Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson

  • January 23, 2014

    Fat, Flunked, and Freaked Out

    Some future historian will look back upon this period and conclude Americans became the most overweight, undereducated bunch of stoners in history. According to the CDC, more than 35% of adults are obese. Obesity-related health problems cost an addi...

  • November 16, 2013

    The Architect Speaks

    Ezekiel Emanuel, ObamaCare architect, Ph.D, bioethicist, Harvard M.D., a brilliant man who displays his intelligence by continuing to defend ObamaCare. He is the president's top healthcare adviser. He is famous for promoting the idea that medical re...

  • November 1, 2013

    Abuser in Chief

    There was a time we respected our presidents, for the most part. They in turn served the public interest, at least to some extent. At one time, kids saw presidents as heroes. Presidents generally sought to be unifying forces promoting traditional Ame...

  • October 27, 2013

    Achieving Desolation

    Dr. D. James Kennedy: "Four thousand die daily and 300,000 pulpits are silent." American society has deteriorated spectacularly in the last 60 years, almost to the point where conscience is dead. Cruel talk drives horrific physical violence: out-of-...

  • October 22, 2013

    ObamaSnare DOA

    Several years ago, commonsense Americans challenged their representatives in Congress, objecting to healthcare reform proposed by the president. Their objections were straightforward, expressed by a substantial majority, a majority that continues to ...

  • October 21, 2013

    Will There Be Blood?

    Push is coming to shove is coming to open warfare. All hell is going to break loose. This is precisely what the Left wants: an excuse to take over. Almost three years ago I attended a meeting hosted by newly-elected Rep. Daniel Webster in Florida. We...

  • October 17, 2013

    Favored Scapegoat

    Many of us hit the streets in 2009 in protest because we could readily see that this president was leading the nation in the wrong direction: massive spending inevitably leading to increased taxation, financial mismanagement tanking the economy,...

  • October 15, 2013

    We are Fighting so Men can Beat their Wives?

    Ours is a military family. Grandpa served in the Navy during WWII. Our son serves in the Marine Corps. Those who volunteer to serve cannot speak out for themselves, so civilians must step up and do their duty in that regard. It is safe to say most m...

  • December 5, 2009

    Copenhagen Prostitutes strike back against ban

    "My choice early in life was either to be a piano-player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference." Harry S. TrumanItem: Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to city hotels warnin...

  • October 22, 2009

    Obama's war on Fox & half the country

    On the one hand, we should celebrate the war between Fox News and the White House.  It is a good thing President Obama & Co. are angry with Fox.  It means Fox is doing its job, you know, holding the Executive Branch accountable, like a ...

  • March 7, 2009

    What you lookin' at old man?

    Eastwood's Gran TorinoHollywood can't decide if it loves or hates Clint Eastwood. The once loved and celebrated Eastwood was snubbed at this year's Academy Awards, for a moving film that was an actual box office hit. His anti-thug, no non-s...