Alison Nichols

Alison Nichols

  • July 18, 2022

    Wake up, America! Climate change hysteria will change our country

    Who are the domestic terrorists living in America? Are they the moms and dads sparring with the teachers' unions over Critical Race Theory and vaccine mandates?  Are they the countless patriotic citizens slowly rising from ...

  • April 30, 2021

    No, Joe -- You are Not a Nice Guy

    No, Joe, you are not a nice guy. Despite your need to keep telling us, we know the ugly truth. You are a pretty nasty guy. You are pugilistic, a plagiarist, a documented racist, a race hustler, creepy with woman and children, the "Big Guy" ...

  • April 6, 2021

    The mask's insidious symbolism

    Why are those of us who have had our COVID vaccines still wearing masks?  We are protected from the virus and cannot carry the virus despite being admonished otherwise.  Is it because Maoism is still shaping our world?  ...

  • December 23, 2020

    The blinds are wide open

    The silver lining to this COVID virus is that we are experiencing lockdowns similar to police-state rule.  We have lost our freedom to assemble (except to burn and pillage) and our freedom to worship.  We have experienced empty gr...

  • August 1, 2020

    The dangerous case of Dr. Bandy Lee

    So who is Dr. Bandy Lee who suffers from an extreme case of “Orange Man” derangement syndrome? And more importantly, why should anyone listen to her ramblings?  Typical of so many suffering from Veruca Salt rage (American Thinker, Se...

  • March 31, 2020

    The no longer elite media

    Just who designated the left-wing media as the "media elite"?  Elite means the group or part of a group selected or regarded as the finest, best, most distinguished, etc.  How do we know?  Webster's New Wor...

  • February 28, 2020

    Swamp journalists must abandon their appetite for umbrage

    After almost four years of hyper-hysteria over all things Trump from the left-wing media, President Trump's approval rating has gone to an all-time high.  The American people are not stupid. Since Trump's election, the left-wing ...

  • August 29, 2019

    Unpacking the Clown Car

    The smear merchants from the left side of the political aisle in America have presented us with an ugly picture of themselves as bigoted hatemongers.  It is apparent that the mudslingers from the self-righteous left are intent on framing those f...

  • April 16, 2019

    The progressive road map

    As usual, hard-left progressives are using the road map of their patron saint, the late Saul Alinsky.  It is he who gave progressives instructions for burning down the American system and replacing it with a socialist gulag. The fir...

  • January 27, 2019

    Trump vs. fake news media

    When President Trump accused the “fake news media” of being an enemy of the people, there was a collective gasp heard around the world. Time has once again proven the President correct.  Tong warfare and -ism accusations from the lef...

  • September 12, 2018

    Spot the real 'deplorables'

    Just who are the Deplorables, anyway?  Are they the sixty million-plus who cast their reasoned vote for Donald J. Trump?  Or are the Deplorables the Obama administration creeps and Bill Kristol NeverTrump types who not only orches...

  • May 9, 2018

    Women need to take a tip from Kanye

    Kanye West: "All blacks gotta be Democrats?  Man, we ain't made it off the plantation."  To those words I will add, "All women have to be liberal to be supported by establishment feminists?"  Wome...

  • February 2, 2018

    Democrats' delusions of normalcy

    According to the unhinged left-wing media and their sycophants from the left, if American Citizens voted for or support President Trump, they are white supremacists by default.  This is nothing more than a Saul Alinsky-inspired tactic to smear i...