Amalric de Droevig

Amalric de Droevig

  • July 22, 2019

    Showdown at the supermarket check-out line corral

    See also: Georgia House Minority Leader picked on wrong victim when fabricating a 'send her back' race incident Last weekend, Erica Thomas, a black Democratic state representative and House minority leader from Georgia, accused a supposedl...

  • December 16, 2018

    What a child's death on the border says about our country

    The mainstream media's treatment of a young girl's death while in the custody of the Border Patrol is a case study in how the mainstream media control the national narrative and manipulate public opinion to advance their leftist agenda. Th...

  • October 6, 2018

    This American mini-revolution is something to celebrate

    When you submit to a power structure, you legitimize and reinforce its power.  When you defy a power structure, you delegitimize and undermine its power.  Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court isn't merely go...

  • October 1, 2018

    The Flaky Flakery of Jeff Flake

    Jeff Flake is the best player on the left's team.  He can always be counted on to aid the enemy when the stakes are high.  Whenever Trump says something "controversial," Flake seems always to be available to the pres...

  • September 5, 2018

    The Times Are Not Really Changing

    Sarah Jeong, tech writer for the New York Times, thinks “white men are bullshit”. Pankaj Mishra, another writer for the New York Times, thinks the “religion of whiteness” (remember, white people don’t really exist accord...

  • September 1, 2018

    What's really behind the MSM's McCain-worship

    The mainstream media don't like John McCain. They don't respect John McCain, either.  The recent torrent of articles gushing about John McCain's honor, patriotism, civility, and amenability have nothing whatsoever to do with the...

  • August 13, 2018

    Censorship: the true bigotry

    Alex Jones is a fool. He has always been a fool. That is no reason whatsoever to censor him. There are a lot of fools around, after all. The people who defend censoring ideas are also fools (that goes for government censorship and corporate censorshi...