Alma Acevedo

Alma Acevedo

  • October 15, 2020

    Abortion Is More than Just a 'Single Issue'

    "Progressive" politicians condescendingly brand pro-lifers as "single-issue voters" and abortion as a "single-issue."  This straw man subtly dismisses pro-lifers as simplistic, fanatical, and naïve, and abortio...

  • October 15, 2020

    Abortion: More than Just a 'Single Issue'

    "Progressive" politicians condescendingly brand pro-lifers as "single-issue voters" and abortion as a "single-issue."  This straw man subtly dismisses pro-lifers as simplistic, fanatical, and naïve, and abortio...

  • May 4, 2014

    Who Are You to Judge?

    “Who am I to judge?”  Nothing like a papal quote to validate and finesse the judgmental pontifications of relativists of all shades -- whether believers or nonbelievers. The latest “who am I to judge” incarnation comes...

  • January 11, 2014

    Opinion Rex

    4th century BC: "All men by nature desire to know" (Aristotle, Metaphysics). 21st century AD: "All individuals, out of sheer will, desire to opine" (A professor, at a university near you). Welcome to the modern Academy, the seat of opinion-based "ed...