Allan Wall

Allan Wall

  • October 4, 2016

    Obama administration moves to create new census category for people with ‘Middle East and North Africa’ origin

    President Obama doesn’t see himself as a “lame duck” president, and you can expect him to be transforming America until the day he leaves office.  Now the administration is trying to change the census so Middle Eastern peo...

  • August 18, 2015

    Donald Trump's Immigration Reform Plan

    Donald Trump has taken our political system by storm, shaking up the Republican political establishment and defying the media.  It’s been great to watch, as both the GOP elite and the Mainstream Media get the comeuppance they so richly des...

  • September 4, 2013

    PEMEX Throttling Mexico's Oil Resources

    Once again, the future of PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos ), the country's petroleum monopoly is being debated in Mexico.  The issue is very important economically, but it's more than an economic question.  The question of how to handle PEMEX is...

  • December 17, 2011

    Fast and Furious, the U.S. and Mexico

    Just what were they thinking in the U.S.  Justice Department?  What were they thinking when they  cooked up a scheme to allow thousands more weapons to be smuggled to Mexican  drug cartels?  And will anybody ever be acco...

  • April 5, 2011

    Will Koran Burning Be Banned In The United States?

    As an American in the United States of America, you are allowed to do many things.             You can burn the flag. You can burn the Bible.  You can produce obscene art and sometimes ...

  • December 5, 2010

    WikiLeaks And The Mexican Drug War

    What do the WikiLeaks reveal about the ongoing drug cartel violence south of the border?According to the diplomatic cables, the Mexican Army is behind the times, it's slow, avoids risks and ignores intelligence offered it by the U.S.Secretary of Stat...

  • July 18, 2009

    Mexico's Midterm Elections

    Down south in Mexico, midterm elections were held on July 5th, resulting in a major upset for the ruling party.  What significance, if any, does that have for us ? I recently visited Mexico, where I previously resided a decade and a half.  ...