person in the partnership in...

  • February 22, 2013

    Defining Deviancy Down in Germany

    Germany's equivalent of the United States Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, ruled on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, that homosexuals in civil partnerships have a right to adopt children previously adopted by the other person in the partnership in...

  • February 21, 2013

    Dangerous Liaisons: Sex and the Military in the Age of Obama

    The Academy Award-nominated documentary The Invisible War examines the scourge of sexual assault in the modern American military.  As presented by the New America Foundation (NAF) at Washington, D.C.'s E Street Theater at a February 13, 2013, sc...

  • January 26, 2013

    No Mere Existence for Israel

    Inauguration weekend has come and gone, and with it the preceding "No Blank Check for Israel" rally on Saturday, January 19, 2013. Rally participants first assembled in Farragut Square to hear various speakers and then marched through adjoining stree...

  • January 21, 2013

    The New Moral McCarthyism

    Two articles on separate issues of sexual morality written by Catholics came to me today (January 18, 2013) via the internet. The regular news review of the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS), a society dedicated to upholding orthodoxy in Catholic higher ...

  • January 20, 2013

    Harris Zafar's Islamic Intellectual Incoherence

    Harris Zafar, national spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, posted recently at the Washington Post's online Guest Voices blog the article "Making Islamic Sense of Free Speech." Review of Zafar's analysis shows that he makes no sense, ...

  • January 17, 2013

    Breaking: Muhammad Is Just like...George Washington?!

    Achieving the seemingly impossible, "interfaith activist" and Trinity College (Dublin) Ph.D. candidate Craig Considine has reached new heights in modern Islamophile naïveté.  Considine has stiff competition in this regard, given Director of Nati...

  • December 21, 2012

    Muhammad at the Movies: The Sequel

    Internationally-known Koran burner Terry Jones has returned to the internet with a film condemning Islam's prophet Muhammad after Jones helped promote the internet trailer Innocence of Muslims, a source of global controversy. Posted on Jones' website...

  • December 12, 2012

    Free Speech Roundup

    The Dutch parliament on November 29, 2012, abolished Holland's blasphemy law in a rare victory for intellectual freedom often under attack today from various self-anointed defenders of Islam. Yet the continuing existence of similar statutes throughou...

  • December 9, 2012

    Truth, Human Nature, and the American Way

    This past November 27, 2012, the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) held its annual forum, titled "The Price of Greatness: The Next Four Years of U.S. Foreign Policy", at the Newseum's Knight Conference Center in Washington, DC. Comments during forum pa...

  • November 25, 2012

    Guess What's Coming to Lake Wobegon

    The campaign tactics behind four historic electoral wins at the November 2012 polls for same-sex "marriage" (SSM) in Maine, Maryland, Washington State, and my boyhood home of Minnesota are well worth analyzing.  Although homosexual advocates car...

  • November 1, 2012

    The Hope and the Change: A Review

    Citizens United's latest cinematic political commentary for this election year of 2012 is The Hope and the Change.  Available on DVD and also appearing on various cable and broadcast television channels in the weeks before the November 6 preside...

  • October 27, 2012

    A German Victory for Free Speech

    In a letter dated October 10, 2012, and received by its addressee four days later, the Marburg, Germany state prosecutor announced a suspension in the prosecution of medical historian Dr. Armin Geus.  As discussed in my recent FrontPage Magazine...

  • October 21, 2012

    Islam and Insult

    Western intellectuals have already started the process of surrender to Islam.  In recent weeks, the accustomed defenders of the cultural values of the West have begun laying the doctrinal groundwork for abrogation of free speech, open inquiry, a...

  • October 20, 2012

    Free Speech Victory in America's Capital

    Pursuant to an October 5, 2012 preliminary injunction, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) met a 5 p.m. deadline on the following Monday, October 8, to place four pro-Israel, anti-jihad advertisements in the metro stations of U...

  • October 7, 2012

    Different Rules for Islam

    Recent statements by various politicians in Germany demonstrate once again the effects of a "heckler's veto" exercised by various aggressive Muslims around the world.  In particular, such aggression is creating legal and societal inequalities be...

  • September 29, 2012

    Barack Obama: President and Protector of Islam's Prophet

    United States President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly this past week, on September 25, 2012.  During his remarks on his country's role in international relations, Obama, in the midst of his comments otherwise within ...

  • September 25, 2012

    A Modest German Proposal: Debate, not Censor, Innocence of Muslims

    Amidst continuing controversies and calls for censorship worldwide surrounding the trailer for Innocence of Muslims posted in the internet, a group of Germans has offered a modest proposal.  The German Freedom Party (Die Freiheit), a small polit...

  • September 18, 2012

    Germany Cracks Down on Terry Jones and Innocence of Muslims

    Germany's Interior Ministry Sunday banned the entry into the country of internationally-known Koran burner Terry Jones upon the invitation of the "fringe right-wing party" (Deutsche Welle) Bürgerbewegung Pro Deutschland (Civil Movement Pro Germany), ...

  • September 15, 2012

    The Islamist Death of Free Speech (and a Few Americans in the Process)

    Once again, precisely in time for the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, jihadist terror attacks against the New York City World Trade Center and the Pentagon, condemnatory comments concerning Islam in free societies have led to the endanger...

  • August 5, 2012

    Defending Free Speech Leaves Top Obama Department of Justice Official Speechless

    Republican Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) has posted a revealing YouTube segment of his questioning of Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez in the House of Representatives on July 26, 2012.  Franks repeatedly asked Perez wh...

  • July 29, 2012

    Aiding and Abetting Islamic Vigilantism in Germany

    The German lawyer Michael C. Schneider in Frankfurt am Main recently described his rather dangerous personal triangular relationship with his German bar regulators and his Muslim and left-wing enemies at the conservative German website Politically In...

  • May 1, 2012

    Tarring Jihad's Opponents

    The British organization HOPE not Hate (HnH), a group formed in 2005 to oppose the "politics of hate" of the British National Party and the English Defense League in the service of the "anti-racist and anti-fascist movement" and enjoying the "support...

  • March 30, 2012

    Why the West is Best: A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy

    Why the West is Best:  A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy.  By Ibn Warraq.  New York:  Encounter Books, 2011.  286 pp.  $23.95. The pseudonymous ex-Muslim Warraq has turned his broad intellect and articulat...