Andrew Benjamin

Andrew Benjamin

  • April 21, 2022

    An election went well in Europe, and George Soros is not happy

    The E.U. is corrupt, tyrannical, autocratic, and undemocratic.  It expresses the very characteristics of which it has accused Hungary, Poland, and its leaders. On the take, bribed, spiteful, woke, and unjust, the E.U. has come unhinged a...

  • March 27, 2022

    Joe Biden's agenda: The cruelest act against humanity in the modern age

    The combination of war, supply chain issues, energy shortages, and inflation makes it impossible for poorer nations to pay for equipment, supplies, food, and fertilizer.  Fertilizer is manufactured with carbon fuels, and both are necessary ...

  • February 23, 2022

    The root cause of Kamala's root cause is...the root cause

    The president of the United States, Kamala Harris (not a typo), went south of the border to improve the lives of aliens of other nations — and, while at it, to advance the destruction of the lives of citizens north of the border. Harris was ...

  • March 18, 2021

    Thuggery run rampant in the Cuomo family of New York

    The governor of New York has been in the news for two reasons: first, his obvious incompetence in managing the pandemic in his state, which has had the most deaths and hospitalized per capita, and second, his serial abuse of women on his payroll....

  • November 14, 2019

    Bad precedent on a good gun law

    The Supreme Court has given the go-ahead to Sandy Hook victims to file suit against gunmaker Remington Arms.  The ruling against Remington is a case of bad precedent on top of bad judgment. On December 13, 2012, the deranged Adam Lanza m...

  • April 20, 2019

    What Trump is guilty of

    Donald Trump, the president of the United States, behaved as any innocent man would, behave having been framed by fabricated propaganda prepared by foreign intelligence agents and paid for by his political enemies.  He behaved as any inn...

  • January 18, 2019

    The Crucifixion of James Watson

    CNN reports: "James Watson, who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s based on the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between wh...

  • March 26, 2018

    The Left and the Gun Control Marches

    Adult Democrats, Hillary voters and people who call themselves liberals, progressives, and socialists made up the bulk of the anti-gun marches. These groups were already on board with the losing candidates plan to tear up the Constitution, violate...

  • February 13, 2018

    The presidential portrait: Weird, but fitting for a narcissist-in-chief

    Demonstrating once again a serious deficit of seriousness, almost alone in taking himself seriously, as most people won't any longer, Barack Hussein Obama unveiled two portraits of himself and his wife. One cannot help but be reminded that...

  • October 29, 2017

    Holy Collusion!

    Special "Counsel" Robert Mueller III with his deputy prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, the man behind the Enron prosecution and the collapse of global CPA firm Arthur Andersen (and its firing of 85,000 Andersen employees, a ruling later rev...

  • May 4, 2016

    Trump and reasonableness

    From one of my readers (emphases are mine): Renowned psychologists have speculated Trump is psychologically unstable manifesting text-book symptoms of ego-maniacal, narcissistic, and pathological conditions. Trump is crude, even vulgar, and seek...

  • December 14, 2015

    Fareed Zakaria vs. Donald Trump

    Sunday morning on CNN's Fareed Zakaria, we witnessed the host and his guest panel slamming Donald Trump for Trump's alleged xenophobic anti-Muslim views, followed by a grand tear-jerker from a lovely Muslim woman trying to emigrate to the U.S...

  • October 25, 2013

    It's Ted Cruz's Fault!

    Texas Senator Ted Cruz is why ObamaCare is having 'glitches' a month after its $600 million rollout -- software any contractor could have designed for one million. The president explained that Apple also had glitches when OS7 was rolled out. He is co...