Alison Tempestilli

Alison Tempestilli

  • The deflated Kamala balloon

    August 29, 2024

    The deflated Kamala balloon

    In case you haven’t noticed, the buoyant, joyous Kamala balloon is deflating rapidly. She is as exciting and original as her identically lapelled, pocketed pantsuits. Her rhetoric is empty and disingenuous, not to mention the same-old, same-old...

  • Biden's lost chance at unity

    July 18, 2024

    Biden's lost chance at unity

    The RNC convention has been a spectacle of unity, fellowship, and camaraderie. It has been as refreshing as an icy beverage on a hot day (still in the 90s where I reside). I am especially excited to see previous rivals and Trump train enthusiasts com...

  • An MSM fairytale

    June 29, 2024

    An MSM fairytale

    Spare us the furrowed brows and the laments for Sleepy Joe shown by the MSM after the Trump-Biden debate. Since he shuffled into the White House in 2021 we all knew that there was something off about this guy. From the beginning of this lame adm...

  • Leftist-driven chaos

    June 18, 2024

    Leftist-driven chaos

    Much is being written and spoken about regarding possible forms of leftist driven chaos this summer leading up to the election. Due to their worsening prospects of winning back the executive branch, it may be time for them to shake things up (again)....

  • January 18, 2024

    The DEI double down

    Don’t think for a minute that the Left feels any shame after being called out or criticized for the outcomes of their big DEI push on our culture. In fact, their reaction to any type of pushback to the promotion of race or “underrepresent...

  • January 6, 2024

    Anti-Intellectualism and the Left

    The smug superiority of many on the progressive Left never ceases to amaze me. They regard Republicans, especially of the MAGA variety, as knuckle-dragging cave people with diminished intellectual abilities while they are really the one’s with ...

  • December 9, 2023

    Hope in a time of demoralization

    The promotion and elevation of homelessness, illegal immigration, the drug culture, DEI, and identity politics combined with the deliberate destruction of our cultural values and traditions is all part of the global cabal’s goal to dishearten a...

  • September 30, 2023

    Leftism and Bloom's Taxonomy

    Before teacher training became mired in DEI, future scholars in the field of education discussed theories of learning, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. Benjamin Bloom, an American Education Psychologist, believed that for learners to fully grasp ...

  • May 25, 2022

    For our own good

    When I was a kid, there were many decisions my parents made for me under the guise of "it's for your own good."  I was pressed to eat my vegetables, put my gift money in the bank for college, get home before dark, and dress ni...

  • September 18, 2021

    Everything is broken

    Under this God-awful administration, nothing seems to be going right in the country.  The ineptitude of the left is a plague worse than COVID-19.  The economy, the (nonexistent) border, the pandemic response, our schools, our mili...

  • July 17, 2021

    Leftists can't connect the dots

    When I was a kid, I loved the connect-the-dots puzzles and connecting the sequence of numbers until a completed picture emerged.  Leftists would most certainly have trouble with such activities since they appear to be woefully inept at conn...

  • July 10, 2021

    Who likes this?

    Is there anybody in America who actually likes what is going on in our country?  Even the leftists who are in charge and doubling down on their corruption of our culture and way of life have a terminal case of TDM (turned down mouth). ...

  • June 2, 2021

    Get your narrative on

    The Biden administration is a runaway train headed for sure disaster. Unfortunately, Republicans in office do not do much about it because they are not on the train and only shout after it as it races past. A few brave souls clamber aboard to do what...

  • February 20, 2021

    A record of decline

    President Biden is on a tear to ram through as much executive order policy as he can in the shortest amount of time.  It doesn't matter if the policy is bad for America, just that it's enacted tout de suite via pen and cel...

  • February 19, 2021

    Biden's biggest lie

    The biggest lie (among many) told to us by the MSM was that Biden, if elected, was going to unite the country.  He would, they insisted, soar from his basement chamber with an arsenal of unifying policies and goodwill born from 50 years of ...

  • December 24, 2020

    A parade of Republican losers and traitors advances

    Watching the parade of traitors head for the cliff these last few weeks has really been something.  The procession began with Fox News leading the way, followed by the usual RINOs  (Romney and Sasse).  Bringing up the re...

  • December 5, 2020

    Grinches of America

    Over a week has passed since the Thanksgiving turkey carcass was picked clean, and now we have to listen to the left hammer away about how we should spend Christmas.  They relish lording it over us with proclamations to stay home, eschew ch...

