Amy D. Goldstein

Amy D. Goldstein

  • March 17, 2010

    The Subtext of the Obama-Israel Dispute

    President Obama has consistently stated that the Jewish state should not expand the so-called settlements beyond the Green Line even for natural growth. Today is the second day of the Jewish month of Nissan -- in two weeks, the Jewish people will cel...

  • September 24, 2009

    And the Winner Is ... Moammar

    Each year we have one -- some world leader becomes the stand-out speaker at the United Nations General Assembly for both his antics and his message:  Kruschev with his shoe; Arafat with his gun; Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad.   It never ...

  • September 3, 2008

    The way Palin is being treated

    It's fascinating to me that it's the Democrats, and especially Democrat women are attacking John McCain's choice of Gov. Sarah Palin.  Their criticisms boil down to three tangential categories1.  Criticizing her choice to have a down syndro...

  • January 23, 2008

    Why they Hate Mitt Romney

    Have you noticed how all of the Republican candidates can barely conceal their contempt for Governor Mitt Romney?  It goes way beyond the typical good-natured competition that usually is the hallmark of Republican contests. Senator McCain has sn...

  • January 9, 2008

    Democracy worked again

    Yesterday's big winner was ... American democracy.  Often, we forget the strength and vigor of our democracy.   Let's get some perspective.  Within the past month we have seen a former female leader of a Muslim country assassinate...

  • January 4, 2008

    Lesson from Iowa: It's the Economy, Stupid

    What is the lesson out of Iowa?  It's the economy, stupid.Yes, African-American Barak Hussein Obama -- a first-term Senator from Illinois -- won in a state that is 95 percent white.  As Juan Williams of NPR and Fox News said, there was no b...

  • December 7, 2007

    Romney: Religious Liberty versus Establishment

    Some of the political pundits are panning Governor Mitt Romney's speech "Faith in America" for several reasons. It didn't defend the tenets of Mormonism, it didn't directly answer criticisms of his policy positions, and it didn't have a def...

  • April 9, 2007

    Jimmy Carter: The Democrats' Philosopher

    It was no coincidence that former President Jimmy Carter praised House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) trip to the Middle East last week.  After all, Pelosi and her fellow congressional Democrats are simply implementing Carter's political phi...

  • January 9, 2007

    Mitt Romney: A Leader for America

    There is a good reason that politicos call the run-up to an election "the silly season."  Americans tend to lose their perspective and give in to emotionalism and irrationality when campaigns are in full swing.  Rumor and innuendo...

  • January 5, 2007

    Presidents Ford and Carter: A Stark Juxtaposition

    Two historic trends collided during the funeral in Grand Rapids, MI for former President Gerald R. Ford.  Both had to do with Israel, and both were embodied in the person of former President Jimmy Carter.  Those trends are:  the proces...