  • December 3, 2020

    The terrible sting of betrayal

    This election-stealing business has such a blatant "in your face" feel to it, like a sticky-handed child covered in chocolate denying that he took the candy.  A theft of this magnitude would not be possible without a humongous amo...

  • November 17, 2020

    Where is the support for Biden?

    If grand-scale election fraud enables a Biden presidency, the new Cheater in Chief will have less support than he thinks.  Sure, the left-wing politicians; the media; Hollywood; and a cadre of triggered, uninformed citizens are (somewhat) o...

  • October 14, 2020

    Biden's Titanic ending

    The declinin' Biden saga is almost difficult to watch. Almost, I say, because his aimless, buffoonish presence during the Obama years should have been enough to disqualify him from running for the country's highest office to begi...

  • October 2, 2020

    The ultimate swindle

    It is easy to understand why people would vote for Joe Biden when one considers the millions of Americans who fall victim to consumer fraud each year.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, 3.2 million reports of fraud were filed ...

  • September 26, 2020

    Biden's decline and the debates

    The first debate will be a reckoning for both Joe Biden and the media.  Despite the MSM's "nothing to see here" reporting of the lifeless Biden campaign, the entire country is finally noticing that there is, in fact, something...

  • September 22, 2020

    A time to fight

    Amid this contentious Supreme Court battle, it is time for everyone who supports conservative principles to get tough with the opposition.  Our side, unfortunately, has always played hardball with armament more akin to a deflated beach ball...

  • September 19, 2020

    Goodbye to journalism

    Perhaps nothing has hurt the (already tattered) reputation of the mainstream media more than the aiding and abetting of the Biden campaign.  The continued spectacle of media anchors gently tossing softball questions to Biden without follow-...

  • February 25, 2020

    It ain't the weather

    The progressive takeover of New York, with Democrats leading both chambers for the first time in nearly a decade, is responsible for a barrage of ill conceived regulation and legislation.  Nothing is safe from this assemblage of fatuou...

  • February 23, 2020

    Our house divided

    Abraham Lincoln, upon accepting his party's nomination for U.S. Senate, began his famed 1858 address with this line: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  He was talking about slave and free states.  His pr...

  • February 12, 2020

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

    The propensity of the left to throw out the good with what it believes is bad could not be more pervasive.  Whether it is dismantling law enforcement or ridding the planet of fossil fuels, the left's ideology and blind rage, fomented by...

  • February 8, 2020

    Trump's full design is coming to fruition

    President Trump has a personal schema that regularly plays out — stand tough against your enemies; exhibit restraint when it's beneficial to do so; and then, when exonerated, claim victory loud and proud.  This framework just repe...

  • January 24, 2020

    The positive side of impeachment

    Countless pundits of late have analyzed the boring nature of the impeachment proceedings.  The agony of the spectacle is clear to anyone watching or searching the visages of all forced to sit and listen in the Senate chamber.  Per...

  • January 17, 2020

    Fake vs. real history

    Fake history is a lot like fake news — left-leaning propaganda devoid of truth and substance.  Wednesday's impeachment display was truly one for the fake history books.  Defying the narrative of a somber undertaking, che...

  • January 12, 2020

    Democrats are the squeakiest wheels that ever squeaked

    I had a high school friend who knew how to get what she wanted.  When things did not go according to plan, she would whine and complain relentlessly until the object of her petulance surrendered.  Her favorite saying was "The...

  • January 10, 2020

    Who we are

    The latest reactions by the left to the warranted assassination of Qassem Soleimani widens the already deep divide our country faces between the two main political parties.  Clearly, there are two sides of America diametrically opposed to o...

  • December 14, 2019

    A recipe for disaster

    Those following a low-carb diet have undoubtedly harkened to the wonders of almond flour as an acceptable alternative to wheat flour.  I recently deigned to substitute this marvel of compressed nuts in my fluffy pancake recipe.  M...

  • November 16, 2019

    A glimpse of freedom

    Sometimes, a brief moment in time, however trivial, can remain perpetually with you.  One such moment beamed its way into my consciousness around 1979.  I was working as a camp counselor and having the time of my life.  ...

  • November 15, 2019

    Taking off the woke glasses

    Sadly, common sense is not at all common in this day and age.  Even the "commonest" of sense is lacking.  Take bad behavior.  When I was a kid, anything "fresh" toward my parents was hastily squelched...